>is a god
>can be killed by a mortal
why is this allowed?
Is a god
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Because gods always have flaws, and mortals are quite good at exploiting flaws.
Power fantasy
Demigods have flaws. Pure god have power beyond comprehension and can kill lesser entities with a look.
says who?
Gods are manifestations of humans will and are inherently flawed
>starts game
>intro screen has a nietzsche quote
>implying they're actually gods
They're probably just some abnormally strong arrogant beings that claim to be gods
>Pure god have power beyond comprehension and can kill lesser entities with a look.
If we're talking about any deity system other than monotheism, then that's not the case, considering the One True God is the only being with all the power.
Any polytheistic system is filled to the brim with gods who routinely get served by humans, because humans know that gods are mostly just pussies.
Because it happens all the time in mythology.
Historically, not all concepts of gods have them as invulnerable, omnipotent, and all knowing beings. Just super fucking powerful.
Why did Greeks or whoever always make their statues with creepy hollow pupils?
Because there's only one god and all the others are pretenders.
Mortals created gods. They can yet destroy them.
>not liking Baldur's Gate
What are you, some kind of homo?
If it has stats, you can kill it.
>getting upset the japenese don't view god the same way the west does
Because gods are only almighty in monotheist religions.
They were painted
>implying the god didnt get his power drained first
Mortals buffed by Gods.
What was painted? There's just a hole there.
If God is all good then he can't be all powerful.
why not
That doesn't make sense.
The back of the hole was painted
It creates a layered look
I think the logic is if he is all powerful why isn't he stopping all the evil in the world if he's such a good guy
what is evil
is it good to infringe upon the rights humanity has to act without interference
Because the true god is the old testament one where he was basically a teenager playing Sims with humanity.
The new testament was just a PR campaign to get people to pay attention and show up.
Because the guy who killed him is stronger you retard.
I bet you're a fatass who can't lose weight and blames your genetics.
I personally like the idea of gods that are super fucking powerful, but to interact with the world directly they have to put themselves in a mortal shell which leaves them vulnerable to death despite their massive power. The hook is that they never actually permanently die, but losing a mortal shell cuts them off from the mortal realm for a time.
>God talks shit
>Gets hit
>Cries about it because "Wahhh fucking mortals."
That's right, faggot. Watch your tongue next time.
gods existence is far shorter than human's history though.
Because humanitiy collective ego is too big to not invent godlike beings, just to have them be beaten by a human?
Go back to your cell, faggot.
>meet god
>it's not a cute loli
So at its core, it's the argument as "It's not a dragon it's a wyvern!"
A dragon is whatever the writer says it is.
A god is whatever the writer says it is.
my dick is a god nigga
God is Chinese
Because when modern people think of gods, they think of deities comparable to the monotheistic ones. When in a lot of other mythologies, gods are killed by all sorts of shit.
>you will never be Zeus, fucking mortal women left and right as animals to hide from your bitch ass wife
>Game's title is a Nieztsche book
God must be pretty small
Oh man, the fedora fags really think they're breaking new ground with this shit.
>its been 2,016 years
>still no God 2
reeee whats the hold up
Thas porn ain't it
The jews, they're keeping God 1 on life support.
Notion of YHWH being allmighty is nowhere to be find in any canonical books. It's all later fanfics by cabalists and Plato-inspired church fathers based on what is quite obviously few hyperboles in the scripture. God of old testament was clearly not omnipotent, just really powerfull.
>implying they weren't ayy lmaos
Sure, 4,000 years ago someone walks up to you and shows you a gaming PC, no shit we're gonna start calling him God
le pascals wager
I'm gonna call him a fag. Rockstation 4 can play better looking games for cheaper.
Because they were really never gods
The japanese word for spirit and god are the same
That's the dilemma of evil, you fucking imbecile.
Japanese word for Biracial and Tranny are the same
It's the other way around Epicurus
>ignoring mormonism, scientology, and all the other crazy spinoffs
Jacob even explicitly overpowered him
Gods were like us in the old days because that made it understandable. We didn't have the "god works in mysterious ways" bullshit, if Zeus fucked shit up, we knew he was just pissed.
you need to read up on some classics m8
that said, the greek definition of 'god' was basically 'immortal'. human beings were specifically singled out from gods because they were not immortal. however you can take away the physical form of a god without killing them
So is english's
We just call em degenerates
>that said, the greek definition of 'god' was basically 'immortal'.
Not entirely. Hercules was immortal, but he wasn't considered a god, just a demigod.
>muh Judeochristian god!
as if any other god matters? lol?
At the end of his life, he was accepted into Mount Olympus as a true god. But before then, he was just a Demigod. A super strong human with mortality.
Gods are fucking retarded. read some books idiot.
no, the bible very clearly stated what is and isn't a god, and that's canon
>with mortality.
No he was outright unkillable in some versions, it's specifically why Hera never just killed him.
It's why the hydra venom tunic was such agony, because the pain was infinite and he couldn't just die instantly like a mortal could. But yes, Zeus makes him a full god in the end to save his son from the suffering.
She never tried to kill him outright because he was still her son, even if it was from another mother. That's why she does the two snakes thing as a baby and the mentality mad shit when he gets a family. Because she couldn't touch him. But fucking with his life outside of actually touching him? Yeah, fair game.
No, she actually couldn't. On the night Heracles was born, Zeus took the baby and had him nurse on Hera's tits while she was sleeping. Her breast milk made him immortal.
She didn't realize he was immortal until after the snake thing.
Damn Zeus was a goddamn asshole
There's nothing wrong with that
How do you kill a vampire?
With a fruit knife?
Zeus did 90% of what he did because he knew no one could stop him.
90% of Greek mythology begins with Zeus being an asshole to either humans or other Gods.
In theory Athena is stronger. The oracle said that the child her mother would give birth to would be more powerful that its father.
You do realize that games that have you kill Gods generally use different Gods than Abrahamic ones, right?
In western games, gods you kill are generally built around polytheistic gods like pagan gods and such, who tend to represent a specific element or phenomenon. There's multiple gods of lightning throughout European religions, and they're always flawless because they're just that; Gods of lightning. There's gods of seas and so on too. They're not not all-powerful like Abrahamic gods.
JRPG gods tend to be based around Japanese gods in the sense that their mystical and powerful but they're not all-powerful, all-knowing or omnipresent, and tend to just be focused aroudn a specific gimmick. There's a ton of these "gods" in Japanese mythology that are just based on ridiculous or stupid things.
they're always flawed* not flawless.
>JRPG gods tend to be based around Japanese gods in the sense that their mystical and powerful but they're not all-powerful, all-knowing or omnipresent, and tend to just be focused aroudn a specific gimmick. There's a ton of these "gods" in Japanese mythology that are just based on ridiculous or stupid things.
That's not that different from Catholicism having dead saints relegated to things.
Choice requires freedom.
Choice also requires consequences.
No being will just "believe" you if they are determined to do something. Thus, they must be allowed to scientifically test it once without interference.
When the test is concluded, all will be revealed.
SMT always uses the Abrahamic God as the top guy
He's not all powerful however
But Athena doesn't has a mother. She came to life from Zeus head.
because japanese gods are mostly strong and skilled mortals or elements of nature, if you compared them with the idea of christian god (omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient) they are a joke
Nowhere in the jewish texts does it say god is all-powerful, that's later shit. He's just considered top dog of the gods in the area.
>She came to life from Zeus head.
That's because Zeus ate her mother to try and avoid the prophecy.
if he's all powerful, he doesn't need to perform any experiments because he can conjure a 100% accurate answer from thin air
Unless it's SMT. Even then it's normally Demons/Angels that can kill Him.
the idea of gods being literally perfect and uncomprehendably powerful in every way spread from the middle east
before middle-eastern religions spread, ancient religions just used various gods as a means to explain things
pre-middle eastern religions
>one god controls this thing
>another god controls this thing
>another god controls this thing
>another god controls this thing
keep in mind that the stories of a lot of these gods, especially in europe portrayed them as emotional beings who sometimes failed at various things
middle-eastern religions
>one god controls every single thing
>that one god is also all knowing and perfect in every single imaginable way
Read my post again. The experiment isn't for us, it's for convincing the beings he's created.
It's perfectly fair, he tries to not get you to do things but if you keep pushing it he allows it.
Ugh, the experiment isn't for him.**
Why is God such a bitch ass nigga?
Greeks had the GOAT religion.
God don't want anything.
You can only desire if you miss something but God is perfection. Therefore God have no desire to end evil because he's incapable of wanting so.
We project ourselves in the idea of God, but really, if such a thing would ever exist, it would be nothing like we imagine. Perfection is beyond our grasp.
>Therefore God have no desire
Says a mortal projecting himself in the idea of god.
Hercules was not immortal until he was lifted back up to heaven.
That's not what projection means.
But tell me, how can something desire one thing, if he's perfect?
If God is all powerful can he create a rock that he can't lift?
What now fags?
you cant put inherent earthy things on something with such power. if god say something is good its not good because the actions of it make something for us positive, they are good because the power of creation say thats how it is. you dont think the nature favors a species over other because its an asshole, its because that how it works and help in the balance of everything.
The word "god" existed in english language before the bible was translated into english. Instead of using the exact word that God Himself used to refer to Himself when talking directly to Moses, they took an English word that SORT OF meant the same thing English bible is literally "rubbadubdub thanks for the grub" fansub tier.