Post best mech games

Post best mech games

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Overwatch by a fucking longshot


Fucking easy

bring it back microsoft


>no new interesting mecha games coming out anytime soon
Hello, darkness, my old friend.

The Battle Armor in MA2 is still one of my all time favorite power armors in videogames.

ayyy, love that game, despite devs being a shade on the dumb side, i want a sequel

>devs being a shade on the dumb side
What do you mean?



When is Force coming out?
There is nothing I'd love more than to give my Vita a reason to play, even if it's mediocre.



You guys disappoint me









>finally found a working download link
>oh shit my dick

love that game most people will never bother because it's jap only though
omega boost is a must play
mechwarrior 4 is abandonware too
terranova is pretty great even thouhg it's not quite a mech game per se



Git gud.

mfw there's another fucking cat's eye escort mission later on. mfw protecting the fucking protoculture shuttles


damn, that's one aesthetic cover.

>ctlr+f steel battalion
>0 results


There was a mech game I remember playing as a kid on ps1. It wasn't armored core since I played through that recently.

One of the early stages was a snow stage, you had to infiltrate some kind of under snow base. I don't remember there being any kind of flying, it was all on foot. There were lookout towers and other mechs. The combat was slow paced. The stage after that was inside the base, many small corridors and such. It's a fucking generic description, but I can't find it.

>Bulk Slash


Steel Battalion is also good. I play with a Trinitron KV-1370R pressed against the controller so I have an immersive cockpit view.

And it helps that I like fun controllers