How the fuck are you supposed to kill them? This is fucking ridiculous

How the fuck are you supposed to kill them? This is fucking ridiculous

My friend did it solo in 12 tries

I'm on my twentysomething try right now and it's just so unfair and poorly designed.

If you let the battle go on long enough you'll probably die. The trick is to kill the smaller one fairly quickly and then take your time poking at fatty.

Once you understand the game better though there's plenty of ways of taking them down.


Don't be afraid to summon for help. They're there for a reason.

use pillars to separate them, focus on killing one of them first. Orni moveset is kinda intuitive, but smough has some nasty moves, so watch out for him. It's not that hard, but overwhelming at first. Also there's phase 2 where one of them gets big, watch out for butt stomp, rest is easy to dodge. Also dont target lock for p2.

kite drake and punish his attacks
put pillars between you and him when he tries to anime dash or throw lightning
realise that josh's attack are all really easy to dodge because they're slow and you just have to roll into them

The answer is stop being a little crybaby bitch.

>unfair and poorly designed
You mean you're shit at the game.

holy shit there are actually people like this on Sup Forums

where did it all go so fucking wrong

its pure luck combined with shit people said in here, it took me a dozen tries but holy shit beating them felt soooo good

also those 2 are the hardest boss in the game solo i found

Start by punishing Ornstein when he does that lunging attack when you enter the boss room, then just attack him when there's an opening and Smough is a good distance away.

I did it solo in 5 tries

Just use the Eagle shield.

I'm not even that good at games, but I first try them easily.
My first playthrough was rough, about 10 deaths, but that's the point.

It's your final test, you're not supposed to get to the lategame if you can't defeat them.

Don't tell him that, that will just ruin the fight. The whole point is 2v1. If he summons, he won't get better, and will complete a lesser experience.

neither of them attack that much

ornstein is always in your face so he's easier to pull away from smough. kill him first while being mindful of smough. use audio cues.

Yeah, summons are there for a reason, and that reason is to aid those with mental issues.

don't worry bro i nearly ripped my controller to pieces trying to beat those 2, it's really fucking unfair when they both stick together. you can only ever get a chance when ornstein fucks off to range otherwise you'll never get a hit in. people saying they beat them in one try got super fucking lucky with the AI

>tfw killing Smough first

This desu.
They're both pretty slow, it's just that there's two of them.
Use the pillars to stay away from Biggie, and Smalls on his own is basically an early game boss difficulty.

Kalameet is like 5 times harder, Manus like 10, the fuck bro?

oh fuck i forgot about manus, the entire DLC had some tough shit to deal with, pretend i was talking about just regular game


Aight, they might be the hardest there, although I had way more trouble with 4 kings.
I played a very light build with 0 poise, don't judge me ok?

Most difficult fight I've encountered through the entire series, only time I ever truly got stuck

Just try over and over again until you manage not to get fucked by fatty's charge attack
Obviously use pillars to make space

no judgement, 4 kings was hard if you didn't kill them fast

dark souls is weird, i swear each playthrough id get stuck on stuff i thought was easy and vice versa

Four Kings aren't too bad, you just have to tank/chug through their hits, get right up in their faces, strafe and never stop poking. If you summoned Witch Beatrice for the butterfly fight you can summon her for Four Kings as well.

lol so you have reached midgame and just realized that you fucking suck at the game? good job user

I know, every single one of my friends has trouble with different bosses, and steamroll others.

Yeah, I figured that out, and it kinda ruined the fight.
You can wear Havel armor and just mash R1 like you're Oroboro with a falchion, it's boring as fuck. I just got gud at rolling after like 15 deaths.

Circle strafe, kill Smough first, he's fat and slow, and then just stay away from Ornstein and circle strafe when he lunges and attack.

Pretty simple honestly, I never personally got why people said it was hard, but circle strafe, it works all the time.
You could just pop a Green Blossom and stand their wailing in the same spot until the next one shows up, run up and repeat the process. They go down so quick you never have to deal with more than one at a time and the Boss HP Bar will deplete before the fourth actually dies.

Git gud


Ok first one is easy, but then you have some time to scratch the second one BEFORE the third one JUMPS to you

Kill the first one, do what damage you can to the second one, and then roll off into the floor and just keep your distance and time your strikes, just take 1-2 potshots and circle strafe around and roll when needed.

Or just summon whatshisface, trivializes the fight terribly.

It took me like twenty tries too, but it isn't really hard. Killing one when the two are still standing is ez, Ornstein is easy as fuck to hit, fucker's almost always close to you, dodging him is ez. Smough is so big and and slow hitting and dodging him is really ez too. Just keep the two on sight all the time so that you can know what the fuck they're doing and stuff but focus on hitting only one.
Giant Ornstein's where I would fuck up everytime since I would succumb to pressure and fuck my timing and do retarded shit and stuff.

>Yeah, summons are there for a reason, and that reason is to aid those with mental issues.
Take it easy, fag, did you forget to take your pills or smth?

Play conservatively. Keep them both in your sight and strafe/back away continuously. Only attack if you have a good opening. You should probably kill Smough, Giant Ornstein's hitboxes are a joke if you just stand right next to him.

Having a good shield and lots of stamina is nice too. You'll still get damaged from electric attacks but can potentially block everything else.