I'm getting sick of this shit company and its juvenile fanbase

I'm getting sick of this shit company and its juvenile fanbase

It fucking astounds me that they can keep generating shit content and stealing your shekels and literally no one cares. Like, the only thing they'll be doing that could be even relatively good is Pokemon Go, and it's a mobile game so they're going to paywall the shit out of it

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Your post is SO 2013. Most Nintendofags would agree with you these days.

I like some of their games and ignore the DLC shit so I don't fully get the massive salt lately.

Once NX bombs all the posts will dry up.

At least wait until we see it before we call it a bomb.

The problem people like me have with Nintendo and its fans is that Nintendo is constantly jerking off its fanbase with shit from their childhoods in order to get sales and that people in the fanbase tend to be people who dislike anything made for their actual age demographic and instead opt to play colorful kiddy games. They don't even have an excuse any more, since most new Nintendo games don't have anything solid or unique past their visuals at all

What pisses me off the most is the fact that they killed handheld gaming. The 3DS is the most pathetic piece of hardware Ive ever seen. Every single game on the 3DS is a complete waste and would be MUCH better on the Vita or even a fucking Phone. I love handheld gaming, but fuck that underpowered 240p piece of shit. That thing is holding several games hostage and Nintendrones are acting like its a good thing.

Pretty sure the colourful kiddy aesthetic is what drew most people to Nintendo to begin with, and whilst they've been lacking in terms of innovation, I feel Splatoon was a decently innovative shooter with a charming aesthetic and solid foundation for a game.

>If Nintendo has control of it, it MUST be good!!

It's gonna bomb so hard you'd think Nintendo was a Saudi company instead of a Japanese one.

I don't really mind people playing colorful kiddy games, but ffs most of these people will literally fucking refuse to play anything else

It's good in the sense that it actually had a great library, but fucking nobody, not even the biggest nitendrones, actually like the hardware. It is worth considering though that a possible reason the DS and 3DS received such strong dev support is due to the fact devs are always going to prefer the cheaper option (and making something for 3DS's shitty hardware is miles cheaper than a PSVita, for example).

So? Why do you care if Nintendo can fleece idiots? There swirling the shitter anyway with the wii-u. Why do you care at all if nintentoddlers play games appropriate for their mindset.

>The sourest grapes.jpg

How do you know that?
I don't actually know anyone that even sticks to a single console per generation, let alone a specific amd fairly narror game aesthetic.

>amd fairly narror
*and fairly narrow
Fucking phone.

I have friends and constantly see people on forums and youtube and all the other dumb shit that actively fit the profile

Ditch those friends



You're about a decade late.

I can't ditch the five of these people I meet per day because no matter how much I ignore them they just do not leave

Beta detected.
You MAKE them leave.

>ending friendships because of video games

Hello, autist.

Boy, you changed your tune quickly.

I phrased that wrong

I mean they always pop up wherever the fuck I go, lmfao

What does that mean

I don't see a change of tune


>IS user A TUMBLR?

>Hey, let's produce games for the consoles no one buys and is extremely expensive !

I can't hear you, I'm playing kid Icarus.

You sound just as juvenile, OP

>13 posters out of 28 posts
there is a disgusting amount of samefagging itt

The hypocricy of op is staggering.

14 posters now faggot

i understand what you've meant

while that, Nintendrones gonna take it as "le sour grapes"

if 3DS didn't have to useless 3D switch, it wouldn't be 240p because Nintendo wouldn't whine about costs and being efficient on hardware.

also the fucking filters:

Kirby: PR and Triple Deluxe looks like a next gen version of RtDL on Citra emulation.

>he doesn't know about retro memes
>he doesn't know people here saying "lol, ayy, kek" unironically

It won't be competitive with the next systems coming out from the other two, it won't be getting third party support until it builds up an install base, and Nintendo's own internal stuff just isn't that good anymore.

It's not going to sell well. Maybe if it's a handheld it can cobble together most of the 3DS user base.

Very weebish Nintendrone here.
That's not that case. There is no person that "only plays Nintendo games" or "only owns Nintendo consoles". Nintendo hardware is more a companion to something else for most people. From owning two or more consoles, to even just having a Wii U and playing games on Steam, nobody is just Nintendo. I own a PS4 and a Wii U, but I mainly play on my Wii U cause it has more games I am interested in. I do play on buying FF15 and the FF7 remake, along with anything else that might be fun to get on the system.

>Pokemon GO

Looks like total trash so far.


Pokemon GO had potential, but it just looks bad from what I've seen.
