Why do people love this company more than the games this company puts out?

Why do people love this company more than the games this company puts out?

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Because it made good games up until recently.

It's like how WWEfags shit on WCW when Nintendofags shit on Sega

POP culture.

That's literally it. They've been a hopeless video game company for the last 5 years, even longer if you want to get serious about it.


>until recently
It's been like a decade.


Im speaking more broad than necessary, but 10 years isnt a long time in the grand scheme of things.

galaxy 1 and 2 were goty tier

But I love the games but hate the company, especially their desire to retain a "family friendly" image when it only sabotages them time and time again. That, and amiibos can suck my dickhole.

I honestly don't know
>wow Nintendo's games sure are sucking
>that's why they should go 3rd party so everyone can enjoy them

>>that's why they should go 3rd party so everyone can enjoy them

I think that people just don't want to bother with Nintendo's overpriced underpowered hardware.

So they seriously believe Nintendo's games will MAGICALLY turn from mediocre to amazing just because they're not "tethered" to a console they tailor-made for their needs?

People mostly say that for the games that are good, like Dong Freeze and MK8, but it would be nice to play those games on my multiplat machine instead of having to buy an entire console just to play a handful of games that are being held hostage.

I don't really follow the whole "being held hostage" bit. I can't say I remember significant numbers of people complaining about how unfair it was that Sega wouldn't release Sonic on SNES or something.

But I love this company because of its games?

I play Sup Forumseekends every weekend. I thought Star Fox Zero and Pokken were pretty solid. Loved Planet Robobot and Paper Jam.

2016 is an overall weak year. 2015 was a mixed one. 2014 was amazing.

Every company has its ups and downs. Why should I hate them because now its on a downswing? It's going to pick up eventually. Maybe the NX will be unexpectedly great. But regardless I'm excited for Zelda U, whatever Retro's working on, EAD's next 3D Mario, etc.

Besides, this place is bandwagon central. If Nintendo has a strong NX launch, next year this place is going to be nintendogaf again instead of the neoga/v/ it is now.

Emulation is around the corner anyway so I'm not surs what you're complaining about honestly. Personally, I'm having a great time with my U

they made fuckin mario bros

Because platform exclusivity is an absolutely cancerous, kiketastic idea? This shit wouldn't fly with other mediums. Would you buy multiple televisions because certain channels only worked with certain hardware? Or buy certain headphones to listen to a corresponding genre of music?

I was too until the end of 2014. My Wii U isnt even hooked up anymore.

We've got it rough now, but I'm not one of those bandwagon faggots that is gonna jump ship just because of that.
Here's to hoping the NX is as good as I'm thinking it will be.

I got my Wii U at the end of 2014. Still using it regularly, and still a few games I've been meaning to get.

>Here's to hoping the NX is as good as I'm thinking it will be.
If you're hoping for a console roughly in the ballpark of XboxOne and PS4, with little to no third party support, that Nintendo struggles to release games for, you'll be satisfied.

>Here's to hoping the NX is as good as I'm thinking it will be.

Dont get your hopes up, Nintendo is slowly but surely moving to other business like mobiles or theme parks, etc

I don't think that they are going to care so much about videogames from now on.

And why is the onus exclusively on Nintendo to release its games on other consoels or PC? Why isn't anyone hounding Sony to put The Last of Us or Uncharted on XBone, Wii U and PC? What about Microsoft hogging Halo all to itself? We should be able to play it on whatever we want, and don't even get me started on the insanely huge roster of games companies have just piled onto the PC with absolutely zero consideration for their console brethren.

>Besides, this place is bandwagon central. If Nintendo has a strong NX launch, next year this place is going to be nintendogaf again instead of the neoga/v/ it is now.

This a thousand times. Nintendo is an easy target to hate atm. Soon as Sony or MS does something stupid Sup Forums will hate on them.

I mean, we had articles with info saying how nintnedo has billions tucked away, enough to buy out capcom or square but noooo everyone things they are dying and bankrupt.

Meanwhile a few years back we had peopel going apeshit that sony was dyign cause they had to sell off their original building.

Sup Forums is just loves to bandwagon hate.

I've played probably 90% of the major titles on the U and came out only liking 3 of them.

If Nintendo go third party no grownups will bother with them. Only that Nintendo can capitalize on the children market more that have been abandoning them. Of course mobile will have more of this effect.

I've got 15 physical games and strongly liked about 10 of them, the rest I'm pretty meh over.

>Why isn't anyone hounding Sony to put The Last of Us or Uncharted on XBone, Wii U and PC?
Because none of these games are particularly great. Same goes for Microsoft. Ninty franchises like Zelda, Metroid and Mario are franchises that have came out with some of the greatest games ever made.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed TLOU and some Halo now and again, but Nintendo has made some fine ass games and it's no secret.

same reason I love my parents more than myself

in all honestly although i love Nintendo with all of my heart and will continute to promote and buy their products i think it was a wise choice for them to move into the mobile market space. i mean the Mii app they just put out has over a million downloads, imagine what would happen if they put out a full fledged Pokemon game like Pokemon go ! Nintendo is still relevant and people want to buy their products their characters and sprites will live in gaming infamy but we need to cut out the middle man which in this case is hardware ( 3DS/Wii) and start focusing on software which is what i hope the new president will do

>being held hostage
>A console have a library worth playing is somehow a fuckibg problem

Stupid fucks like you are what promotes shit like xbox and playstation having a damn near identical library, making it near pointless to have more than one console on the market outside of arbritrary brand loyalty. Having a signifigantly different library is a GOOD thing you shitter.

>And why is the onus exclusively on Nintendo to release its games on other consoels or PC?
Are you retarded or just new? You're acting like mustards don't make petitions for games to come to PC all the fucking time.

People don't tend to like Nintendo's actual hardware or even controllers much, but even so if they were to go multiplat I don't think it'd work as well as you think - Nintendo are pretty good at optimizing for their own hardware, but I have serious doubts they'd be any good at optimizing for other hardware, especially PCs.

Nintendrones have Stockholm Syndrome.

That's great and all, but Nintendo's objective is to make games that warrant selling the console, not the other way around. Yamauchi himself said that the NES was just a box people buy to get to mario. If Nintendo's consoles aren't selling then that means Nintendo's games themselves aren't proving that they're good enough to move hardware, and if they're not good enough to do that then what makes you think that they'll suddenly be "relevant" again if their games that have proven to be failures get released on other consoles?

>or even controllers much
They've been making horrible controllers forever. They've always managed to stuff some feature in one that ends up becoming industry standard and useful so everyone overlooks it and says the controllers are great.

I don't know the pro controllers for Wii/Wii U are pretty good.

>Zelda, Metroid, and Mario
These franchises haven't been great for a long, long time. Metroid is basically dead.

Fuck you 3D World was amazing, Luigi U was okay

Right, but that's because it's basically an Xbox360 controller with both sticks up top and no analog triggers. It's not really "their" controller. It was an admission that consumers preferred the designs of others.

>Censoring games
>Region locked hardware
>Underpowered hardware
>Shit online
>Memes in their games
>Bringing one shitty game to E3
>Physical DLC toys
>Shitty gimmicks like 3d or Gamepad
>Overpriced hardware
>Rehashing the same iP's


I am surprised about how idiots love this shitty company so much

But again, i'm on Sup Forums..

Hi Reggie.

Its pretty much an snes conttoller with analogs and triggers tacked on

Yes, and?

They like the games whilst carefully avoiding the bullshit they pull.

>3D World was amazing
It really wasn't. It was a very easy, bland game. It had the usual tight controls, graphics were good, etc. Nothing really "wrong" with it, but don't talk it up like it's anything but a forgettable, technically sound 6 or 7 out of 10.

This people busted MS chops for being the only console that did online subscriptions last gen, people bitched on Sony for the PS3 and people will whine about the WiiU. It's just shit people will do some to fit in others just trying to be an ass.

Wiiu online is fine.

All 3D Marios are stupidly easy, that's nothing new. It doesn't take away from how well-made the levels and multiplayer is.

>Yes, and?
So don't get pedantic. The only decent Nintendo controller is essentially a 1 for 1 copy of a competitor's. It's a tacit admission that nobody wants a Gamecube controller, nobody wanted the classic controller from the Wii, nobody wanted a 64 controller, nobody wanted another remote.

>Galaxy 2 was 6 years ago
>Galaxy 1 was almost 9

Nah, eat a dick.

3D World was fantastic, so was NSMBU.

ALBW is probably the best 3DS game short of Kid Icarus. I'm hyped as fuck for Zelda U.

Damn shame about Metroid tho.

And the Xbox controller was derivative of a Dreamcast controller

Right, but that doesn't follow the track of the conversation and isn't really relevant because it's not in dispute.

The comment was made that people didn't really like Nintendo controllers. I backed that up by saying that Nintendo has almost never released a good controller but they get passes on it because they introduce a lot of features that become industry standard.

Then the Wii U pro controller was brought up -- a controller that is a copy of another controller and adds no new features -- as a good Nintendo controller. All I was pointing out was that the one example that's brought up as good is one where Nintendo just copied the 360 controller.

>Stupid fucks like you are what promotes shit like xbox and playstation having a damn near identical library
Nah it's cucks like you who are okay with spending hundreds upon hundreds of unnecessary dollars to play games that are arbitrarily locked to specific hardware.

Because when you grow up, it becomes "niche", so nerds love it.

That's the sole reason I love Nintendo. I haven't played a Nintendo game since the Gamecube, but that company's games were my childhood.

Maybe they should actually get back to making games that are good

Time traveling from 1999, I see

>implying TV stations don't have exclusive shows
>implying Netflix and Hulu don't have exclusive shows and movies

They're all on PC though, this is coming from a nintendrone

Not much of a difference anyway. Who besides hardcore autists who actually take console wars seriously would even bother playing Mario or Smash on a Playstation?

>certain headphones to listen to a corresponding genre of music?
That is actually a thing people do as certain headphones pick up certain vibrations or instruments better.

But you don't have to buy a different cable box for every show you have to watch. And the cost of subscriptions to the thousands of hours of content on both Hulu and Netflix is the same price as going out for dinner. Video games are an obtusely expensive hobby.

Not him but online on Wii U really is fine, on a technical level it's does the job, I think the only part they fucked up is in not providing an ethernet port as standard.

>but it would be nice to play those games on my multiplat machine instead of having to buy an entire console just to play a handful of games that are being held hostage.

So like the PS4


>would even bother playing Mario or Smash on a Playstation?
Maybe people who want to play Mario or Smash without having to fork over $300 for an embarrassingly underpowered console that gets 2 games a year?

But don't you see? It doesn't matter whether or not the Wii U Pro Controller (you conveniently ignored the Wii's pr controllers that I also mentioned) is derivative of the Xbox controllers since it refutes your statement that "they've never released a controller that was liked" regardless. It was only after you stated that where you backpedaled to add the controller shouldn't be one that appears derivative.

It's complete garbage compared to the bone and the Ps4. Hell, it's garbage even compared to 7th gen consoles.

Manchildren are unable to let the past go.

>without having to fork over $300 for an embarrassingly underpowered console that gets 2 games a year?
But PS4 owners already did that to themselves.

True but I meant what if there was literally a pair of headphones that only worked with certain artists or genres of music. Nobody would buy that shit.

Huh? If it is perfectly stable and functional then what are you comparing exactly?

That would seem to fall squarely under "hardcore autists who actually take console wars seriously".

Have you actually played any games online on wiiu?

A majority of other features that Sony and MS have implemented

>(you conveniently ignored the Wii's pr controllers that I also mentioned)
No, I didn't.
>you backpedaled
No, I really didn't. I pointed out Nintendo doesn't put out good controllers and that the one that you like is a 1 for 1 copy of another company's and is Nintendo taking the hint that people didn't like their controllers.

So? I want to play Bloodborne and EDF 4.1 but I don't see the value in getting a PS4 just for that, especially since nothing else it has interests me. I don't kick and scream about how unfair it is that I have to shell out $400 just to play 2 games. I just deal with it like a normal human being.

That actually kind of is a thing, music that uses very low bass or high treble may not be reproduced properly unless using particular headphones. Furthermore, some tracks are recorded for unusual surround sound setups (especially when surround sound was a relatively new technology) and as a result make little sense to listen to without that particular setup.


I don't give a shit about features like trophies or user profiles or whatever the fuck it is you like, I just want to play online with other people.

Yeah, none of them are optimized well and are always laggy as all fuck. It's a joke trying to play 4 player Smash online.

>no public voice chat
>even Mario Kart lacks any sense of playlist agency and just throws you into basic matches
>Talking into the gamepad's speaker is too loud and doesn't support any mics
>all games online are completely barebones

It's really underwhelming. Please stop pretending that Nintendo isnt a decade behind the standard.

If they made it, it's their controller. We can argue over whether the controller is a plagiarized design but it doesn't matter since people liked the controller and it's one nintendo manufactured.

The closest i can think of for that is when certain artists release their album on vinyl only or only on the itunes store.

Not him but besides for Splatoon, any given Wii U game played online handles like complete shit. There's no lag optimization whatsoever.

I dont have any issues playing smash or mariokart unless specifically has a shit connection. Of course that applies to anygame

MH3U is fine

Tekken Tag 2 is at least equal to ps3's online

Surely I dont have to mention splatoon

>We can argue over whether the controller is a plagiarized design
No, we can't. It's a blatant copy because they were admitting that "pro" gamers didn't like their controllers.

Sounds like your internet is just shit

>no public voice chat
There is it's just in lobbies rather than during matches/races. I have no idea why this is but I've never been particularly bothered by it.
>even Mario Kart lacks any sense of playlist agency and just throws you into basic matches
You can make completely custom races for tournaments or if you're playing with friends
>Talking into the gamepad's speaker is too loud and doesn't support any mics
You can get headsets for Wii U, as well as easily adjust mic sensitivity in any game
>all games online are completely barebones
Smash, Splatoon, and MK8 all have extensive online for completely custom matches, ranked matches, and quick-play free for all games. What is missing?

So literally all of these points are false. Like what the fuck did you even do your research before posting?

I didn't say I disagreed with you, just that it was a moot point.

Most people who bitch about wiiu online I find never actually used it. Almost never had a laggy match in the few games I played in TTT2.

You have that totally backwards, I've had the most issues with Splatoon up until it's most-recent patch, any other game has been near-flawless bar some lag in Smash when I played against players with a shit connection (there's little good netcode could've done to salvage that). Mario Kart 8 specifically actually kind of amazes me with how flawless it is online.

We wistfully dream of good things from yesteryear in hopes our faith will return us to better times. (tl;dr it hasn't happened and we're reaching our wit's end)

>no public voice chat

Feature, not bug. If I wanted to listen to a bunch of 12-year-olds insult my mother's marital fidelity and my sexual orientation, I'd just come here.

Overall, Nintendo has fucked up many times.
N64 was their first error ; they lost chip-building masters, and made themselves a new enemy (since they were so egocentric and had monopoly pretty much that they overestimated). Cause : Cartridge instead of CD to "protect" their games and systems.
Cartridges weren't nearly as powerful has CDs in term of specs, and that was a huge drawback : Nintendo HAD to keep a certain niche in order to keep their players. They couldn't afford to buy completly new stuff since their hardware wasn't growing strong enough to keep the pace with the new console's opponent games.

If it wasn't from their eons-old icons (Mario, Metroid, LoZ, to name a few) they wouldn't have even made it very far. Their new icon "Pokemon" saved the corporation since it's a winning-formula that people enjoy and don't mind rebuying every couple years for the same gameplay. Don't mind me, they're all great game (to an extent...)

Also, SEGA genesis was already a big punch into Nintendo's face. And nintendo, instead of fighting back, they just had to suck it up. They again didn't change their formula, and fell into Casual gaming.

Gamecube was good for Smash and some games... but again : Nintendo sacrified power for portability and "niche" design. The Gamecube looks like a dreadful dreamcast with less style.

So my say is that Nintendo think they're innovative, but they don't follow what's going on in the world. Indie games or anything, they simply don't learn from what's happening... And that is sadly what makes it hard to fathom how could Nintendo ever win any kind of appreciation from the long-gone people.
On the side, Nintendo create great games for young kids and teenagers, altough again indie games are starting to override all that.

Oh and let's talk about controller design.
Nice, they did some fun stuff there, that's probably where they innovated the most. But in the end, most of them either feel gimmicky or uncomfortable for non-nippon hands.

Theres alot of fucking wrong in this post.

Nintendofags is more like how Overwatchfags shit on Battleborn

Why in the fuck do people still insist the GCN was weak?

I hope this is just pasta. If not, I'm ashamed to be in the same thread as this.

Nintendo is all about image and politeness.
Sadly, it perpetuate through their games and their recycled titles.

Yeah, I know they're not the only one, but recycling casual games is fucking lame.