I'm not even a shill, but show me a better looking game than Uncharted 4. I don't think you can

I'm not even a shill, but show me a better looking game than Uncharted 4. I don't think you can.

Modded games don't count, nigga

Don't judge the game by this screenshot alone, look up some gameplay

Other urls found in this thread:


what do i win

>modded games don't count
you know why we use the word cuck? because it's the exact same mindset as console users
>get fucked over
>have things that are supposed to be yours taken away
>enjoy it
>pay for more

also, Uncharted only looks good during its cutscenes. And yes I know that it's real time, but at the same time its also not gameplay. Uncharted looks mediocre as fuck during actual shooting and environment sequences, arguably worse than GTA V on the same system and definitely worse than GTA V on PC and a multiutude of other games.

Part of the infantile mindset of a console-only gamer is that you dont even have the capacity to understand what makes graphics work or look good. You dont understand that multiplats from 3 years ago look better on PC, but because you played the garbage version you don't know that

This game looks better.



stay mad

>posts a worse looking screenshot than the one i posted
i don't get this joke


nice joke

>pre baked everything

Stop posting screenshots of this game

I can't handle looking at it. Every bit of it is an orgasm for my eyes. It's sensory overload and it almost makes the game unenjoyable


damn, that level was so hella-tight

4theplayers, amirite guys
who's right with me?

>modded games dont count
>forgetting that what a platform can handle has been the point of flamewar shitposting
Wew lad

Is there anything inherently wrong with that?

still waiting on that prize

so plastic

so real...


>show me a newer game than this new game that was just released


Took this screenshot of Uncharted 4 in game with photo mode made no changes except the camera angle and removing the characters



metro and talos principle don't even look that impressive, one of them can easily be replaced by the new battlefront

No one's denying Uncharted 4 looks great. It's amazing what they did with the PS4's hardware.

But I always notice that people always talk about how good it looks. Never about how fun it is to play.


you cant be serious

Wow that screenshot looks shit in comparison to the actual ingame battlefrot screenshot.

for me i like the gunplay and the fighting but there is a lot ofclimbing in the game that some might find boring and i haven't played multiplayer yet
i like it

splitscreen when

Witcher 3 is better looking than Uncharted 4

He just learned a term, let him use it user

>No sonypony replies to this
like clockwork !



This, now close the thread

Take a look at that picture closely and notice the low resolution textures, I don't disagree that the game is one of the if not they best looking game out there but don't shit post and post a screenshot that has really shitty low res textures EVERYWHERE.


>Max Payne had better character models
>Shadows are good, but lighting itself looks like ass
>The quality on the top of those ledges
>That floor

I can't tell if this is a Sony pony thread or 5 levels of irony shitposting


Blind faggot.

As an idort allow me to tell you your shitposting is pathetic on every level. Get over yourself.

Is that pasta fucking flat

>theres nothing wrong with this

Just go look at the battlefront screenshots and then kill yourself so then the last thing you'll see is a game that has high res textures.

This guy is right and op is a faggot

Why do you engage in console wars? Don't you realize it's make you pathetic?

Uncharted 4 is like Order 1886

All that post processing looks gorgeous

But then you actually play the game

Why are you here? don't you realize it's make you pathetic?

And its all wasted on a boring shit tier series of games. Maybe someday they will use that talent to make a game with gameplay that is actually worth playing.

I'm here because every time I browse the front page there are 3 or more threads shitting on uncharted. You guys are obsessed with this game.

Then you play it and experience the great pacing with smooth exciting gameplay and tight controls

Good one man

way do you keep bitching about the floor is this some kind of meme

>all these replies to massive bait even me

In all serousness, UC4 is good looking game.

But far nowhere near the best one.

The character models look so jarring compared to the background, which has this weird fog over it.

Looks like garbage, honestly.

it may not be the best looking one, but it is damn near

also, why is every GOTY contender on the ps4?

dont see it

the graphics artists really worked hard on making the epilogue look good. Probably better looking than any other part of the game; shit is almost like the Paris tech demo


Because they are all AAA games, and those 10 games are catered to casuals.

Why is every GOTY contender on the PC?

Why do we have more exclusives than you?

Why is PC even in this debate?

I am sorry you feel like you have to try your hardest to justify your purchase, but you dont have to.

Unless you are not playing for fun.

Fucking faggot.



it goes down to 4x anisotropic filtering at times to free up resources for other graphics shit like AA. Not that noticeable anyway


>Why is every GOTY contender on the PC?
except it isn't? Bloodborne and UC4 are just an example
I mean, witcher 3? MGSV? overwatch? ps4 have all of those

>Why do we have more exclusives than you?
>why do we
HAHAHAHAHAHA I can't believe this faggot

>Why do we have more exclusives than you?
come on son, I am an idort, and the last exclusives for the PC were average at best, NOTHING that justifies a high end PC

>Fucking faggot.
sorry kiddo if you are too poor to own everything

t. PCfat


>hurr durr
hurr durr


This one cutscene from dante's inferno was pretty damn good in my opinion


Can we assume most of the PCucks from this board are americans? And that most of the americans don't belong to the idort masterace?

Both PCucks and Americans share:
>bad taste, not only in vg but in art, food, fashion, girls, etc
>tries to hide behind things like "lol so hardcore games for a gamer like me" and "casuals are ruining muh games", things that only americans cry about
>no job
>no real gf or friends to play with

I think I'm onto something


I think its "hold the door", butt blasted fuquiboi


Can we assume most of the Sonyniggers from this board are americans? And that most of the americans don't belong to the idort masterace?

Both Sonyniggers and Americans share:
>bad taste, not only in vg but in art, food, fashion, girls, etc
>tries to hide behind things like "lol so hardcore games for a gamer like me" and "casuals are ruining muh games", things that only americans cry about
>no job
>no real gf or friends to play with

I think I'm onto something



I really wish the game had more combat sequences. There's too much climbing and scripted sequences to make a second playthrough worth it all.
I usually did my second playthrough with Donut Drake, but that's not happening anymore.

>can't even quote
>its an automatic function

man, I've forgot one more thing PCucks share with americans, both are stupid lol

Uhh it's mostly Europeans that play PlayStation.
US is the only place that buys xbone.

Have I posted enough games that look better than uncharted yet?

>E for Everyone

this game is like the 2D version of Uncharted


>US is the only place that buys xbone
God I wish this wasn't true. This country really is full of brain dead idiots who do everything marketing tells them to do.
Although Sony is still dominating the US since they stole most of the dude bros from microsoft.

Not a single one yet but keep trying

>realism makes for visual design that enhances gameplay
>realism doesn't just make for a visually incoherent clunky mess

Well, back then, kids aren't overly pussified.
parents aren't overly protective.

I would sacrifice myself just to bring back 90s once again to make the world better.






>>realism makes for visual design that enhances gameplay

If you're going to rag on reality simulators, go talk about games like watch dogs. Don't attempt to shit on games that use this graphical style and execute it well with great art direction.

Show me ONE game that has better looking toes than Uncharted 4. I don't think you can. But by all means post quality rendered feet

Even though I didn't like this shit game, it does look a lot better. One of the best looking games.


