Overwatch won

Overwatch has toppled all MOBAshit and now sits at 98 metacritic and is THE most watched game on twitch.

The critics love it, the viewers love it.

Overwatch has dragged the FPS scene kicking and screaming out of the CSGO hellhole and claimed its rightful spot at the top.

What went so fucking right?

Other urls found in this thread:


>playing mature dudebro murder simulators

Give me a platformer any day over the "dudebro" genre that is FPS.

>battleborn was killed by an open beta

Battleborn was never alive in the first place

Its 400k viewers on launch day.
The fact that it drop to 100k in a mere days of it launch isn't a good sign.

DaS3 have a steadier view in its first couple of days than this.

Check it in a week. Hype dies down fast.

Just like every other FPS

The character design is great. Even the ones that are edgy are fun to hate on, like Reaper.

it's really overwatched

the game has been out how many days?
of course it has high views.
and lol is several years old


not hard to have a steady view count when the only people watching your game are turbo autists from Sup Forums

2016 is turning out to be a really weird year for video games. First, we get a resurgence of the single-player FPS with Doom, which turned out to be way better than anyone could have expected. Then, we get what is possibly the best multiplayer FPS ever made with Overwatch. Is 2016 going to be the year of the rebirth of FPS? Have we finally moved on from the same Call of Duty with a different subtitle every year?

>hiding Userscore

Nice try

This is what i was saying. both during the closed and Open Beta's it's view counts drop hard. even if you find the game fun to play it's not a very good 'streamer' game and it's stream counts drop to reflect that.

its a great game but unless the ranked mode is good, it wont have longevity. half the characters are shit too.

that's kinda the funny thing though. a single Ds3 ar streamer may pull about 2k, and an average Overwatch streamer is only pulling about 1.5k, there's just like 40 of them because it's the new fotm so it seems more impressive on the front page.

I really like the game, but the hype is gonna die down considerably in the next few days or weeks at most. Fags like summit and lirik and others are gonna find a new game to play, because people will watch them no matter what they play, and view numbers will be 6-7 times lower




Isn't Overwatch popular in Japan? Maybe this will spark interest in FPSes in Japan, which could be awesome. If it does popularize shooters in Japan, it could help PC gaming take off there because mouse and keyboard is clearly better for shooters. Which could mean more weebshit coming to PC. And it could mean Japanese game devs start making shooters with their own twists.

This, not to mention the quick play matchmaking is absolutely awful

Its like hots matchmaking, putting full pre-mades against randoms sometimes

Does doom count?

so is the game any good or should I stick to team fortress 2?

>User scores
Ah yes, the pinnacle of fair and balanced opinions, it's like I really have a voice!

>based on 5784 reviews

back at ya, faggot.

Shill reveiws

>DaS3 have a steadier view in its first couple of days than this.
DaS3 is a game about progression and people were discovering things on the first days while Overwatch is pretty much the same thing over and over, so you kinda see everything on day 1.

I'm pretty sure game critics know more about vidya than Valvedrones

my sides

>What went so fucking right?
Someone managed to casualize the FPS genre in a different format from what Call of Duty did.
I'm loving it.



The only time that was relevant among MOBAshits and FPS's to begin with was when Dota specifically lowered it as a meme.

I would buy it if it had campaign with those sweet animations they pump out but otherwise I aint buying because
>multiplayer only

>What went so fucking right?
Nothing, shill-kun.

I don't really get why anyone would care.

>people forgetting open beta
Viewers drop

>Dumbed down MOBA mechanics
>"Push Q to win" ultimates
>Only 6 vs. 6 games
>Only payload and capture the point game modes

Eh, it's not bad but I wouldn't say that it's nearly as good as it's made out to be. If TF2's feeling a little stale and you have 40 bucks to burn, go for it.


>Creative and unpredictable gameplay
>Bastion, sitting in a corner near defense point in 100% of the games
>People on you team always picking tracer, mccree, S76, and reaper instead of going other things that could help

>Did you like DOOM?
>Average Publication: No, it was awful, the character is just a walking pile of violence and had aged mechanics.

Meanwhile all the users and independent places are praising it fo being what a DOOM game should be.

the fps genre has been suffering a drought of non-tactical multiplayer shooters for a while now

this is a year of a lot of shitty games, any new 'anything' tends to get attention for a bit.

in Overwatch's Case viewers. also drop hard. Most of the large amount of viewers to a single streamer, streamers for overwatch are just people like lirik/summit pulling their usual entourage.

We did it Sup Forums!

We made Overwatch a success!

It has PvE mode at three difficulty levels if you don't feel like getting ass-raped repeatedly.

>Blizz actually thinks Widowmaker being able to bodyshot kill people with an shot that takes 1.5 seconds zoomed in to charge
Wew lad. TF2 is a casual fucking game and this brings the skill ceiling down even lower.

Yeah, but 75% of reviews are from people who have barely payed it and loved it just from hearing about it and people who heard someone call it the TF2 killer and instantly went to slap a big 0

Did you retards ever stop to consider that viewcounts are going down because more people are actually playin the game? Tell me you guys arent this retarded.

i wouldn't even call the ultimaete press q to win, rather 'Press Q to get some free kills even if you suck." the good players never need the ult to be good, it just lets them 'win more' and the bad players need the ult to look they even participated in anything.

>Widowmaker being able to bodyshot kill people with an shot that takes 1.5 seconds zoomed in to charge

Try playing the game

>What went so fucking right?
blizzard made a mediocre TF2 clone.

>>Blizz actually thinks Widowmaker being able to bodyshot kill people with an shot that takes 1.5 seconds zoomed in to charge
what do they think about it?

I feel kind of bad. My brother really wanted me to play Battleborn with him today and even offered to buy me a copy, and I had to tell him that I really didn't like the Game when I was playing the beta. I'm not sure if I can sell him on Overwatch or not but I didn't want him wasting his money on buying me a game I was not going to enjoy.

It's honestly sad so many people on Sup Forums will barely look into new popular games and create an opinion on it from hearing other people on Sup Forums

>trusting any reviewer that gives games 10/10s
>lel its perfect wuts even da point of reviewing amirite xdd

What the fuck happened to being impartial?

>Too fast
These type of casuals should be gassed.

>newest meeem beats other meeems!




>i3- gtx950
>ps4 version

>300k viewers yesterday
>200k earlier
>100k now

Overwatch is finished lmao

Some ults are hard to use. There's been a few times where I didn't kill anybody but myself with D.Va's ultimate. I've also gotten up to a quintuple kill with it.

>falling for the "reviews" meme

I shiggy diggy blah blah whatever fuck it.

I have played the game. The zoom in charge on widowmaker takes no time at all compared to sniper in TF2, and does more damage reletive to character HP for body shots. Widowmaker can 1 shot Tracer with a body shot, Sniper can't do the same to Scout with a much longer charge of time to reach full power on his shot.

as long as it's a team objective game their laziness will consider it acceptable she gets a lot of kills, because kills alone don't guarantee a win.

I'd hesitate to call the characters designed. Maybe "assembled". Or "frankensteined".

>game would literally be dead without


Yes, the ass goes here, yes, yes, and in this region we'll place the tits

This +1000.

Maybe you should try playing the game against something other than the AI, scrub. A good Widowmaker can lock down an area pretty well.

Valvedrones spamming user reviews don't count shitposter-kun :^)

Win or loss, I'm left feeling annoyed after nearly every match.

>Letting a widowmaker ever hit you as Tracer
Literally no reason ever

i'm not even into fps but i still think overwatch looks kinda rad. the hype might be justified

Maybe they're roleplaying.

Game is fun as fuck, plus I have multiple 6 man groups I can play in so I'm almost never matched with retards

And I have people that can do offense since I'm terrible at it, I love being a tank and when I'm not one I always forget that I'm squishy as fuck


Hey, you just described video games for me.

>Only 5 critics
Don't get cocky Blizzardfags.

>playing platformers
Are you a nintenyearold or something? Get lost granpa.

Of course she can lock down an area pretty well, what else should a sniper do?

Complaining that she can one shot body shot Tracer though is completely stupid. There's simply no excuse if you manage to get shot.

Here's the thing: pick Winston or D.va. Watch how you can put her out of the game so easily even if you don't kill her


Not an argument. Widowmaker is way easier to play than Sniper in general. Because the charge up time is so short for her shots you can easily 2 shot most characters with body shots in the time it would take sniper to charge his shot once.

depends on the class 'role' pretty much every offense ult is basically a kill feed reward, Widows ult is partial team utility to offset how selfish her Playstyle is, Hanzo's is a kill feed because his arrows will not be as easy to shoot compared to widow for the average idiot player. Support ults are all support skills etc.

in lot of ways Hanzo probably illustrates the problem with the ults the best, a good Hanzo doesn't need the dragon in anyway to piss you the fuck off, but the million shitty ones will fire that thing through any random wall and you're gonna get gibbed at least once randomly, which is somehow as irritating.

Is it really worth the 90-115$ though? I thought it was going to be f2p for the longest time

I bought this game and it seriously disappoints in a number of ways that made TF2 such a fun game.

1. No voice chat (How can I meet and make friends when no one talks? In TF2 I could enter into a server and spend 75% of my attention playing the game and 25% making friendly banter with everyone via alltalk)

2. Not enough people in the games (Only 8 people in a match? Boring.)

3. No custom servers (Game won't be kept alive by modders and server hosts who want to tweak their experience)

4. Characters move to fast and its hard to visually identify who is who (What is the point of escort/defence game mode when everyone is zipping around n' shit with unlimited ammo)

The only GOOD thing about the game is the visuals, character models, and waifus.

What? It's $60 at most.

Where did you get it so cheap? I had to pay $145

I wish it was F2P

Yeah, but unlike TF2, 3 classes make you useless, and the majority have a mobility skill. In TF2, the only mobility you generally need to worry about are a scout's double jumps and rocket jumps. AND a fully charged headshot can kill any class in TF2, unlike overwatch.

more like 'ok let's just take the tf2 sniper classic move set, ok we need a girl, so insert femme fatale archetype, add a spider reference, make some sort of dark comic booky origin, done"

or in the case of Zayrya 'ok take this generic muscle stereotype, put pink hair on, it, now we're original and tumblr will call it original."

Oh, and no friends/guild system outside of the game. How am I suppose to make long lasting friends if they are tied to a single title?

Fuck I want Overwatch/Steam.

Are you guys Ausfags or something?

There were so many cheaper avenues to getting the game.

I don't even know who is baiting who anymore

canada im guessing

You guys do know that the game costs 40 United States dollars, right? That's the cheapest edition.

please let this shit game die, please let this shit game die, please please

thank god you 3rd world shits can't spam your 3rd world languages in overwatch

shhh they needed to buy the overpriced collectors edition because if they don't people will consider them plebs

i would suck those udders dry

It's funny how true this turned out to be.

Nobody would have cared about the game without the waifus and anime characters.

Winston shits on Tracer and Genji too

D. Va feels terrible in comparison

>competitive shooter
>20hz tick rate
pick one

>Voice chat
You can voice chat with your team. Unless you mean the enemy team in which case you're right

>Not enough people in the game (8 people)
But it's 6v6

>Characters move too fast and hard to visually identify
This is your personal problem. I find everyone moves really slow and you can easily tell people apart

>Whiteys complaining about price
It's 487 Real here in huehueland which is like 190 dollars

Had to end my wow subscription to pay for it

Stop it Sup Forums, stop it now.