Bloodborne counts.
Drop some related porn if you want.
Bloodborne counts.
Drop some related porn if you want.
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I got this video
have some not porn too
Okay I guess.
Triple K Hooligan.
the greatest joke in all of souls
I laughed harder than I should have
>BB counts
And OP is surprisingly not a faggot.
>that file name
Poise is the best joke of DS3
this happened more than it should have
Man, Bloodborne is still the best looking game in the series.
Moon man moon man, black lives matter
Fuck, I'm laughing like crazy.
>not willing to take a loss
Faggot deserved it.
LOL lost
>pic related: me and my bitch
HAHAHA, holy shit user.
>Implying it's not "Walletseeker Frampt."
>that one ledge right before the grand archives
Hey, it's a catchy song.
>Hey Faggots, my name is Ashen One and I hate everyone of you
>Took this screenshot
>Return to game to see myself getting backstabbed by the God-Emperor himself
Worth it
I've got a few
>farming concords using the family acc trick
>summoned to a world, this guy has invaded
>swap out an item and he's on top of me
>keep trying to retreat and chug, host is useless
>finally get back to ful helath after stupidly running
>fight back
>die horribly
>he spams applause
>seriously where the fuck is the host
It was shameful
But I ended up being summoned to fight him again after I came back a few hours later
Killed him and spammed applause
didn't feel nearly as good as it should have
I might sound like a faggot, but I always wanted a sort of Dark Souls animated short film or something.
Not that Eli Roth garbage though.
I've been invading by Yorshka's Church today and the shitters have been nonstop. The biggest thing is hosts freaking the fuck out when I kill their phantom and rushing back to the bonfire to summon. It's so annoying, there needs to be a summoning cooldown or something. Or make summoning cost estus or something.
>the weak should fear the strong
Dark Souls 3 fucking NEEDS indictments. I miss them so much.
Saving that shit for later
I always thought the Darkmoon Tomb was below the painted world room, so I thought it was odd that it would be under the O&S room in DS3.
But I guess I was always wrong.
>watchu want to doooooooo
>there ain't no poise tooooniiiiiiiggghhhtttt
holy fuck that was amazing
Man, that bone blade was one hell of a gamble. I could never land the damn thing when it mattered.
delete this
>currently playing: MGS 3 Snake Eater
Lost it.
I was looking for this and found a random page of dreaming of utopia in my souls folder
I have absolutely no explanation for why it's there
The fucking worst is when you finally get past the parade of phantoms, get the host down to like 10% HP, and they just run away to Estus right back up because hitting with them with an Undead Hunter Charm is a daunting as fuck task.
Being an invader is infuriating. Not only is your HP effectively 40% lower than the host, but you also have half as many Estus Flasks and you have to fight two other guys FUCKING B-LINING YOU as soon as you get near the them and you inevitably get your ass fucked.
Why they thought FORCING Dark Spirit invasions to prioritize matching against people that have other phantoms summoned was a good idea, I'll never fucking know.
Me neither. For example, supposedly you can use them on the Shadows of Yharnam, but the AI detects your input and lets them dodge easily. That webm is a thing of beauty, really.
>the third guy
i chuckled and felt bad for the guy at the same time.
>Darkroot Garden PvP.gif
so lewd
he's fast
>he doesn't know
dont mistake me for a furry
I'm very well aware, that's why i laughed. I felt bad because he wife is pretty much pumped full of hormones and probably continued to lose her shit.
the real question is would you a pre-beast Amelia