Will this be the final nail in his coffin?

Will this be the final nail in his coffin?

Other urls found in this thread:


Worse than the Spirits Within?

Any low scores only prove that reviewers are firmly in the pocket of capeshit studios. They fear vidya kino.

What is this, is this a VR is dead on arrival thread?

would anyone be kind enough to explain this meme to me please?

No, we can still hope for assassin's creed




I dunno, that looks like rotten tomatoes scores.

It's got Yoda, so is this for that Rogue One movie? Looked like it tried to mix Star Wars and the fucking Hunger Games, no thanks.

I've been curious too.
Just been thinking of it as 'really artistic and good'.

Swedish for cinema
Fuck Sup Forums and their stupid fucking memes
t. big guy

I looked it up on knowyourmeme. It's from /tv. It's basically indie, non-AAA cinema.

It doesn't mean anything until we see how much it makes. There's a chance that enough blizzdrones and normies see it that it still pulls a profit.

Come on, did anyone actually think this was going be good?

Never gave a fuck about "critics" so.

Shit I mean norwegian.
Whatever it's one of those muslim countries

Mortal Kombat still reigns supreme.

not when it makes a billion dollars

>Overmeme guaranteed to flop in a week
>"We movees nao" complete garbage


Trump isn't even in charge of the U.S military yet but he's already dropping bombs on motherfuckers

Is this movie redpill or bluepill because the Warcraft I story is redpill

>Bunch of brown skin savages drunk green demon blood and turned green(Islam)
>Medivh opened portal=Merkel opened borders
>Green orcs(Islamist) conquering Azeroth(Europe)

>hype it up for a decade
>it's shit
El Oh El

>B....but guys.....wait....guys listen....CRITICS HATED STAR WARS WHEN IT RELEASED.....it was just before its time.....stop laughing guys

Is this a new meme? Finding ways to connect the refugee crisis to fictional stories?

Everything is a meme

That's bullshit but I believe it

You're fucking plebs.

It's short for "kinography" which is a phrase pretentious shitwads on sites like reddit (not even memeing here there are some people who use it legitimately over there) use to try making cinema sound more artistic. A board like Sup Forums calling something Kino is a way of them to say it's the sort of thing people with really bad taste who know nothing about art might consider art.

Basically exactly the same as when someone here calls a game a "cinematic masterpiece"

ah, gotcha


not even a huge trump fan

but jesus christ

>decided to save up money and buy warcraft ticketsand battleborn for 40 instead of overwatch
>now im seeing overwatch is great and the warcraft movie and battleborn sucks

Thank you, user. I hate Rogue One, I mean honestly we already have Rey. Do we need yet ANOTHER white British-accented girl main character? Congratulations Disney, on pushing the envelope to...not much but safe moves.

Fake tweet? Can't find it.

What are you talking about? Norway already gave the finger to the goatfuckers.



KEK'ing hard at this.

>no review on RT
You guys are gullible as fuck. I don't care if it bombs just hope Leroy Jenkins appears in some way.

of course it's fake you turbo autist

So what happened?

This is what they get for retconning all the somewhat interesting aspects of the Warcraft universe.

Are you blind?


No he's just retarded.

Okay now im triggered

Blizzard fans wanted a movie based off of World of Warcraft. Instead, Blizzard wanted a movie about...Warcraft. No sane director would take the responsibility, so they hired David Bowie's son.

It's german.

Shit movie got a shit score

Makes me wonder how many of the tweets we see screencapped are actually fake and how many believe it blindly.

>tfw only reason I knew kino is german was thanks to Black Ops nearly 7 years ago


someone stops this madman

He beat Batman v Superman's RT score. As long as Snyder gets work, so can he.

>muslim country
Oh right it's one of those threads where people talk about shit they don't understand.

Yes. And people will swallow it up like retards.

Wasn't some muslim woman going to potentially become the next prime minister or something?

Norwegian here, never heard about that. Why the fuck would it matter what religion they have?

Haha nice maymay guys can I join too? Its up there go look it up XDD

Its a Sup Forums meme
Just forget about it you're from a different world.

n-no! It was from inglorious bastards, you l-little kid!

>why the fuck would it matter what our prime minister's world views are?

I'm not sure you know how this works. We elect people for their political opinions, their "world view". If they're elected then people support it. Everyone with half a brain is a moderate and no extremists ever get elected. I don't give two shits if my country's leader is an atheist or a christian, so muslims are all the same. If I disagree with your politics then I can do better than to cry about what god you pray to.

i wish this was real

Vicar Amelia.jpg

Religion isn't a race you cucked faggot, it IS a world view.

Like goddamn clockwork.
There are different worldviews within religions. You're saying that all christians have the same worldview? Or maybe you're saying that all muslims do and the christians are the exception? You seriously need to grow up. People develop differently with different personalities depending on the circumstances. Someone born in fucking Norway won't at all be like someone grown up in Pakistan or Kuwait.

Now fuck off to your containment board pls

Whatever, its one of those irrelevant coutries in Europe.


Are we witnessing the birth of vidyakino?

Sadly relevant enough for Sup Forums to cry about le rapefugees.

Blizzard interns hard at work today

>There are different worldviews within religions.
Sure. The world views of muslims are guided by the scripture of the Koran. The Koran is the book filled with ideas like "adulterers are to be stoned" and "wage jihad against those who defy the will of Allah". The Bible is filled with ideas like that too, and I don't look at catholics any more positively than I do muslims. Not caring about the religion (world view) of the leader of your country for the sake of being le hypertolerant progressive is fucking retarded.

Absolutely this.

But good luck talking common sense to the desperate and disenfranchised Sup Forumsacks, they can only spew their small minded rhetoric in here because it's no longer accepted in the civilised, educated world, just enjoy that and ignore them.

Guys should we tweet Dingaling to sell the rights to a Lisa the Painful movie while Vidyakino is still fresh?

Keep that kino bullshit contained to Sup Forums

god thats embarassing.

can you imagine being such a loser that you write a review praising a movie you haven't even seen yet, due to brand loyalty?

fuggin pleb

Why contain it?

Fact still remains I don't give a shit what religion my prime minister has. Unless it's something like, promoting a crusade, a jihad or some shit like that - which just would never fucking ever happen - then I'm good. Religion is not a big deal here and it shouldn't be. I'm fucking tired of identity politics. It's equally cancerous whether it be paranoid-to-be-cucked Sup Forumstards or SJWs. If you're a citizen you should have equal opportunities to anything and if you're voted in it'll be because of your politics not your religion because one, the vast majority of the country are christian and two are somewhat conservative and reserved.

It's very typical of you Americans to believe in extreme politics above all else. It's either right or left and no in between for some goddamn reason. Everyone's a moderate here so life is peaceful.

Tell me about what new roads are being built instead. Because that will actually affect me.

to be fair there are only 5 fucking reviews.

You're assuming a lot about me to dismiss my arguments. I'm not into identity politics, I'm just saying that the religion the leader of your country subscribes to is important. If someone claims to be a muslim, they subscribe to the scripture of the Koran. Maybe not all of it, but definitely some of it. And I'm not even saying it's inherently good or bad, just that it's important. Trying to write your prime minister's religion (world view) off as not important for the sake of being le super cool, megatolerant liberal is completely insane.

>for the sake of being le super cool, megatolerant liberal is completely insane.
I really don't give a shit though. I am an edgy le atheist and our current prime minister is on the right and at the start they were somewhat vocally christian. But their christian proposals were unpopular because the church and state have been seperated and people wanted it that way. I disagree with them, mainly being a school more intertwined with the traditional christian teachings again like when I was a kid, because I believe in the seperation as state should be bipartial.

>our current prime minister
>vocally christian
>christian proposals
You would have seen this coming if you didn't ignore their religious views like a dumb cuck.

>trusting gearbox ever
>believing in video game movies ever

You only have yourself to blame.

Just what the fuck are you doing?

You're implying I could've done anything against a popular vote in a goddamn democracy. You're stupid.

kek, every time.

I didn't say you could have done anything to stop it, I said you would have seen it coming.


Well no shit. Are you simple? Like as if they were voted in for the sole reasons of being both to the right and christian.

>Well no shit.
What do you mean 'no shit'? First you're telling me that a politician's religion is irrelevant, now you're saying that a politician acting out of his religious interest is a no brainer. Which is it, Sven?

Their religion is barely relevant because it hardly affects their policies and decision making. Except for these few incidents, what has happened? Another E-road? You have to view these things in context. The traditional religious proposals were just that, traditional. They were suggestions to revert back to christianity being the main focus on the "Religion" subject at schools. Old, established things that noone gave a shit about being taken away except for the christians in favour of a larger coverage of religion as a whole and not a focus on one religious denomination in particular.

It's as predictable as you folks saying "cuck" every other post. Completely harmless but predictable. Now, if we replace the christian prime minister with a muslim one who doesn't even have an entirely christian party behind them but a political party which always comprises of different people with different smaller views on individual matters who group together under one "banner", what will happen? Fucking nothing because muslims are such a minority there's nothing but another mosque that could favour them. And that really doesn't harm me.

>because it hardly affects their policies and decision making
you don't really believe this, do you m8?

Blizzard also decided to retcon it so the orcs were all dindu nothins


Most of the ones that get reposted are real.

no because he hasn't been corrupted yet

>mfw the guy who directed this is the one that said his movie will be better than LOTR cause it wasn't written by a white man in the trenches of WW1

Glad this worthless cuck is getting what he deserves.

Kung Pow got shit reviews because critically it was a shitty movie, it's fun about being garbage which makes it enjoyable. Warcraft takes itself super seriously, yet it rides on the severely chopped up remains of a story that was already a little weak.

It is bluepill, orcs are noble creatures who just want to live in peace, but the alliance insists on slaughtering them. Then when the legion invades, the orcs magnanimously agree to help the alliance fight.

Not a meme, zowie bowie specifically said he took inspiration from the refugee crisis.


I know this is Sup Forums, but fuck Rogue One.

Most of the people that voted in there haven't seen the movie.

Nothing literally stops me or anybody else from making an account and modify that rating.

fuck off