You can't skip cutscenes

>you can't skip cutscenes

>You try to pause the cutscene but end up skipping it


>pressing start skips the gameplay section

>Game claims not to have cut scenes
>Get periodically trapped in a room until all the other characters finish their conversation

>You cant skip the 1 hour long tutorial

>you can't skip the gameplay

>have to walk and talk w asshole
>rush ahead to door only they can open
>they stop when u get too far ahead


>game gives you a mandatory AI ally
>they keep clogging vents you NEED to go through

Uncharted 4's first couple of chapters should be skippable they are cutscenes with player control

Who the fuck got close enough to the king to even assassinate him?

Uncharted 4 in a nut shell

And DOOM goes to trash

>Go through an unskippable cutscene before a battle.
>Respawn before that cutscene meaning I have sit my ass through it again.
I'm looking at you Geth Armature on Therum, in Mass Effect 1.

>Try to be smart and pause it with the systems button (think like the home button on the Wii Remote.)
>Game still doesn't allow me to access the systems screen to pause the cutscene.

you know what other game had a lot of problems with ai doing that
fuckin' daikatana man, uncharted is on par with daikatana

i really love how Metal Gear Rising deals with this, with pushing the start button leading to pause menu with the option to skip or continue the cutscene.

Should really be basic thing to have in every single narrative driven game from now on.

>Cutscene lasts for 10 minutes
>you can't pause it

>game doesn't let you progress while an NPC is talking to you over the radio

the fucking worst

>boss starts
>have to rewatch the cutscene
>can't skip it

This happened way too much in KH1.

>Mash X QTE
>Cutscene begins right after QTE
>Pressing X skips cutscene

Oh yeah and also:
>Skip cutscenes or dialogue.
>Accidentally select a dialogue option I didn't want to select, because the skip dialogue/cutscene button also functions as a select dialogue button.
Fucking Bioware.

>Finish hour long final boss fight
>Long cutscene afterwards and no opportunity to save until the end

I always fear in the back of my mind the game crashing or freezing during the cutscene

>the game encourages you to skip a part if you die more than once

>the ability to skip cutscenes was patched in almost a year after release

>you can go outside to dick around town and can come back once it's over.

I've shut the whole thing down as soon as possible even if it means losing a while of progress.

>10 hour JRPG
>you CAN skip cutscenes

Welp, no speedrun for this bad boy :(

>Teammate gets sniped right next to you

What game?

>tutorial lasts an hour

>important cutscene gets skipped for using the volume key

>Slaughter tens of thousands of grunts or fodder creatures over the course of the game
>Get captured by three of them in a cutscene

>cutscene is being used to hide loading but can be skipped when enough has loaded
>end up watching half the cutscene before you're allowed to skip it

>you skip a cutscene by accident
>the only way to watch it is to load a 1 hour old save

>what is COD: MW2

If you can make such an impressive cutscene just instantly load the level lol.

Best off just watching it from Youtube.

>finish boss with a punch to the face
>cutscene shows you kicking him

>long boring cutscene of the boss
>forced to watch long boring cutscene

>utterly annihilate boss in game
>cutscene shows them beating you effortlessly

>you need NPC to open a door
>he walks in the wrong direction and leaves the map
>you follow him
>it never stops walking away from the fucking door


These two things really butter my biscuts, whenever they happen I instantly flip my flapjacks.

Sometimes that might end up being worse depending on the game.

>search [game] on youtube
>search results load
>"[GAME] FINAL BOSS (1080P)"
>"[character] death scene"

>there's 20 seconds of only walking between cutscenes and nothing optional to do.


>You walk into an area, save, you are no longer allowed to leave the area till you beat the boss.

>The Area has a cutscene that is extremely long, that transports you to another area you can't go back from where the boss is.

>The boss has it's own very long cutscene.

>The boss is "That boss"

>Theres a really long cutscene after him.

>The entire game suddenly spikes in difficulty after him and you can get a random encounter that kills you before the next save point.

>every cutscene can be skipped
>except for the ones with QTES

>dialogue scene requires pressing A to advance
>lasts over half an hour long

Fucking JRPGs like Golden Sun ruined this shit for me.


>Skip Cutscene/Dialog
>Can't replay it