You must choose Sup Forums

You must choose Sup Forums.

Grey, literally no downsides in any perceived way

a lot of these negatives look like positives to me

Red button is objectively the best choice here with little harm done to the games industry as a whole

Plus we get another F-Zero

>wanting cancer to become even more rampant on Sup Forums
Kill yourself.


Grey, not a single downside

Black, Half Life 3 officially announced, I die a week after its released.
It never releases, I never die.

>no button to destroy all games

Fuck all you consolefags.


Black needs to be balanced out.

Make it so Half Life 3 and Left 4 Dead 3 are AMAZING games that even beat their predecessors. Great music, gameplay, multiplayer, characters...

But you die within three days of the release of both games.

You mean black.

gray, without hesitation

If I pick black and bomb valve HQ, do I get to live forever?


Red and gray are good...hmm...

I want to you puppets dance more so... red.

Green. I want SH and Castlevania again.

>press black
>literally live forever as Valve never actually releases Half Life 3

Orange and I'm not even a Sega Fanboy.

>press black
>somehow sabotage Valve so that they can never release HL3
>achieve immortality

>wanting microsoft to die

Crash pls

Never cared for the Xbox.


>you get a shit game
>you die
>but before your die another shit game is announced
Who the fuck would pick this?

I choose you, OP

Grey, mostly because I don't care at all about the others. Bye Sup Forums


>literally can't die before Half Life 3 is released
>unstoppable one-man army
>kill valve
>kill anyone who gets the rights to half life 3

People who want to die, and laugh at the shitstorm that is left in their wake?


>All those pconly poor niglets that have no idea about how much consoles helped the video game market.

I bet you also think that without consoles every game would run at 4K 120FPS or bust instead of having a simpler graphic to be playable even by toasters, thus appeasing the largest possible demographic.

green has no downside????

Grey, no question.

But it doesn't say you can't get injured.
You wouldn't be able to die, but your body would endure such damage that eventually you'd just be a quadruple amputee or a brain in a jar.

The IPs of the latter three companies have had a good run. What IPs are exclusive to Microsoft anyway? Halo? Gears of War?


Sorry guys, fuck this board if I can end the stupid fucking console wars.

Green and Orange are the only answer


Definitely Orange. Especially if Capcom sells Breath of Fire to someone upon closure.

Greeen is okay too. If I was guaranteed an end to the main Suikoden storyline, I'd pick it.

Suikoden would be a Playstation exclusive tho

Gray is the only good option

>no more Sup Forums

It's a win-win

>old sega shit comes back but microsoft dies
>everyone has to use macs and linux
I want it, but I don't want it

Did you make this OP? You shouldn't parrot everything you read on this site.
Most of your downsides are even better than the actual effects of these buttons, while the rest just makes you sound like a dumb tool.

Blue if the PS+ games are """""free"""""

Green obviously, I get suikoden and castlevania back, while my already butchered franchises that nintendo has it's claws in wont bother me any more.

Grey, Sup Forums is complete and utter shit