Sword and Shield vs. Greatsword

Which is better, Sup Forums?

I personally always go with Sword and Shield.

fist and shield

Depends on the specific swords and shield

Depends on my armor
Greatsword when in full Plate.
Sword n Board in anything less.

Greatsword+greatshield=great times.

Not sure. Guess I'd go with sword and shield.

>game doesn't let you parry with a great sword
>game doesn't let you bash with shield

Long sword and spells in offhand.

Greatsword. Strike first and strike harder.

sword and shield or no deal

Handaxe and a hook on chain.

2 hand a spear

y tho?

My nig.

2x Greatswords.

Shield and Sword
I parry with the sword, and stab with the shield


If there's a poleaxe, I must poleaxe.

>game doesn't let you do anything with one hand
Spell in one hand sword in another was dumb in Skyrim. Combat was dumb in that game fucking hell.

Rapier + Buckler

greatsword, except dks3 since they are shit

>not dual wielding shields

They felt off at first, but later I landed right into place. I used the Wolf GS to defeat Gundyr for the first time and it felt great. I'm using MLGS right now since it got buffed in the latest regulation and it's fucking fun so far.

Shield is pretty pointless in plate. Armor is good enough to protect against most things. Better to have a 2 handed weapon.

Greatshields are some of the best weapons right now, bizarrely enough, offensive defensive as fuck.

Gonna go the Mario route and have sword and shield, so I can attack when I want and defend when I want.

>mace/sword and shield
>dex weapon + sorc

is what I usually go for

Axe and Round Shield

Practicality over everything. You can't use that sword for shit outside combat, and against anything with armor tougher than chain.

>You can't use that sword for shit outside combat

lol chop down a tree with your sword dweeb

Always greatswords
Shields ruin the aesthetics


I mean. You can. But I don't know what you are proving here.

You actually can't. Go do it right now.

you heard him user, grab your sword and chop down a tree, post results.

Ch-chime and sword?

Lance + Shield.

I feel like you could do it, but you'd need a heavier sword and/or be really friggin strong, and you stand a good chance of breaking the sword. Provided it's got slanted edges; if it's a flatter sword, it'll shatter to pieces.

Have fun dying shield and armor fags.

cute sword.
would be a shame if something were to happen to it.

Have fun getting shot by an arrow or bolt idiot.

Shield and anything. Shields are the best

>not rolling

Rapiers need more love in vidya

Yeah you would die very fast in a battle.


fuck off, rapehorse

>the raper gets raped

this pained me so fucking much
I was so hyped to use greatswords in DS3 and the ones I found just felt like trash
I ended up beating the game with a heavy broadsword

wait, ludwig's rape horse?
okay then, i didn't know that

Rapiers and rapists should both frig off.