Hows the witcher 2 on the hardest difficultty? Does it force me to git gud or is it just a "enemies have one million health"
Hows the witcher 2 on the hardest difficultty...
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I found it wasn't too bad with damage sponges
Enemies deal more damage afaik, but they dont become bullet sponges. You'll just be rolling a lot more than usual (as if you didn't need to roll enough in the first place) and maybe prepare for some difficult early battles... Late game it's all the same, pretty damn easy.
It forces you to get good and I found it immensely rewarding and fun. Only one battle was such bullshit I had to reduce the difficulty. Don't want to spoil it but it takes away your roll which is essential and forces you to take on a group of tough enemies. I was pissed.
It makes potions and oils more useful.
Which makes the game a thousand times more enjoyable, the other difficulties you can just run and and swing for the fences.
Potions are garbage in Witcher 2 and annoying as fuck to use.
If you thought Dark Souls rolling was bad, this game will be spend 90% rolling over the floor on the hardest difficulty
Never tried it, but pretty sure it will just end up being a rollfest. Worst combat in the series. TW3's dodge saved the combat.
is that the difficulty where u get the special items?
it's very frustrating and i wouldnt ever recommend playing on a difficulty above normal at most
witcher games do not have good enough gameplay as to make a bigger challenge enjoyable
that being said the difficulty level is always very fair and to be honest it can actually be a lot easier since you deal far more damage as well
it feels kinda bullshit until you get the hang of it, then you realize it's tedious bullshit.
We're talking about dark here right?
Why didn't this game let you parry while moving? So stupid
It's the same thing only enemies just do more damage, and not getting hit is the easiest thing in the world anyway.
as someone who can only afford one game at the moment,uncharted 4 or the witcher 3?
do you want to watch a movie or play a game?
If you haven't played witcher 1 or 2 go with UC4.
>actually considering buying unshitted 4
Is it by any chance an ambush underground in a small room? I cheesed that one by staying between a table and a wall so only one enemy could attack me
My 1st playthrough i skipped most of the Alchemy tree, what a fool I was. Maxing it out on the 2nd run I was god among men.
Uncharted 4 is near perfect. Don't listen to the faggot above.
makes the game boring and tedious. honestly a game like witcher should be played for the story, lore and immcersive world
>nevermind that guy badmouthing this shitty game
>listen to my completely unbiased opinion instead
way to go retard
Is it really worth maxing out? I thought I'd go only until the skill that reduces negative effects from potions, everything after that doesn't look so good
any tips for the hardest difficulty? What should i put points into?
i LOVED skyrim,and i always wanted to play the witcher,and i only played uncharted 2 but i guess is the same shit,great game but i will go for TW3,can someone who has actually played it tell me if it is any good?
There are some essential skills like the rolling distance upgrade, but aside from that everything works
who else talked it out with Letho in order to avoid the last boss fight?
I'm enjoying 2 but the combat is triggering me a bit
I don't want to skip to 3 but does it get better?
you can already play uncharted 4 for free online user
Witcher 3 adds the sidestep, which makes it 10 times more tolerable
It gets a little more easy.
I didn't fight him in my first run because I had no reason to. I'm curious about the boss fight so I'll probably fight him in my iorveth playthrough I just started
combat is even more repetitive in 3, in my opinion
if you enjoy the story, you'll still enjoy 3
Eternal Battle on Dark mode is bullshit.
if you havent played the previous witcher games dont bother, half the flavor lies in the referencing of older games and whatnot
to sum it up
>garbage bamham combat that is just above playable
>good grafix
>fantastic soundtrack
>completely shit story with boring twists
>that father-daughter dynamic was not explored at all and is a completely wasted idea
>terrible boss fights except for the really big hunts
>lots of romance options
>a dlc with shani (10/10 dlc)
>replay value
all in all you will get your moneys worth but i suggest waiting for june so the last xpac is out, play the first 2 games meanwhile
Let me give you an idea, what if I told you could go super saiyan every time you anally pounded some lethal potions
The combat is decent enough. There are some really great quests in it and I'd say that the side quests over all are really high quality compared to a lot of rpgs, although that's in more of a story sense. I can't really say for sure how much you'll enjoy it going in fresh as someone who played the 2 previous games, and read some of the books.
>It forces you to get good and I found it immensely rewarding and fun
my second playthrough on dark was easier than my first on medium
buy witcher 3. rent uncharted
>bamham combat
I hate this meme, but maybe the controller binds are so shit that its actually the same
on kb+m its a different universe. I don't even have enemy lock ons at all
>that visual effect when using the cursed weapons
fuck me
>its a meme because i dont like it
It's simply a good comparison, the game was designed for controllers so why wouldnt you use one?
>bamham combat is just lock-on button mashing
I was more referring to the incredibly shallow combat in and of itself
>heavy attack
>fast attack
>spinny move
>charge attack
>ranged attack
fucking wow dude
there is literally 0 reason to use heavy attacks ever so thats out of the window
magics or signs whatever are fucking useless if you dont spec into that apart from the shield one and ranged is absolutely terrible unless incredibly situational
garbage combat
>there is literally 0 reason to use heavy attacks ever
>magics or signs whatever are fucking useless
it's like you're seriously retarded or something
>ranged is absolutely terrible unless incredibly situational
>a situational tool sucks when it's not being used for its purpose!
come on dude. i don't even think its great but its leagues ahead of bamham or ass creed. Bamham barely gives you agency in fights. Witcher gives you dodges and rolls, blocking and parrying, 5 signs for different monsters and all effective against humanoids. You have options not just in speccing but in combat itself. There are no slowdowns or highlights for counters. The game cannot be played entirely by one tapping doge-dounters like in ass creed or bamham. It's simply a completely different design philosophy
>bamham combat
Is every combat system with a counter/block button an Arkham clone? It's not even effective against most enemies and is one out of three moves (not counting Quen) you can use to avoid damage.
I never implied it was worse than batman combat, in fact I prefer it by a long shot
I'm just saying that I still think it's completely unsatisfying and I also feel the whole ballerina-witcher sword fighting just doesnt translate really well into games
The attacks feel completely weightless for the most part since they are supposed to be super fucking fast lorewise, only when you instakill a human it feels great and actually somewhat "realistic" ingame wise
Like there is literally no reason I could slash a fucking giant ass bird gryphon thing a hundred times and it just barely scratches his arm, leaving no real wound whatsoever even though you constantly see blood flying everywhere
I can not imagine actual wounding and such things as real time limb cutting being a thing during combat unless it's like Metal Gear Rising with the fox sword, which would be far too easy so there's a huge issue here in my opinion
I kinda went off track here but I think the combat is super unsatisfying and downright dissapointing when you for example do the spinny move and see the 1000s of damage flashing in numbers before you but the knight in front of you barely gets staggered before he just lifelessly slumps to the ground or gets grotesquely dismembered by one of these oh so great instant kill animations
Just want to say a fully upgraded heavy attack is pretty good, no idea why people call it useless.