Post the most overpowered character in their respective games
I'll start
Post the most overpowered character in their respective games
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>not widowmaker
>implying implications
lmao you must be joking
That does not look like bastion.
> Implying implications that are implying implications
> Widowmaker
I bet you're the player that keeps down the scope until you get 1 headshot and scream in your mic like a spaztic.
>Introduce Winston
No, if I was joking, I'd have posted McCree. Tracer can literally only be killed by ults and Junkrat's traps.
She's strong but she's not overpowered. You should have started the thread with "Post the strongest character in their respective games," and I'd be inclined to agree.
This. Widowmaker has a high skill ceiling, but her power is off the charts if you're good. The hacks have shown the upper limit of how game breaking a widowmaker is.
Stop baiting. McCree is far more annoying to deal with than FemScout.
That's a funny joke user.
Not that guy, but I'm pretty sure I've fucked up countless Tracers with Roadhog's grapple and shotgun, and Genji's sword dash.
You play on consoles, don't you?
Tracer dies literally in one fully charged Widowmaker shot, dies if Roadhog hooks her and dies if McCree flashbangs her.
Honestly get good.
Forget this whole "nerf these heroes!" war, lets talk about people who need a buff.
That's not McCree or Widowmaker.
most of the offense heroes can outduel Tracer tbhfam
McCree is the only I can think of.
genji and can
What the hell's wrong with her face.
Maybe if you're shit
McCree is a free kill if his abilities are on cd.
My bad, I forgot about Roadhog's grapple. But you must be fighting some retarded ass Tracers if they're standing still long enough for you to sword them.
they all out damage or HP her
Zarya kills that bitch easy if you are good with her right click, esp if she is in an enclosed area.
>Not Reaper or McCree
Here's your skill set for either of these characters
>get close
>hit a button and be rewarded instantly
But with McCree you have to do the tough brain wrenching thing of hitting TWO buttons instead of one. Tracer at least has low health, extremely low. Reaper and McCree are the most horseshit characters in the game because of how brainelss they are.
Why bother learning to play any other attacker when these two require the least amount of skill and get you the most results.
Cool assumptions
You know low health =/= easy to kill, right?
Literally any character is game breaking if you're good enough.
> McCree is annoying.
> All you have to do is keep your distance and dash behind him if he uses his ult.
You're a joke.
I bet you got 1 tripple with his ult and think he is a god send.
Hey man, aiming is a broken mechanic.
D. Va I agree with but Genji? Fuck no, it's hitscan vs projectile without splash damage. No way is he favorable in the matchup. Her estimated health is higher than his anyways.
And no that's false. DPS isn't even a sole determining factor either.
>not McCree
top kek OP
Tell me who you think is overpowered and I can simplify it down as well.
>enemy team has a good tracer
>your team ignores her
>she continuously picks you off until you have to switch roles to counter her
>"wtf how come we don't have role?"
fuck tracer, I don't care if she only has 150 hp, if someone is good with her you are fucked five ways over
>McCree and Widowmaker are OP
You guys are seriously shit at this game holy fuck
Mcree, Mei, and Pharah are the only ones who need tweaks.
Maybe junkrat too.
The fact Mei's freeze freezes you for like a whole 3 seconds is kind of bullshit. Mcree's pocket sand instagib tank killing is a huge problem, plus the fact he can practically snipe with his revolver
I don't think anybody is overpowered.
I think everybody is balanced in their own way, and can be countered or "overpowered" if you play them correctly.
No. There's an upper limit to how good you can be with most characters and what their output is. Admittedly, we may never see someone with the calculated aim potential of a widowmaker in our own games, but she slaughters anyone who peeks their head out in the most extreme of situations.
Widow is only as OP as her aim, but she is honestly one of the most retard-friendly snipers I've seen in an FPS
>ridiculous fast charge time for max damage shot
>stays scopes between shots
>trap to warn her of people closeby
>ult that lets her see through walls lmao
McCree has just a retarded narrow playstyle like most heroes in this game.
The only true OP characters in the game are Lucio and Zarya.
McCree is a guaranteed death if he gets close with no cover/backup. Same for Widow, except she's less limited than McCree.
He even has a better ass.
McCree is excellent at both long and short ranges. He shouldn't be.
I knew Sup Forums was casual, but are they unironically saying that the sniper is OP? I'm shocked there isn't anyone saying Bastion is OP if this is the kind of people we're dealing with here.
these 2 homos from street fighter
debate me. fuck shotos. a new street fighter game but everybody is still playing old characters
>Implying Zarya even exists
>stop shooting
>weeb does retarded sword dance for a 2 sec. duration
>resume shooting
Literally nothing.
>he can't snipe well enough to be OP with WM
>I think everybody is balanced in their own way
No, a game like this will never balanced just like how a MOBA will never be balanced.
There will always be heroes who are good picks.
I'm not sure if Lucio needs a nerf or if other supports just need to get on his level. He does the most healing of anyone in an AOE circle around him, doesn't have to give up attacking to do it (even if his gun is a weak), has good utility potential with his push for anyone clever, and can switch to a speed buff if he is out of people to heal. Mercy has weak utility and has to give up her support role to pull out a gun. Zenyatta has ridiculous amounts of support potential but has an ability to heal equivalent to just finding a medpack on the ground, and Symettra doesn't do anything to help injured people, only acting as utility on her ult.
This thread is filled with garbage Sup Forums noobs thinking they know anything as usual
if genji lands a couple of shurkens he can just dash through her and kill her instantly
>He plays against such retarded people that the sniper is OP
>all these Mei falseflaggers calling Widowmaker OP
>Sniping in a game with 20 tick rate
Yeah no, even with good aim, widow will be shit regardless.
McCree is slow as fuck, seriously anyone who dies to a fucking McCree or Widowmaker and says their OP should just stop playing FPS games.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Don't tell them about Zarya, I want to carry for a few more weeks without getting complained about.
>Hanamura Defense
>last point
>McCree on the left side pops up and inquires our team about the time
>push him back into the closet as Lucio
Meant to say Zenyatta has a ridiculous amount of attacking potential.
A sniper with consistently good aim will always be strong you fucking idiot.
I love how people make their retarded arguments about when strong heroes are 'easy to beat' like they do it all the time.
c/ping a list made by retards for a day old game doesn't mean you know what you're on about, nigger
Even as a Mei main, I have to admit Mei is fucking OP
overwatch is better on consoles
>maining in an FPS
kill yourself.
Tracer is really best as a distraction.
Flank the enemy, rewind if they turn their attention to you, keep shooting if they don't.
I'm not saying the tiers he posted are right but the game had been in beta for months
Each shuriken does 28 dmg. So you would do 56 damage. Dash does 50 damage. Not to mention her time warp which would effectively raise her survivability. Genji is an alright character but not against Tracer.
Which characters actually need a buff?
wtf? any hitscan hero absolutely fucks her the second she hits the sky
>The most over powered player is you
fuck off
Check the sources dipshit. Lots better than some noob on Sup Forums who's played the game up to level 10 claiming he knows what's op and not.
I feel like I live just to charge my ult.
She should've been given a medium range right click attack.
She's easily the most useless Attacker 9 times out of 10.
She now has 300 hp.
Mercy's utility is in her raise ult which is available every minute or so
Don't mistake people being bad the game for the heroes themselves being bad.
It's like you're trying to be stupid on purpose. I'm sorry, I knew Sup Forums was bad, but I never knew they were so fucking shitty at video games that they actually consider snipers to be OP.
>consistently good aim.
That might be a problem if almost literally every single hero didn't come with enough mobility or defense to be a hard counter to her. Or if the maps gave consistent line of sight to the objectives. Or if half the heroes didn't have weapons or skills capable of shooting her just as easily as she shoots them. Or if several heroes couldn't get to her before she has time to aim.
Honestly, I think Lucio is the only character in the game that doesn't have enough health to survive a shot or some way to reliably counter her. isn't impactful enough in general, everything but ult needs to do more
Reaper is outcalssed by McCree outside of his ult
If you think Widowmaker, Junkrat, or Pharah is too weak, you just need better aim.
She's best used as anything since she is completely untouchable by every attack but auto-aims
No she doesn't, she's still at 150
The ult is one of the most underwhelming things about D.Va. As a person with the durability and speed to chase weakened retreating targets and good support potential with her "Shuts most characters down" E ability, I like her pre ult game as long as the team knows how to act on you pressing E, but when it comes times to ult, it goes off so slow and is so easily dodged now that everyone understands it. The only thing it does it tells people to clear out of an area for 2 seconds before resuming fighting. It's essentially pushing people but without the ability to know where you're pushing them to.
> isn't impactful enough in general
I disagree a bit.
Her ult is one of the bigger game changers depending on the game mode and map.
When it comes to breaking down a walled defense I can't think of anyone else I'd switch to to carry the game.
this is the right answer her scope charge time is ridiculous. In the hands of someone with half decent aim she absolutely destroys.
Genji is pretty balanced, but I'd like his melee attack to have a bit more damage. I'm not really good enough to make him shine, but right now I can't do anything but scummy hit&run bullshit.
> isn't impactful enough in general, everything but ult needs to do more
That's exactly how I feel about symmetra. Turrets don't charge fast enough to be able to use them too offensively, and with her shielding working the way it does, she has nothing to do in a fight half the time.
Healing more is easier as Lucio because it's passive, but actively healing your team and effectively zipping around from person to person as Mercy will result in more healing and more lives saved overall. Also her damage boost probably contributes just as much damage as Lucio's gun can provide throughout the course of a match but I'm not sure about that.
are you doing is right click melee strike combo?
Symmetras right click and Dvas Q both work only against dumb players who don't know the game yet. Once people get used to them they get consistently shut down.
>Also her damage boost probably contributes just as much damage as Lucio's gun can provide throughout the course of a match but I'm not sure about that.
Difference is that Lucio can heal and harm at the same time while Mercy has to pick. And Lucio's ult doesn't happen after the team is dead and already lost momentum.
Are you literally shitting on one of the best ults in the game?
Widow, Reinhardt, McCree, Lucio, and Mei are broken. Tracer is literally paper.
>Her ult is one of the bigger game changers depending on the game mode and map.
>My face when I hear "NERF THIS"
I have seen a lot of D.VAs. Not since the early parts of the beta have I seen it actually kill anyone without severe assistance from other people like Mei, in which case you might as well have just shot them to death given even D.VAs unmeched pistol can do that job.
Throwing his projectiles horizontally and then striking with melee? Does that work well?
Problem with Mercy is her utility is much more reliant on how good your teammates are. With Lucio's healing being passive he can add as much to the skirmish as any other character. Mercy on the other hand must play an active role in support, so if the player who you are supporting sucks, you're shit out of luck.
Pharah requires far too much work to git gud with to play her to her potential compared to other Heroes. Soldier 76 is a better choice half the time, Reaper and McCree are better choices half the time. You have almost no room for error as Pharah, your rockets need to be precise or you'll get gunned down in seconds.
yes and after the melee you use swift strike
>tfw you boost someone's ult
>And Lucio's ult doesn't happen after the team is dead and already lost momentum.
You can bring your entire team back from a junkrat wheel or whatever with Mercy's ult. It's situational but when you get a good one in it can save the game.
This is true, you need your teammates to not die so that you can be busy healing them the whole time.