Jesus Christ, that nigga Sephiroth doesn't fuck around
Jesus Christ, that nigga Sephiroth doesn't fuck around
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Just learn Beta from the Zolom and you can fuck it's shit up too.
Killing a Zolom on disc 1 always felt like an achievement since you had to strategize so you could learn Beta and still survive the fight.
>disc 1
I hope you meant as soon as you meet it
because by the end of the disc1 you can trivialize that fight
It's mainly just a matter of the right setup. That said, getting the Elemental materia from the Mayor in Shinra Tower is essential to learning Beta.
It's pretty much impossible to lose against Zolom because it knocks one character out of the fight ensuring you don't get Game Over'd when he wipes out the other two party members, so fighting it and getting Beta early is for cheating scrubs.
You don't need any setup other than having Enemy Skill on someone. You learn it even if you die to it.
>Not just getting Aqualung instead
Sure are a lot of walls between there and Gold Saucer
>snake accidentally trips and impales itself on a stick
>it must be sephiroth's doing!
That AVALANCHE. Seriously some crazy group of people.
considering how easy the game is, I don't think getting it change anything
only way to have any sort of challenge is by limiting yourself (low level, no materias, etc..)
I made a bigger one
Like every post-V FF release.
And 90% of jrpgs in general.
It knocks a person out of the fight, but if the others die, you don't get a game over, but it places you back on the other side of the swamp. You'll still have to cross the swamp with a chocobo or by abusing the save glitch or just lucking out an not running into the Zolom.
Bullshit. The person with the Enemy Skill materia has to be hit with the attack and survive, otherwise they don't learn it. You can't survive Beta that early in the game without ElementalFire on your armor.
True. The game is easy enough that learning Beta at that point is moot, but it's still a fun challenge to try and learn it earlier than you should.
>Character with Enemy Skill gets knocked out of the fight
You should have two by that point, but it would make sense to stack them both on the same character.
Why did they do this? I bet Barrett came up with this shit, that fat nigger.
Yeah probably
>It's dangerous out there, let's split!
Nigger logic
It wasn't even the real Sephiroth who did it too, just Jenova masquerading as him.
he was obviously insane anyway
>just wants revenge
>use what that old dude told him in cosmo canyon about planet dying with no proof to justify it
>let's blow up reactors
>confirmed that nearby civilians got caught in it on top of massive power outage
might as well be an Islamic nigger
>Aeris and Tifa with me
>you go with the dog
He meant suspicious instead of dangerous. Stupid translators.
>that face
Nah, man. Fuck the bitches. I always roll with the nigger and Spot. The bitches are useless.
thankfully fans took it upon themselves to do a proper translation
The Reunion retranslation came out pretty good, at least. The only thing iffy was turning zack back into zax even after the japs gave in to zack.
Well you can get an elemental materia from the mayor of Midgar if you get the word right on the first try. Just rank it up once for null or twice for absorb, though that'd prolly take awhile.
Did they do one for FF8 yet? if I have to read about "soreceressesess" one more time I'm going to puke.
>Just rank it up once for null or twice for absorb
You don't even need to do that. The initial half damage is enough, provided you are at full health when you get hit with Beta.
>Just rank it up once
Bro. That shit required like 1500 AP. Are you saying you needed to grind in fucking final fantasy?
No, I usually just come back after I have the tiny bronco and get Beta. I'm talkin if you wanna get it early that ranking it up would certainly help.
what kind of resolution is that what the fuck kek
Pretty much every area in FF7 was a vertical scroller. They fixed that shit for FF8 but came crawling back in FF9.
>Farm for 3 master materias
>Somehow miscount and only master the summons twice
>Lose them all when making the second master summon
>Can't make a third
Time to start a new game
God I wish we could have games that looked this good again.
What do you mean?
Man, i hope the remake's battle system isn't complicated bullshit from the original. Just let me swing shit and kill stuff like in Kingdom Hearts.
i hate that fucking part of the game.
dat music tho
that's pretty stupid for an autist mate.
>tfw farm for those but don't use them at all because hate seeing so many fucking things I don't use listed in combat
Really no backup saves?
Pre-rendered backgrounds I'm guessing? The backgrounds looked fantastic and the models stood out against it.
Except that kind of battle system would take effort user. It'll prolly end up like FFXIII or something.
It was easy just equip Barret accordingly and take the leftmost exit, up around through the gate and continue right for a few screens and you're done.
>chocobo carriage
You have to actually kill Zolom to get Beta tho. Cant run either
nah mate I mean the entire section with running in the gold saucer and then the forced race and that area and dyne shit blah blah blah it was just boring, not difficult.
You would still have the level one offspring of the Summon materia. I call bullshit. Plus where are all the offspring of your Magic and Command materia? Also,
>he only has 3 Enemy Skills
>see random monster impaled
>muh Sephiroth boogeyman
Anyone could have done that. It just shows how scared they were of him to automatically think he did it in this random remote spot with literally no evidence.
But it wasn't Sephiroth.
>post V
IV is a fucking walk in the park.
Only FFs that are remotely hard are III and the DS version of IV. FF is the Zelda of JRPGs, it's only hard when you're young and first starting.
That's not even the best song in the game.
>IV is a fucking walk in the park.
VI. It's five and then one. It's not so hard to learn.
how the fuck do japs make such refined shit. I swear, everything they make just has this special quality to it that seems like they refined it down so much. I want to have that quality.
It's tea time motherfucker.
Quiet, you.
this. this is the best song in the game aside from one winged angel.
I think if your material list is full you won't get copies from maxing them.
Not slamming Uematsu or anything but isn't that just the main theme recycled? FF7 had such a mediocre OST compared to 6 and 8
This scene doesn't make any sense. Why is it on a pike? How did they know who did it?
I always equate that song with inevitable catastrophe. Even the upbeat part feels like walking towards the firing squad.
you do, it deletes your oldest materia or something I forget
so it can be dangerous
>One Winged Angel
>not Birth of a God
Besides, Still More Fighting/Those Who Fight Further has and always will be the best song in FF7.
well fucking memed. I mean it.
The goal was to get 3 masters, then throw away the copies to have the minimal amount of materias
I don't exactly remember how or why, but I fucked up and couldn't get the third master. I was in the middle of deleting them, that's why I don't have any summon offsprings (realized my fuckup while deleting magics)
I deleted the last enemy skill obviously, having all achievements I obviously have the one from the chocobo sage
lol politics is fun with memes am I right bros
Actually is right. You learn Beta even if it kills you, and that goes for any enemy skill. The problem with Beta is that it'll normally kill your entire party when you first encounter it unless you've done some grinding.
Oh well that's even worse. Glad that shit never happened to me.
America needs to adopt dictatorship because clearly they can't handle politics like rational people.
You mean J-E-N-O-V-A
Is this the one where they replaced Cait Sith with a human because they claimed it was more consistent?
It's an election year. We're going to be barraged by this shit for a while.
Jenova Absolute > J-E-N-O-V-A
Man, you gotta hang with your homie and your faithful mutt, otherwise, it's that much harder to get Yuffie as your date at the Saucer.
But you only have two of the other Masters as well with not enough of the regulars to make another. Unless you haven't already gotten the Earth Harp from Emerald Weapon, you'd have a hard time getting the third Master for any of those.
When is trump gonna use the black materia to destroy all the niggers and sand niggers already
Then we need to stop accusing others of being Reddit and just embrace their meme-addicted, upboat-hunting ways.
Too bad the main guy behind it is kind of a cunt, but at least he's fixing bugs present in only PC version and doesn't have too much to do with the translation and editing itself.
There is no such thing as an FF7 best song
Seriously I could name 75% of them being amazing
FF8 has better quality and better best themes, but overall FF7 ost is just the best
For some reason one of my favorite themes is Mako Reactor
On top of that, you also have the option for the original names, so you're not stuck with the "Accurate" names. At least in the PC version.
The PS1 version only has default shit but some guy on RHDN is working on making another version of the patch with the original names.
I can't imagine what it's like being a europoor. How does one stay so angry all the time at a country they don't even live in?
>english game with honorifics
Japs are on a whole different level
Like I said that is bullshit. To learn an E.Skill you need to both survive the attack and finish the battle. That means that you can't die from the attack and be revived. It also means that you can't learn the E.Skill and run or be booted from the battle.
I know right, niggers are stupid not like us
Strangely, my favourite FF song is from the clearly worst game.
I just LOVE this song. Plus I know there's no nostalgy behind it because I HATED playing this game.
This looks like playdough
The only reason the USA scores high is because all the sad people immediately shoot themselves.
Laguna was half the reason I kept playing 8. I never liked Squall that much, but I always liked the adventures of those three dipshits.
No, that was suppose to be the Reunion patch. The main guy behind it is a stupid fucker. Thankfully, he either realized how fucking stupid it was or somebody else on the project told him to fuck off with it. Now it just fixes old bugs in the PC version and the guy behind it has very little to do with the translation and editing.
It's actually a good retranslation if you can get past the stuff the fag thought of doing in the past.
But that's not a FF10 song
Is that the real reason americans are allowed to have guns? I'm jealous
I can play it on the ukulele.
>mfw a guy on the beach came up to me saying "is dat sum muthfukkin rebel army"
My coloured compatriot. No disrespect to Uematsu but Hamauzu is best.
well, he had nothing more to learn from orochimaru and had no intention of giving up his body
I've always liked how both the composer of Ico and the composer of Shadow of the Colossus both did Godzilla OSTs at some point.
Sephiroth is ironically my favorite final fantasy character and after all this series has been through if the remake fucks him up I may actually kill myself.
A terrible shame this wasn't heard but a couple times.
Cait Sith a shit.
At least it's not Zidane's theme.
>2 minutes of what's essentially a main theme
>Plays once during a 6 second cutscene
Or Legendary Beast.
>4 minute masterpiece
>heard for 20 seconds if you're OP