What ever happened to the good old Arena-Twitch-Shoot Genre?
As I recall, Halo happened.
Honestly? Nobody plays them.
Was it because of newer games offering a more 'casul' experience or simply because the genre was losing steam?
movie "games" are more mainstream. investment dollars go where the return is greater.
What game started the demise of arena shooters in favor of slower, rng heavy "realistic" shooters? Medal of Honor or Counter-Strike?
The transition from PC to console shooters, and arena FPS being too hard to play on dual sticks.
Not sure, just that whenever a new one comes out it starts out decently enough but then the player count plummets.
Was the case for a pretty decent early arena game called Toxikk
>Twitch shooters
burn everyone who says this shit
Meant to say "early access" my bad.
Consoles killed it.
there are several of them, UT4, reflez, Toxikk, and other in devlopment
It doesn't seem like there can be much of a community for older genres in multiplayer games anymore.
the same amount of people who play arena shooters is the same that played 2 decades ago. they just aren't fun to most people because without the skill it's just a fucking mess of a shooter to a new player.
Basically this.
Controllers are too slow to play arena shooters and theres a lot less money in making a PC exclusive shooter.
Not to mention that veterans and maybe even the dedicated community in general can be real shitty for anyone.
console FPS games started the demise. Halo especially. A game with really slow fucking combat designed for retarded children.
Not even trying to console war here, but as far as I know all of them have built in aim assist.
Fast arena shooters require quick aiming and good accuracy.
It would be nice to play UT99 or Sauerbraten with you niggas though.
Would you say the new Doom tried to capture the old arena feel or opted for the Call of Halo route?
this. halo was pretty good but it brought a massive influx of new people into FPS and they all wanted stuff that was halo-esque. shame because there were tons of good series out at the time that were different, and because they weren't like halo, they were forgotten.
CS wasn't far from an arena shooter in that it didn't have movement acceleration/sprinting/ironsights, haven't played in forever though
NuDoom feels like it strikes a decent balance between the fast twitchy stuff and halo-ish stuff. It's not as fast as OG Doom, but it's definitely more fast paced than Halo.
It almost felt like someone made a really good TC mod for Halo that was Doom-themed.
I haven't played it but just from seeing game play it looks like they tried for a middle ground. Its faster than cod and such but not as fast say quake 3 arena l.
It's a console shooter with increased speed, if that's what you're asking.
I remember for years after halo came out and mountains of FPS were marketed as the "halo killer".
It plays way better on PC
they are still around all you've gotta do is play them and they are kind of making a comeback with some new ones like reflex UT midair toxikk insight
only mid skills shitters who can only talk the talk, the really good players are always very nice
there is some guy that hosts UT and jedi knight servers here and he's been doing it for years they have a steam group but i can't remember what it's called
It only payed laip service to arena shootans everything else is flat as fuck not dynamic or interesting at all
The same thing that happened to survival horror, point and click and 3d platformers, mainstream happened.
People like competition but don't like being told they suck, and arena shooters are (together with RTS games, another dead genre) the most unforgiving multiplayer games out there. If you suck and you're dueling against someone good, you're not getting ANYTHING.
To be a successful genre theses days you NEED to have something that allows for bad players to still do reasonably, regardless of how much better their opponents are. It's why Call of Duty has low TTK, kill-streaks, perks, loadouts, regenerating health, etc etc.
Remember when Killzone 1 came out? The amount of times I read the term "Halo-killer" in magazines about that game was retarded. Then it sucked anyway.
>there is some guy that hosts UT and jedi knight servers
>jedi knight servers
Arena FPS offput twitch shooter fags because it required more strategy and thought than CS and it offput new players because of the steep learning curve and high skill ceiling. The advent of slow retard-shooters like Halo and Call of Duty and their burgeoning popularity made pro gaming leagues realize that there was more money to be had promoting casual games as competitive ones than there was sticking with actual competitive games.
Died out after Quake Live.
>Unreal Tournament
Epic shot themselves in the foot with UT3. UT4 is good but at least a year away from being ready and, even then, it's just the same old UT with better graphics.
Whom am I forgetting? Don't say Halo. Real arena shooters are on PC.
I loved killzone, the rest kinda sucked though.
Interesting weapon design and story, great introduction speech, weapon alt-fires that they removed from the other games for some reason, bots on console multiplayer.
Hated all the other ones though.
Speck's unreal Sup Forumsidya, it's a steam group.
TimeSplitters is fucking garbage.
>that godawful aim system from goldeneye
>slow as fuck
The only good stuff was the music.
outcast and academy i should say
that's the one
this thread reminds me I really need to get the AvP2 Sup Forums server up and running some day.
>what happened to arena twitch shooters?
>what is Call of Duty
What are you talking about? I still play UT2 every day.
>ctrl + f overwatch
>0 found
i'm proud of you Sup Forums
Nothing, Unreal was too fucking good that everything after that game just seems bad in comparison
The intensely high skill ceiling ensures that new players are scared off by getting roflstomped hard as fuck. Thats why overwatch is going to continue to be popular, the aim assist moves and ulitimates ensure idiots can get a few kills while allowing good players to switch characters correctly and use their ultimates to change the tide of battle instead of getting some cheap kills that usually mean little.
Overwatch is the natural evolution of multiplayer shooters, you don't need to be amazing to have fun while allowing for a high enough skill ceiling to allow try hards to feel good about themselves.
Twitch shooters need a very high population to allow new players to have a good spread skill levels in matches. When a twitch shooters population lowers the try hards that stayed run off the noobs that try to start which stagnates the games population which slowly starves. The only way they survive is through F2P so that there isn't a pay wall for new players to try their hand.
It works enough but will never be as popular as it once was. There are simply better options for casuals now, they don't have to git gud or quit, they can simply have fun. Try hards are their own worst enemy in the end. This is also why MOBAs rose above RTS. RTS breeds too many try hards that scare away anyone who might attempt at playing it casually. MOBA is far and beyond easier to get into.
I love my unreal tournament and quake but its just not going to be as popular as it once was to the point where AAA developers make new real twitch shooters(Not new doom).
I love how much overwatch triggers people.
What the fuck is this shit?
Movie games bomb every fucking time.