Let's have a good SMT talk:

Let's have a good SMT talk:
1)Are you hyped about SMTIV Apocalypse?
2)Do you like the change of names like Polythest Alliance to Divine Powers?
3)Are you hyped about Persona 5?why?
4)What game do you like more: DeSu or DeSu: Record Breaker?
5)Law,Neutral or Chaos?
6)any of you knows if the Persona 3 Movies are good?

Other urls found in this thread:


Plus question: Did you miss Kaneko or you prefer Trauma man?

I miss Kaneko

>1)Are you hyped about SMTIV Apocalypse?
Well just a little because Steven DLC
>2)Do you like the change of names like Polythest Alliance to Divine Powers?
Wait what? Give me sauce about that
>3)Are you hyped about Persona 5?why?
Well the game looks very good also I still need a ps4
>4)What game do you like more: DeSu or DeSu: Record Breaker?
DeSu have a better story but RB has better gameplay
>5)Law,Neutral or Chaos?
Neutral because I'm not a fag
>6)any of you knows if the Persona 3 Movies are good?
I didn't watch them yet>Plus question: Did you miss Kaneko or you prefer Trauma man?
I like Kaneko a lot and Trauma man is great but it seems like he tres to emulated kaneko work, I'm mystaken?

I miss kaneko...a lot

2, Yes, might be cool
3. Yes, because it looks like they're sticking to the P3/4 formula with updated graphics
4, Best DeSu game is Record Breaker because it has better music and more content than Overclocked.
5, Chaos of course; the others are boring
6, Don't know, I guess they're probably shit

>Chaos of course; the others are boring
My nigga

Same fag

What about Raidou ?
What about Nocturne?

As much as I appreciate the attempts to make a good Megaten thread all day. The shitposting will never end

What is your favorite Megaten user?

2 forever,It would probably be pic related if I could read moon roons If only Aeon Genesis would get off his ass and translate it

You people do your thing, I'll just post the music.

I never got around to playing IV. Will I be able to play Apocalypse well enough or is IV pretty much a mandatory play for it?

>Catiously optimistic. Disliked a lot about 4 so an overhaul would very much welcomed.
No strong feelings one way or the others.
>Not hyped, but hopefully it'll be good. I hope against odds we'll land the dual audio so I can get my Sugita on, but worse case I just import.
DeSu for story, setting, and honestly more fun bosses.
>Neutral because I believe in humanity
They're enjoyable movies, Door-kun is a total snark and it's amusing.
>Kaneko all the way. Unironically my favorite designer, or was. He hasn't done shit lately.

Making a strawpoll for the objective best megaten, try and keep the thread alive until then

Damn user now I can feel you...
Be patient I know you will get it someday...maybe this year.
Who knows?


Best bro

Doi is ok but you can tell there's obvious flaws in his artstyle

smirk intensifies

That final scene at the las Persona 3 movie.
I already knew that this isn't gonna end well but
I don't know if I can bear that scene.

Maybe we gonna get a movie about The answer r-right?


Here it is, thanks for waiting guys

I heard that Ryouji does a voiceover annd implies that MC lives in the movie


This tread unfortunately is going to die and I don't know why?

>Tfw when the only Megaten thread gets snuffed for 40 Overwatch threads

Don't even talk about it

Here let me help

1. Yes I am.
2. Eh, kinda iffy on that. Whatever
3. Not really. I don't have a PS4/PS3.
4. Desu.
5. Chaos.
6. They're alright.

Playing Overclocked for the first time.
Any tips for beating Naoya?

heh heh...more like Shit Megagay Tenshit

I don't know guys but I really like the artist of TMS...fucke that censorship but the art was great

>1)Are you hyped about SMTIV Apocalypse?
Definitely yes. Second most anticipated game this year.
>2)Do you like the change of names like Polythest Alliance to Divine Powers?
Don't really mind.
>3)Are you hyped about Persona 5?why?
I am, because Persona games are fun, and I really enjoy all the MegaTen spinoffs except...
>4)What game do you like more: DeSu or DeSu: Record Breaker?
Desu. These games are shit and so is Yasuda's art.
>5)Law,Neutral or Chaos?
>6)any of you knows if the Persona 3 Movies are good?
I'm really enjoying them. I'm biased though. P3 is my favorite Persona game.

good luck

More like Tin Salami Hentai

Why don't you like Desu?

Tried regular DeSu1, Overclocked, and Record Breaker. They're all just so boring to me.
Don't like the characters, the art obviously, or the gameplay. Tried starting Overclocked probably four times now, and I lose interest quick.

Record Breaker is the best way a remake could be done. Everything from the original, plus a whole new story to boot.


Why this motherfucker doesn't have any cameo on Apocalypse?

Doi's pretty good, and I assume he fixed the designs for Apocalypse, but Kaneko's PS2 era designs are too iconic for anyone to follow up. That art style IS SMT.

Not the same guy but I wish they could've done something about the speed of the game. Battles are at a crawl especially when compared to the generally fast paced SMT games. Regardless I'm about to finish Overclocked and god someone help me with Naoya please I beg you

I love that demon....too fucking much

Because he's technically from a spinoff, not a numbered title. Huge loss, riot when?

Because he's not Japanese. :^)

Japan hates him and everything about SJ

In the Jap version he is


I want to fuck Argilla's leg.

Favorite song in IV


Not really
I liked DeSu more but I kinda prefer Bunny over Abel
They're shit

>le special White snowflake

Where is Kaneko now?

If I ever finish learning Japanese I'll translate it.

)Are you hyped about SMTIV Apocalypse?
I am, but fuck, I still haven't beaten SMT4.

>2)Do you like the change of names like Polythest Alliance to Divine Powers?
Polytheist Alliance sounds cooler, but I honestly don't care that much.

>3)Are you hyped about Persona 5?why?
Fucking hyped for it. Demons and demon negotiation and it looks stylish as fuck. Don't want to buy a PS4 though, but I might do it some time down the road.

I'd buy a PC version in a heartbeat though.

>4)What game do you like more: DeSu or DeSu: Record Breaker?
I need to get around to playing Record Breakfer before making a judgment.

>5)Law,Neutral or Chaos?
Society needs law and order to function and provide things all of us benefit from, but also freedom for people to make their own path in life to be content.

So I'd say Neutral, but every SMT game usually has me end up Law when answering honestly.

>6)any of you knows if the Persona 3 Movies are good?
Seemed alright from what I watched.

>Plus question: Did you miss Kaneko or you prefer Trauma man?
I love Kaneko's style, but Trauma man is decent as well.

Still working at Atlus. He just worked on the scenario for Final.

Stuck in Atlus's dungeon.
I hear they crippled his fingers so even if he did escape, he can never draw again.

Any of you guys what the heck is this?

He still works for Atlus mostly has the guy who approves everything, according to the artbook commentary he was cool with the new designs and was the one who okay the decision in IV

Some stupid mobile game.

Original concept for Persona 3

So he become lazy?


Yes. Have you not seen any of his terrible digitally colored art?


Any of you knows what kind of bonuses you get when you play Apocalypse after SMTIV ?


This was a good tread BTW
>1)Are you hyped about SMTIV Apocalypse?
>2)Do you like the change of names like Polythest Alliance to Divine Powers?
I don't care to much about this
>3)Are you hyped about Persona 5?why?
Because of the setting
>4)What game do you like more: DeSu or DeSu: Record Breaker
I didin't like those?
>5)Law,Neutral or Chaos?
>6)any of you knows if the Persona 3 Movies are good?
the production was beatiful if you ask me

Politheist Alliance to Divine Powers, what the fuck?

>change Polytheistic Alliance to Divine Powers
>don't change YHVH
What ?

>Not liking Devil Survivor

God, that art is hideous.

>1)Are you hyped about SMTIV Apocalypse?
>2)Do you like the change of names like Polythest Alliance to Divine Powers?
Don't really care unless they change the gameplay
>3)Are you hyped about Persona 5?why?
It looks like it has demons again like Persona 2, all of the guys are pretty cool, and options to move around/more control
>4)What game do you like more: DeSu or DeSu: Record Breaker?
Both but I prefer Desu because of Chaos ending.
>5)Law,Neutral or Chaos?
4th option. No 4th option I usually pick Chaos
>6)any of you knows if the Persona 3 Movies are good?
They are so far.

I personally like Raidou/Nocturne the most out of the SMT series with Desu at a close second/third.

Not hyped, but I'll probably play it.
Not really, but it's not a big deal.
No, but it looks at least marginally better than 4. Might play it a few years from now when it hits the bargain bin/gets a Golden-esque edition.
DeSu 1, no contest. Record Breaker has better gameplay, and a more fun protag, but that's about all I like more about it than DeSu 1. If 3's much more similar in tone to the first, and has the gameplay improvements of the second, it'll probably become my favorite game in the SMT series as a whole.
Alignment is weird in this series, I tend to float towards Law with most of my actions ingame, but my personal beliefs are far more Neutral/Chaotic in nature. I'd say Neutral, overall.
To my knowledge the P3 movies aren't that great, but if you like the game, then just watch it nigga.
I certainly miss Kaneko, but Doi's growing into his own style. Maybe with some more time I'll grow to love his designs as much as I do Kaneko's.

>Polytheistic Alliance
>led by a monotheistic deitiy

Why is SMT4's writing so retarded?

God, that bait is hideous.

>Polythest Alliance to Divine Powers
>That fucking font

what the fuck are they doing

No, not bait.
His art is just shit, that's all.

I'm not huge on the anti-grav tits, but outside of that his art can be pretty decent.

He had some okay stuff in Cyber Sleuth.
My main issue is his faces.

Krishna isn't a monotheistic deity.

>1)Are you hyped about SMTIV Apocalypse?
Fuck yes. I'm almost done with Strange Journey.
>2)Do you like the change of names like Polythest Alliance to Divine Powers?
Whatever. But I prefered the first one.
>3)Are you hyped about Persona 5?why?
Persona games are fucking awesome and the game looks damn fine. Stylish, actual dungeons, more battle depth. I just hope for a good story, but Persona hasn't disappointed me so far.
>4)What game do you like more: DeSu or DeSu: Record Breaker?
Haven't played them yet (S-RPG isn't my cup of tea) but why wouldn't you want an upgraded version ?
>5)Law,Neutral or Chaos?
>6)any of you knows if the Persona 3 Movies are good?
They look gorgeous and have GOAT Meguro soundtracks, but they have a really weird pace. #2 is the best one yet.

Pretty sure SJ is mainline even if not numbered.

DeSu and DeSu Record Breaker likely refer to the remakes of the first and second Devil Survivor games on the 3DS, Devil Survivor Overclocked and Devil Survivor Record Breaker respectively.

Beat Persona 1. Should I bother doing the Snow queen quest? Got tired of the game by the end.

Hey, we got the demonica suits.

Snow Queen is over half the game, yes you should bother with it.

If you really wanna do it, boot up some cheats, and play through it.
I'll never replay P1 or P2 again.

I've played IV P3 and P4. What should I play next? I'm considering Nocturne or DDS but I'm open to suggestions.

It's not numbered and not in mainline only because it's not in Tokyo and the protags aren't japanese. That's it.
Curse ATLUS for this.

The protag is Japanese in the Japanese version.

DDS1 and 2 are vastly different, give 'em a go.

Why are you so retarded ?

Welp that means it's just not in Tokyo, so no number.

Remove smirk

DDS gives you a break with fusions, it's good before entering the true SMT hell, and somewhat shorter than other SMTs (35-40h each, add 10-20h per game if you do all the sidequests and/or ultimate bosses)
Also, it's just amazingly good and has the best soundtracks and story in my opinion. Great atmosphere. And not too hard.

>(35-40h each, add 10-20h per game if you do all the sidequests and/or ultimate bosses)
>sidequests and/or ultimate bosses
>ultimate bosses

Also, after that I'd say to go with Nocturne, since it's the same era and models. After that, P2, Strange Journey, SMTIV, PQ, and whatever floats your boat.

NewGame+ and farming took me about 60 hours, it's okay. Ragnarok trivializes newgame+. Still, 30+ hours of farming, fuck