Its time to another Monitor/TV Thread.
post cons and pros..
Best setup for gaming? small or big?
Its time to another Monitor/TV Thread.
post cons and pros..
Best setup for gaming? small or big?
monitors have better refresh rate, and response time.
theres no advantage to TV other than size, which is dependent on your distance
Pros for tv's : Bigger size, less expensive if you're not planning on going over 60hz 1080p/4k
Cons : more input lag, blurry text unless you can find a decent set with 4:4:4: chroma
Pros for monitors : More variety, perfect text, 144hz, freesync, gsync, ultrawide. Most are fairly easy to overclock to 75hz at least.
Cons : Smaller size, larger size are more expensive, good 120hz/144hz are expensive for the size and screen real estate.
There are several decent size tv's that make the perfect monitor and the best ones out of that bunch are at least $800 but we're talking about 4k @ 60hz, and 1080p @ 120hz and chroma 4:4:4 along with decent input lag.
Don't listen to retards : about refresh rate because it's insignificant when it comes to gaming. People tend to confuse refresh rate with input lag and refresh rate is mostly a marketing number monitor manufactures like to put out to pretend you're getting the better monitor.
If you want a bigger size and have at least $500, get a TV. Look up m43-c1.
If you have less than $500 and will be satisfied with a smaller size, then look up monitors, or look into ultrawide, they're pretty good for gaming and productivity.
>about refresh rate because it's insignificant when it comes to gaming.
you are blind and or retarded if you dont think there's a difference between 60hz and 144hz. congrats for spreading misinformation
He's neither blind nor retarded, he's just ignorant.
If he doesn't think there's a difference, it's very likely that he's never seen them side by side to compare.
cheaper, larger sizes available
everything else
So.. is better to game in a Monitor or a TV?
TVs are for people that want more screen size for their buck, or want to use their PC as a direct connected media system with Plex or Kodi. Monitors have the advantage everywhere else, and I say this as someone who's gamed solely on TVs for nearly the last decade.
monitors are better, less input lag and better refresh rate
tvs cant accept 144hz
Why not both? Are you poor?
I use the TV because it's more comfy to sit back with a controller, but if I want precision the smaller screen is unbeatable.
For fidelity and screen refresh, a monitor is usually better. For size and value, a TV. Personally, since I game at 60/1080, a TV suits my needs perfectly. For people with the rig to handle it, a 4k or 144hz monitor will be preferable.
I don't because my living room won't accommodate such a setup. It's fine if you have a big desk or want to mount it above or whatever though.
Monitors perform better but they're tiny like your hands
I use a monitor-sized tv.
Monitors for my main rig. TV for my secondary rig (though I still have a monitor attached to it too).
l play everything in a monitor, even single player games like Uncharted 4
Literally doesn't matter unless you're a bleeding edge pro gamer.
Your average shitter wont notice or need the difference.
Lol is this going to be there HALO Killer?
>doesnt matter unless you are a gamer
>people on Sup Forums arent gamers
>Literally misrepresenting the argument