How that YouTube gaming channel coming user?
How that YouTube gaming channel coming user?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's going alright.
its going fucking awful, all my videos are low quality shit, and the only games i can play on my Toshiba satellite laptop shit potato games adn shit recording softwares
I recorded (most of) the audio for my first video a few days ago, just need to roll my own subtitles because I'm an autist who would like that. But I'll have to get it done soon since I might be going out of town tomorrow
I transcribe already written reviews, I might start doing my own one day
I have a shit load of MW2 and CoD4 gameplay, and have been uploading them regularly. But I don't really have time to make more unique and well edited videos, so this is all I've been doing. I have pretty good capture hardware and software. I have a Master Chief Motorcycle Helmet Unboxing with over 7k views, but everything else has like an average of less than 50 views.
Also, I feel like a fag sharing my channel, but here.
OP here. It's cool to post your urls. Maybe we can find a way to help each other.
I did some shit on mine I'm not proud of.
I only use it for my Twitch archives, so it's ezpz.
Post your URL then bitch.
I have one 2 minute video. Also you're not being very nice.
Not this guy but I feel he's underrated
Inb4 people think I'm him
I just do little montages of me doing some things in Smash Bros.
I haven't played that piece of shit in a while so I haven't made anything new.
Hell that last video was made with the last replays I had and those had been sitting there for weeks
Here's 3
I'm uploading creepy content now. Vidyas are SO 2013
i dont have one but I just released an album on sunday and I already fucking hate it and it makes me want to kill myself.
>gaming channel
the real money's in streaming
Dude, work on your titles, no wonder I was like your third view, I made a stupid conspiracy theory video about blues clues and got like 200 views. I made a stupid song years ago and got like 700. Titles man! Titles!!!
I upload garbage and sometimes people laugh at it.
I want to hear it.
How could I improve? How should I form titles?
We're you trying to reply to me?
Shit yeah. Sorry
Well, you started a thread and then told us to post URLs but don't even share yours. How you gonna become the next pewdiepie if you can't even shill properly?
I-I'm sorry. I'll s-shill better next time I-I swear.
Look at big you tubers and start copying them. It's pretty common to click beauty titles, use caps, and open ended questions. For example:
Well first of my nigga, this right here
You gotta learn to put your shit out there better, don't be an annoying dick and drop it in comments, but maybe mention like I did a video about this too on reviews and what you thought and people, your video was only the game title, you need to tell people what your video is doing though, gameplay, review? Make a picture for the video so it looks a little more professional
But I do have to give credit where credit is due and applaud you for even uploading something, your first videos will probably be shit. I'm editing a video about the new powerpuff girls reboot right now and it's gonna be shit, but you have to be shit to grow. And do what I'm doing, will with the topics.
Do Overwatch and Battleborn videos rn, that shit is still hot.
The new ppg still has people annoyed, some shit is timeless. Like doing final fantasy games or classic/beloved cartoons/movies
*to use click baity
Sorry I just got off work and I'm tired AF
>switch to ytps
>gain 20 subs over a month
Everybody should poop
Okay i gotcha. It essentially needs a click bait title, right?
And one more thing. Make videos on shit you love, like games, you seem to like games, do that. If you make videos about shit you aren't passionate about it'll show. And have fun. Don't be so serious.
And don't open a patreon till like 100,000 subs
I actually had two other videos up before but they were so bad they made me cringe. So I changed my format and deleted them.
Thanks for the advice I don't care about the money I just want to do it because I have a lot of free time.
Are you talking about YouTube poops?
I like doing video game reviews but my work mostly gets in the way. Speaking of which, I gotta fucking go. It's too damn late.
A lot of the shit on my channel is work related. Go to playlists if you're looking for vidya related.
These are pretty good. The audio quality is pretty clear and its well edited. Shit like this isn't too tough to do but it's always fun to see more of it. Keep it up.
Nice. You clearly know what you're doing. I love seeing high level play like this and Smash is a game I'm easily impressed by since a lot of the finer points go over my head. And you use a wide variety of characters too! Shit, I'm gonna subscribe. Hopefully you do more stuff, if not Smash than something else.
I've been thinking about it. I want to make a spiritual successor to Fesh Pince since he hasn't made a third one yet. I would include Jazz, whom I'm surprised wasn't included in the first two.
Monetize your videos when you can just in case. You never know when your shit can go viral for no reason.
I laughed way to hard at your picture.
I'm just starting out, but I don't really know what to do. I LIKE making the videos, but I don't really have a purpose yet. I'm not a really interesting guy when talking, so I can't do commentary and that's pretty much a death sentence.
I think I'll stick to making Trucking videos till I find out what else I can do. If you guys have any suggestions, please let me know so I can produce more content
close to 200 subs
twitch channel not doing so well
only got 4 vids somebody tell me what i could do better
This is what my buddy has been working on for a while.
How do channels explode and become big name gaming people? What do you guys want to see in a gaming channel?
i have no idea but the reason why my channel exploded because i was the first person to upload the true end for undertale
Interesting stuff, news, humor, well edited videos, cool people, and passion
who knows, people like stupid shit
im honestly surprised it exploded it had no commentary
Gotta remember to find these gaps in the youtube market where people havent shown something like endings, glitches etc.
My buddy XDarkRaptureX makes bretty good content. It's mostly uncharted commentary but honestly better than most up and coming vidya channels these days.
link the channel or a video you mong nobody's gonna go look your butt buddy up
47,722 subs. It's okay.
how u git subs
Not my channel, but some friends of mine.
I dont get that many views anymore and money from the revenue freom from 150-200 to 30 in a matter of months.
Sad. I dont know what to do.
Gameplay is boring , and most gameplay videos get copyrighted right away.
How do popular gaming channels get away with it?
It might be the music that gets you in trouble.
Just play Smash and yell a lot
But you have to talk on YT
I dont use any music aside from the source of the videogame.
>tfw 8,852 subscribers • 17,728,072 views
>just make around 30 dollars a month from the ad revenue
>35 minute video of watching somebody drive in truck simulator
thank you for making a good gameplay video at least
If this is really you, hats off. Nice leafy video.
I've made a few videos with my friends playing Sm4sh, Blops 3, and Street Fighter V but I never posted them anywhere, just shared them with my friends.
I want us to git gud at making funny and witty banter before I post anything, our gameplay is solid and my edits are great but our commentary and jokes are lacking. I'm sure if I made the videos shorter I could cut out the bad jokes and stuff but then we're cutting precious gameplay.
What do?
Yeah. That can get you in trouble.
Part of me wants to bring back Gaming in the Clinton Years for the modern day. How would I go about this? Should I also put it on public access television?
I mean I put in music too if that means anything
I personally really like TS/IRL driving videos, but I kinda realize I'm only pandering to like a handful of other that like them too.
I'm not very creative, so this is the best I could come up with
Don't try too hard on making commentary. Just forget the camera's there, and talk shit with your friends like you normally would. Not that hard, especially if you all have good chemistry
I made this video :
That's the thing though.
We play exactly the same way we do when not recording. We make all the same comments and jokes, and have the same reactions. The problem is we're boring.
Work on your jokes then
It's not. I'm pretty content with watching other people's stuff.
Learn to Bantz
Whenever I play with my friends I make fun of their character even when I losing.
Like if my friend is playing as Megaman in smash I'll talk shit about how his franchise went down the shitter.
Also, talk about the game and shit. I tend to explain to my friends sometimes about what makes Doom or other games great. From shit like level design, sound effects and music.
Be creative and make the viewer smile or think while also having fun with it.
Damn I didn't even notice how many views you were getting now. I knew you kinda blew up but I guess I just didn't pay too much attention. I think I subbed for your Life Is Strange LP
After making all my 200 videos private, I started over again making a channel about Dark Souls.
Sadly, Dark Souls 3 fucking sucks dick.
At least I get to start the channels with already 200 subscribers tho
my mate and I do the same thing. We just cut a lot of the shit.
Here's a link :^)
I wish I could make a channel but I sound like pruane2forever and I'm 23 years old
Let's say I want to consider starting a youtube channel. What would be the best way to go about it? What programs would you guys recommend for recording/ editing video? What should a newcomer be aware of going in?
I have the computer to record or run games but I have absolutely garbage internet which means that I can't even upload a video at a decent pace. I wish I could stream since it seems much more laid back