You have literally no reason to play a female character in a video game
Female players BTFO
Well not in that game maybe.
Oh hey a thread I can conveniently retrofit into being a Lost Planet thread, thanks OP
I like pretending to be a grill.
I like to play as the cute girl
This to be honest pham.
I pick which gender to play as based on which has the better animations. I can't stand stuff like the weak walking animation for female characters in the Souls series.
I wish I was cute girl
Hence why I dislike slut wear in video games
If I was a cute girl I wouldn't be a degenerate
(only a lesbian)
I have no reason to play as a male character either, by that logic.
make all character robots
problem solved
>most of the time more armor variety
>better design, see monster hunter
>cute voices
I thought about it what I want most from a game is cool looking armor/equipment and a LOT of it
It's literally the reason I never touched Black Desert again after playing the beta even though it had top notch grafix, fun vindictus-esque combat and PvP, you had 1 armor set the entire game visually
male or female robots?
You're a man.
The default should be playing a man.
Agreed. I want to play someone who I can imagine holding me in his strong arms and rubbing his stubble all over my face.
If you're so busy looking at the monster and not your ass then why? By your own logic you shouldn't be concerned with playing as a man.
OP likes man ass
I like to play as a cute girl.
I like to create backstories for my characters. If I feel like female fits betyer, then I choose female. If not, male.
These threads are dumb and no one should have to vehemently defend their character's gender. Leave people alone. Christ.
Human man or robot man?
Why what?
I hate self insert characters so much, what's the problem with games nowadays offering a bit of character development?
>literal tunnel vision
How do you manage to speak and breathe at the same time?
Sorry OP I'm not a fag, I want to have a female character under my control when I play H-games.
what about downtimes OP?
do you have a couple blind spots? one on your player character and the other on that cock you're fluffing?
Only 1 MH has good female design you lying faggot.
>not wanting to be dainty knight
Why do you have to self insert as your character?
>Make hot girl character
>Give her any physique and stature that I want
>Dress her up in anything I find sexy
>Fap to the thought of banging her
What's wrong with that?
Lost planet 2 femme fatale character models looked fuckin great.
Playing as a male for any "class" other than warrior is for fucking faggots
did lp1 even have female characters
i thought they were all new from that fem fatales group in lp2
Girls are cute.
That's what passive mediums are for. The entire point of vidya is being interactive and putting you in a drama instead of watching a character.
>You have literally no reason to play a female character in a video game
Maybe I just want to pretend to be female?
Like, fuck off m8, shit thread.
What if I want to make a character that looks like my girlfriend?
>Souls player character chicks
They've got shoulders like a quarterback.
There are only two reasons to play as a female:
>Splatoon, girl design is much better than the boy design
>The Sims, so you can make a hot lesbian couple to fap to
This isn't up for debate.
Yeah, girlfriend.
ITT: autogynephilia
Then you get off my board normal fag.
You don't play as anyone in Sims, it's a God game.
MH female designs are shit. They're just different coloured skirts and shit.
>God game
How can that be true when I exist?
Good thing we have player choice and don't have to stick with default. XD
Why does it matter what gender I play as? I just make my character look like what I think is best looking. I play girl and guy equally so long as both are aesthetically pleasing.
>playing as the weaker sex for any class
>You're a man.
>The default should be playing a man.
Then your default must be playing as a fag in RPGs then.
>not wanting to get fireman carried across broad shoulders by a dainty femknight
>he doesnt like the female kirin, rathian, barioth, ceadeus or jho sets
>he actually enjoys looking like a medieval outer space power ranger
I mean cmon
Extra intelligence
fuck yeah they do
People who say this stupid shit are just joking. It's just one of those really tired overused kind of jokes. Like the I fucked your mom jokes.
>Sup Forums hates Tumblr and SJWs
>Are just as bad but in denial about it
How does it feel to be even more mentally ill than a website where literally 50% of the users are unstable and the rest with they were?
Uh yeah. Are you fucking high? Who would play with barbies when they could play with power rangers. We used to bully the one kid that played with barbies, don't make me fucking bully you.
Why would I want to play as a man if I am one IRL?
Because you're fapping to video games you pathetic turbovirgin
>only a lesbian
That's why I love being a man. Everyone loves a dick, but not everyone loves a pussy.
You would be a cock whore, don't deny it.
ill bully ur dick you fucking sexist pig
It's fun to make the most attractive female character I can and play as my own customizable waifu, but then I finish fapping and I want to play a male character again.
There's nothing lgbt about wanting to be a girl man.
Dick sucks, actually.
It might sound crazy but this is beyond most people.
I guess there isn't a study about this but from experience I can tell you, that the more simple minded someone is the more they tend to selfinsert, instead of making a clear cut between themselves and the characters they play.
Yeah, that's what they're made for user. To be worshiped and sucked.
*removed and ignored
Staring at ass is what got me through Remember Me and some of the levels of Velvet Assassin.
>Someone actually took the time to make an infographic to refute a facetious argument
Nah, nothing sexist about knowing which toys are cooler.
In Skyrim I did one playthrough as le self insert man, and the second as me if I was reborn as a hot brown girl.
omg, you just opened my eyes up to this female friend I know.
she self inserts sooooo fucking much
That is basically Sup Forums after removing the shill posts and the porn
So you're the type to want it a bit forced then aye?
Mm, no problem at all. That probably just means you're even cuter.
Anyone can pretty up a butthole.
Nobody can fix a nasty snatch.
I just wish traps could have more feminine hips and better tits.
its because they are trans or just gay and in denial.
the idea of playing a woman is so you can also pretend to be a cute girl. They wish to be treated and be a woman.
It legitimately gives me an erection to pretend to be a woman.
Crazy psychology, let me try.
The less control someone has over their own life the more they seek to regain that control by pathetically creating and managing a character that doesn't represent themselves.
what kind of prancing lala homo faggot doesn't want to be a pretty girl and dress up in cute outfits?
Becaue women tend to have the best looking armors
Answer me you samefagging semen gargler.
I play only as transformers in games because I'm actually a transformer trapped in a human body.
Also a Dinosaur... im a dinobot
You should realize anyone who uses that excuse is just projecting their homosensual desires onto you.
>making an issue out of males playing as females
What, married too many RuneScape cuties only to find out they're a G.I.R.L.?
If your concern is look at the monster then why does it matter if you go a female you fucking retarded faggot
By that logic I should never play a game with a character that doesn't have the same hair color, skin tone or body type as me.
the only time you'd be staring at ass is if the game has long, empty rooms with just running from point A to point B. if the game has any semblance of quality, there will be very little of that.
Sorry bro but inserting yourself into another dude is pretty dang gay.
>don't like guys
>like girls
>don't care what happens to a male character unless he's well written
>care about a female character even if she's a cardboard cutout with no personality like a MMO character
Playing as a girl makes the game more involving for me.
I like to play as robots because I'm a proud machine trapped in a shitty flesh sack
>tfw hardly any games let you play as a robot
Being a cute girl is my fallback option
Dude just admit you're gay. Why even pretend at this point.
It's hard to take developers afraid of standard body parts seriously.
Not in that game
What about shit like MMORPGs where you go AFK sometimes and the only thing on screen is your character