>Video games in 1962
Notice anything?
>Video games in 1962
Notice anything?
It's shit?
analog screen, smooth edges that require no AA.
cool hair famm
Yeah it's old as sin
Holy shit that's some local co-op
more games than the ps4
Besides your autism? No.
0/10, you can do better than that.
Local coop in 1962 and we still don't have it in 2016.
Why even live.
>Two people playing at the same time, in the same room, on the same console
If only our modern technology could recreate such an amazing feat of enjoyment and value.
guy on the left is a jew
Wait, do modern consoles seriously not have split-screen?
What the fuck happened?
split screen has been mostly abandoned except on Nintendo platforms
They do in theory but fuck all games support it these days.
The only reason I was reluctant to build a PC instead of buying a new console was that doing local multiplayer on PC can be less convenient. Turns out I had nothing to worry about
consoles already chug rendering something in the low 20s
do you think they can render two views at once?
We can all thank Microsoft for that
Stop with this shitty fucking forced meme. Why do people still try to pull this shit? Everyone is fucking tired of it. Don't you have better memes to shitpost with? Even toddposting is better, christ. Never post this shit again.
I hate it so much. It's one of the only reasons to own a console - couch multiplayer. It's kinda funny that PC is now best for local multiplayer.
Online functionality, DLC and subscription fees.
Why let up to four people play on a single console with a single copy of the game and not pay the online subscription fee?
Almost every advantage consoles had over PC is fucking gone. No more "put the game in and play" no more local multiplayer.
That the game isn't casual nonsense?
Every console until PS4/Xbone could, what's the problem now?
Oh, right. Money.
very few games do. the console could just fine
it's in a time before the mass iRetardation of our species too hold, so it's a given whatever it is is not casual
Like everything else, money happened.
Money happened
Why include split screen when you can forcibly sell the game twice and sinply cut couch co-op and the like.
The idea of companies having integrity died out entirely in the 80's
that theyre having fun?
It's not consoles, it's games. Nobody goes to each other's place anymore grandpa, cool young hip kids stay at home and go to reddit.Get with the times.
the internet happened, maybe you've heard of it
I remember getting some friends over with mine and one of their 360, to system link and play Modern Warfare or some other game, like we did a few times with halo for xbox.
then we realized the next gen of fps only allowed 1 player (might have been 2) per console, rather than the 4 that I had expected.
Kill yourself, horrorscene. :^)