Anyone else completely unsurprised that these not nerfed to hell? In both the open and closed beta I was getting legendary and epics consistently
I've opened 15+ boxes so far and got nothing besides the token rare.
Kayden Barnes
i bought 5 boxes last night
2 legendary skins 3 commons and sprays/voice lines
bretty gud t b h
Austin Murphy
>338789669 saw a video of someone opening like 101 boxes. He got like 27 purples and 12 golds. about 10 of those purples and 3 of those gold items were dupes so he got a lot of money and 6 of the purples and 4 of the golds were just money.
In short. 101 nets you like 3 legendaries and 10 rares tops and a ton of money to buy yourself like another 4 legendary skins.
Colton Miller
>You can get DUPES WHAT What the fuck would that even do? 2 of the same option on the list? They're planning on doing a market and trading aren't they...
Owen Cooper
Changes the dupes into money. money you use to buy whatever you want for whatever character you want.
Josiah Peterson
Nah I got 2 legendary ones out of 12 boxes one was my favorite skin
Andrew Perez
beta I went from 1 to 20 without a single legendary, release I've gone 1 to 16 and got 2, so I think you're just unlucky.
Zachary Jackson
So far i got one legendary skin, 3 common skins, a fuckton of voice lines and god knows how many sprays.
No money spent on boxes.
Luis Davis
>got the Sugar Plum Mei on my first crate in the open beta >rapidly became my favorite skin >haven't even found a voice line for Mei yet upon release
Charles Clark
You get a percentage of the price of an item on duplicate. Whites dust for 5 (cost 25 to make) Blues dust for 25 (cost 75) Purples dust for an amount I forget (cost 250) Oranges dust for an amount I don't know cause I never got a double (cost 1000)
Blake Jones
Just watched a video, Purples dust for 50, so Oranges probably dust for 250.
Christian Gonzalez
hey I got the mariachi reaper, so alls good here
and i've got 3 other skins. only opened 11 boxes so far. not bad
Easton Barnes
I open about 48 boxes + 13 - got 2 legendarys but I was able to purchase 2 other legendaries from the Gold coin things I got.
I noticed the return is still the same for how much the skins cost, I guess it's just low key so they don't have people going OMG 10$ FOR SKINS DERRR or want people to grind with no little content.
Xavier Morris
Finished video, out of 101 boxes, the guy got 22 Epics, 8 Legendaries (including Epic and legendary coin piles) And dusting items worth slightly over 4000 coins total. >Self-craft 4 Legendary skins for ever 100 boxes opened That is some insanely bad RNG.
Chase Lewis
I'm level 11 and have gotten 2 legendaries and atleast 3 epics Maybe you should git gud?
Caleb Stewart
Actually just thinking about it it's about the same for what I purchased, like literally the same in value.
The only thing that effects it is if you want something specific.
Kevin Long
And how many boxes did you buy, user? Cause I'm also 11 and I've gotten (1) Epic and (0) Leggos, $0 spent.
Xavier Kelly
None, it's just luck
Adam Peterson
>Beta >Got like one legendary skin I think >Release >Gotten 3 so far in like 1/3 of the levels >No boxes bought
It doesn't seem nerfed, is there any actual proof?
Cooper Sullivan
I know, I'm just really annoyed cause I've never had good luck with this shit, ever. >Up to 9 items for Widow plus the Pre-Order skin >0 items for Zenyatta, my favorite Support >2 Sprays for Junkrat, my favorite Defense >0 items for Winston, my favorite Tank >0 items for my favorite Offense class, none of them cause I hate them all at least a little bit
Easton Watson
>Not mecha Trash.
Also opened 11 got plague doctor it's complete rng. If it's anything like hearthstone you get one ever 40 or so boxes or whatever they set the number to.
Robert Davis
Its not nerfed, its RNG. These faggots are just getting unlucky. Ive already gotten legendary.
Nolan Taylor
Now enjoy the cash shop endgame.
But why even bother if the game will be dead when you have your skin?
Thomas Morales
>1 in 40 >Went 200 packs with 0 Legendaries when I started Hearthstone >0 from the TGT Pre-order 50-pack, cause I fell for the meme >OW is being as stingy with the good shit Please game.
Josiah Miller
>caring about cosmetics in a game where you can't even see your character 90% of the time >I'M A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE AND I WANT TO EXPRESS MYSELF THROUGH THE COSMETICS I CHOSE TO OTHERS
Fuck people are retarded.
David Hill
>only got one legendary skin, nevermore Reaper >rarely use Reaper. But fuck sprays and shit these things are annoying as hell.
Levi Wood
It's literally impossible to go 40 packs in hearthstone without opening a legendary they have a pity timer for that shit.
Kayden Campbell
Except they also reskin your weaponry, so you always see it, and as a Junkrat "main," I much prefer ANY other color to the basic yellow, it's painful to look at.
Jeremiah Scott
I'm just annoyed by how many sprays I'm getting, honestly. Though I did get a good Mercy skin, so I can't complain too much.
Cooper Wilson
>3 legendaries out of 11 boxes >a few epics as well
quite the nerf
Parker Scott
Tell that to my RNG. Also, stand corrected. I got one in my 47th pack. It was THE MOTHERFUCKING MISTCALLER, WHO STILL HASN'T BEEN FIXED. It sticks out in my mind cause I remember: "1 Leggo every 40 packs." and then I hear other people getting 7+ Legendaries from their 50 packs and it infuriates me slightly. I genuinely believe it's 1 Leggo every 40 packs, but it's across the whole community, every 40th pack is a guaranteed Legendary. I got Chillmaw about 10 packs after that fiasco.
Chase Barnes
on my 12th loot box I got 2 lengaries, a recolor and 50 monies
Benjamin Jenkins
>Hearthstone >Free Game >Can finish daily quest for golds >2.5 days can earn you 1 pack >Each Pack gives you 5 cards >5 cards
>Overwatch >Only way to get lootbox is via leveling up >Each levels require more and more experiences. >Each Lootbox gives only 4 skins >4 skins
Fuck me, overwatch's cosmetic is a scam.
John James
I got this legendary, three epics and a bunch of rares. I'm only level 11.
Not sure what you're doing wrong OP.
Nathaniel Cruz
that's a terrible skin.
Kayden Collins
How do you get these besides paying money then? If it's just level ups and promotions then this really isn't any better than a F2P game expecting you to shell out for the privilege of being subjected to a F2P business model.
Doesn't matter if it's 'just' cosmetics, that's undeniably how F2P games work.
Michael Ward
I agree. Doesn't make it any less legendary though.
I really wish this game had a way to scrap skins you don't want, considering I have like 4 different recolors for Trolbjorn and I absolutely hate playing him.
Ryan Rogers
Me and my friends all play together, we're all level 10-ish now. One of them has already unboxed 3 or 4 legendaries, the lucky piece of shit
Ryan Williams
Yeah agreed, I'd scrap a vast majority of what I've gotten so far honestly. Like I just really don't give a shit about sprays and voice lines, if I'm being totally honest. Sprays especially.
Cooper Brooks
I got the devil mercy skin or whatever, the one with the purple hair on my lvl 7 box I just want the reinhardt with the fuckin' axe m8
Justin Morgan
You can craft them too. You get gold by unlocking duplicates, or sometimes you unlock gold in crates.
I've been playing for like a day and already have enough to buy pretty much anything aside from Legendary skins.
Jacob Lewis
i've gotten some pretty good skins since the game officially launched, better than what i drew in open beta.
its just luck of the draw, m80
Isaiah Long
what actually pisses me off about the boxes is i get good stuff for characters i never play. i don't want skins and emotes for zarya and junkrat, dammit, gimme some for pharah!
Luke Hill
Does anyone even spray?
Caleb Cruz
In short, no,
Jackson Ramirez
I've opened probably 40 total over the stress test, open beta, and live. I got 2 legendaries during open beta and I just got a legendary from my 6th box on live. It was Zarya emo skin, which is hands down the most atrocious piece of shit in the entire game, but I guess I shouldn't bitch since some haven't gotten any yet.
Nolan Nelson
>Legendary Coins (+500) >Legendary Skin, the 4th one I've gotten, 2 for 76, 1 for Hanzo, one for Torb >Bought Roadhog legendary hawaiian skin with Coins obtained from boxes >Boxes are nerfed guise, I don't have a clue how RANDOM Number Generators work
Henry Rodriguez
I spray every round on doors
Isaac Rogers
usually at the beginning of the match when waiting in spawn. sometimes me and some other people will keep spraying over each other's pic. its' something to do i guess
Grayson Bell
Don't be a faggot. OP is trying to say that Blizzard nerfed droprated to encourage paid sales of loot boxes.
Which sounds completely true because Blizzard is a bunch of fucking jews.
Ethan Peterson
>Hey guys, I got unlucky but I can't understand the fact that I, the most important and special human being out there, can get bad luck sometimes so I'll just blame a made up conspiracy that I have no evidence for just so it can fit my belief system about myself. >Oh, better yet, I'll post it on the Internet, so everybody can see how mad I am.
You are ridiculous, OP.
Easton Kelly
I forgot to mention, I got the Gundam Pharah skin from one too, so 5 skins
Caleb Powell
Yeah but he's wrong.
Gabriel Kelly
Oh I have no argument there, they're a bunch of blatant jews, but there's still the whole RANDOM dice roll. Some people will buy 100 and get jack shit, others will get lucky and find tons in 5 to 10 boxes
Jeremiah Ortiz
>tfw you get an expensive skin for a character you don't even use
Caleb Lopez
Well if I remember right, there weren't Profile Icons in the beta, right? Now there's like a hundred. Of course Skin drops are gonna be more spread out.
Ian Robinson
The last Closed Beta and Open Beta both had Player Icons, and in the drops too.
Brayden Reyes
Bought 5 got 2 golds, 3 purples, a buncha blues and whites
Sebastian Wood
have anybody calculated yet? How many cosmetics are there total? How many lootboxes do someone roughly needed to own every cosmetics (you can buy the skins from coins too)?
Cooper Martin
>get the gambler skin for mcree >that hidden ace in his sleeves >that revolver redesign >his belt buckle says "HOLDEM" now
im in love
Joshua Powell
>tfw winston skins
Carter Gray
Got the skin that covers Zarya's ugly hair. I'm good to go.
Noah Rodriguez
>open a loot box >three sprays and a player icon
Cameron Gonzalez
I got my favorite skin. I don't like things that are too extravagant.
Dylan Rivera
I guess I've been fairly lucky. Opened 51 boxes so far and got 7 legendary skins. Didn't bother keeping track of epics, but it was a lot.
After watching videos of people opening 100 lootboxes, I'll consider myself fortunate and definitely won't be buying any more, though.