Will there ever be a video-game with a non-white character or female protagonist that won't be criticized for "SJW...

Will there ever be a video-game with a non-white character or female protagonist that won't be criticized for "SJW propaganda" in the never-ending saga of the SJW-Redpill Activist wars?

Battlefield 1 has a black guy on front cover

>muh sjw propaganda

Mafia 3 has a black protagonist

>sjw propaganda

The thing is that if these games were released 5-10 years ago nobody would be complaining

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>The thing is that if these games were released 5-10 years ago nobody would be complaining

wrong, its that when you imagine ww1 or the mafia you dont imagine black people, but you do when you imagine stealing cars and shooting people for wearing the wrong colour you


The problem is that your pic example makes sense to have a non-white protagonist. The others like Battlefield and Mafia are obvious agenda driven moves since non-whites wouldn't have a presence in the games, or very little of it.

Context matters.

>nobody would be complaining

No one complained about SA being sjw because people didn't use that term yet.

There were, however, apocalyptic levels of complaining about having to play as a nignog instead of a greasy Italian "white" guy.

It may be past your bedtime.

This (kinda) black people were in ww1, but nobody likes a nigger to take all the glory.
Mafia on the other hand is Fuken dumb

This and Marlow Briggs are both Sup Forums cult classics

Context is everything.

GTA SA having a nigger as the protag makes sense because the game is about gang life (Which in the US is primarily niggers)

But, BF1 is set in WWI. A conflict fought by European powers, and a few sandniggers/turks. So having a nigger be the poster boy for the game makes no fucking sense and is fucking insulting. Just because there was a few black people fighting doesn't give justification for it. Imagine if there was a game focusing on some war between African tribes and the protag was a white guy and the devs use the excuse of "well records show there were 3 white people involved in the conflict". Shit is just dumb.

Older games didn't have minorities in starring roles simply for the sake of having minorities in starring roles, they had them when it made sense. Like San Andreas.

You alright?

III>Vice City>V>IV>San Andreas

as a percentage of lives lost they were nothing though

Games like San Andreas and GTA V work because the characters are genuinely black. They aren't just black in the Obama sense.

What i find so weird about SJWs is they tend to want to portray blacks, or any minority, as basically acting exactly like white people.

whats your beef

If it was WW2 instead of WW1 I think people wouldnt care as much as we have already played through D-day several times and a unqiue campagin would be appreciated, however the only times I remember taking part in WW1 battles were in fucking JRPGs

>only white people are good and well spoken guiz


It's no use user, even Pokemon is considered SJW because it has a black skin tone as an option.

>there are no cultural differences between races
hurr durr durr i'm fucking retarded

>Imagine if there was a game focusing on some war between African tribes and the protag was a white guy and the devs use the excuse of "well records show there were 3 white people involved in the conflict".
Sup Forums would praise the game because you're a white killing blacks.

its a subjective choice whether you like 4 or SA more solely based on whether you like the super exagerated physics or not
>VC under 3
get the fuck out

You obviously didn't grow up around an actual black-populated area.

There are a lot of cultural differences between most whites and most blacks, and only people who haven't ever been around blacks all their life try to act like there is a majority of well spoken/good natured blacks instead of a minority of them.

Some people prefer GTA 3's neo-noir story to Scarface with a white guy.

>Implying just Sup Forums thinks having a nigger represent a WWI game is dumb

Anyone who isn't brainwashed by Progressive SJW culture thinks it's retarded.

But that wasn't his argument at all.

This basically only happens here, though. BF1 trailer is the most liked video on YouTube right now, so you're basically worried about nothing

I don't think it's retarded, Henry Johnson is cool. Only fags like you and SJWs care about the race of a digital video he character.


literally who

None of this SJW shit was around then.

We're living in a time when tokenism is seen as righteous and normal and where whites are the lowest hanging fruit.

GTA SA was a story about a hood rat being pulled back into the game.
Battlefield 1 has a black guy on the cover because a bunch of Swedish fuckboys want to feel good about themselves.

I actually cared about CJ during his story and wanted him to succeed. I do not care for "SJWs pet protagonist #32,000" and their robotic and preset personalities.

>actually succeeds in getting out of the ghetto, opens a garage in SF
>gets his brother out of jail
pissed me off so much

VC > IV > III > CTW > V > SA > LCS > VCS

SA was bloated with too much unfun crap. I never understood the appeal.

The first two Saints Row games were better at being SA than SA was.

LCS was just boring III. The fact that they didn't even at least use the improved VC camera was an insult.

VCS had the least interesting plot and missions of them all, easily the most shameless cash-in.

>First Rainbow Six game in 1998 had women in it
>Nobody complained about it

>Latest Rainbow Six game in 2015 has women in it
>People complain about it being SJW and waifu pandering shit

People bitch about "diverse" characters because it often feels like it's attempting to make a statement. I fucking hate the "badass" female characters in action movies and games. Not because they're female, but because they STILL feel the need to make a point of it. You still get media where a woman demonstrates competence in something associated with males (fighting, hacking, etc), and she gives some raised eyebrow "Ha, surprised a girl could do it too? Silly boys!" reaction, as if this is supposed to be surprising. The cliche was worn out and unwelcome fucking 20 years ago. Nobody on Earth is surprised to see a female character doing this shit, and yet people still throw it in and act like it's some radical new statement. It just feels like I'm being preached to by a massive retard.

>IV that high

>Family pulled him back into the game cuz ma died.
>Fights tooth and nail to pull himself out of the pit.
>Gets out of the pit.
>Gets his brother out of prison.
>Family pulls him back into the game.
It's like tragic poetry.


>SA was bloated with too much unfun crap. I never understood the appeal.
>unfun crap
Such as? Everything was put there for extra fucking around and nothing was forced on you. Even the rpg stats weren't annoying and proved rewarding in the long run. The way I see it, SA simply allowed the player have fun longer.

Because the character's race, sex, etc used to be fucking incidental, not shit that they dedicate significant time and press coverage to.

>babby still memeing because he couldn't figure out how to drive a car

IV had good missions, the best antagonists, looked a thousand times better than the previous games, had the most powerful ending, plus two large, fun expansions.

>b-but it wasn't the PS2 games

i want that female operator to punch me in the dick with those delicious arms of steel




>SA was bloated with too much unfun crap. I never understood the appeal.

Agreed. Replayed through it recently for the first time since it was released and all the missions are Mario Party mini game horse shit.

plus dem physics that were downplayed in V

The cars were fucking wacky, it's like they were going for a semblance of realism but gave up halfway through. Anybody who's ever actually driven a car knows that fucking San Andreas is a more accurate depiction.

Nope, the real problem with IV is the lack of shit to do.

>No vehicle missions
>Sloppy, barebones vigilante attempt
>no fun weapons
>I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU, FRIEND, as you stab an old lady for the five bucks in her purse
>Millions of dollars by the time the game's over and nothing to fucking spend it on

Driving for an hour every mission in the second half of the game wasn't optional.

Needing to feed CJ to not lose health I don't remember being optional.

Needing to work out to not be super weak.

The terrible diving crap was also used in some missions.

All of the alien stuff in the story missions was retarded.

Going anywhere to do anything was annoying once the turf war crap started, although to be fair, the system in VCS was even worse.


was it worth it to fill out the captcha for that inane comment?

>objectively the shittest driving in the whole franchise
>gets shit on for it literally everywhere
>devs admit it was shit and took the game back to its roots in the next installment
>muh first gta faggots claim the driving is GOAT

thanks for the laugh.

Just because you like something doesnt make it better than anything else. It just means you enjoyed it

your only hope is for the social justice war to end and fade away. until then there will always be people over sensitivity reacting to perceived sjws. but it'll be a while before sjws pack up and their dissenters follow. and it'll eventually return anyhow

Yep because 5-10 years ago there wasn't SJW intentions and motives behind the practice

So does this mean that the majority of people on Sup Forums are black?

>SA cars turn like they're on pivots
>"It's so much more realistic than IV!"

My first GTA was GTA. The driving was bad in every single GTA from the original to IV, but it was still easy to learn to compensate for every time.

But it wasn't until babbys like you crying about IV that this dumb meme began.

People weren't pandering to social justice psychos in 2004.


Somewhat relevant.

5-10 years ago the entirety of games media wasn't devoted to leftist proselytizing, open about its corruption, contemptuous of its audience, and owned by blog conglomerates with sister sites that shit on white dudes in a wider context.

>being this butthurt over skin color

must be frustrating to be an adult with the mentality of a child

>cars handle like boats

>Scarface with a white guy.
You mean the original Scarface?

>Driving for an hour every mission in the second half of the game wasn't optional.
Agreed. Some missions like Photo Opportunity were atrocious in that aspect.

>Needing to feed CJ to not lose health I don't remember being optional.
To not lose health? You mean gain health? It was made easier to find health due to all the food stands and soda/snack machines in the map, which includes heart packs.

Needing to work out to not be super weak.
Purely optional. There is not one moment where you need to kill someone using hand to hand combat, melee weapons are better for that purpose.

>The terrible diving crap was also used in some missions.
Very few times and this is an example of doing side missions for a reward since better driving actually benefits you.

>All of the alien stuff in the story missions was retarded.
Alien stuff? I have no idea what you're talking about.

>Going anywhere to do anything was annoying once the turf war crap started, although to be fair, the system in VCS was even worse
True but safe houses alleviated this.


Paul Muni was a slav kike you moron

>There were, however, apocalyptic levels of complaining about having to play as a nignog instead of a greasy Italian "white" guy.

citation needed

if anyone was upset about that it would be because GTA was never a "hood" thing


Did you not finish the game?

Truth's missions in LV are entirely centered on stealing alien shit from Area 51.

You know Pacino Scarface is a remake, right?

>abloo bloo bloo I'm gonna pretend I don't know what movie user is referring to because i'm a contrarian Sup Forumstard who has to show his superior film knowledge off to everyone

Dumb weeb.


That's fucking low, dude. They're nothing alike

Cultural differences are just that though, cultural. They're not based on race. If a black is raised around whites they will be culturally closer to their country's white population than to their country's black one.
Of course they might still act differently to their white neighbours due to general behavioural differences between races based on genetic factors, but they'll still be culturally "white".

That said I agree with the notion expressed in , race often correlates with culture and only featuring, say, American blacks who are divorced from American black culture is disingenuous and not very conductive to "diversity" or "inclusion". Although it's not inherently bad to have characters like that because they do exist.


who the was saying anything about that?
Your first GTA wasnt GTA otherwise you wouldnt post like a fucking child

pro tip
Im 29 and literally never called anyone a baby thats didnt spout the babies first meme.

Everyone knows only kids call each other kids as an insult

>I said as I was shitposting on an anime image board

Just steal a sports car then you stupid fucking nigger.

I'm a black guy (well okay, mixed, but still considered black by most) and I don't particularly care what race a character I play as is.

I mean, yeah it's cool if they're non-white for once, but it's also okay when they are white. No big deal really. Just as long as they don't end up like FriedChickeniesha McBlackFace from Deus Ex.


When political correctness dies, the fear of the consequences of political correctness will die sooner after.

Great, now my boat-car can float forward even quicker. Thanks, user!

>mentions the original
>oh you mean the al P one
>that wasnt the original
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE stop pointing out my ignorance

this is the problem with cuckchan. Cunts think they know what they are talking about when they are literal mouth breathing retards

Mafia 3 shouldn't have a half black protagonist because he can't be I the mob and the entire point of those games is to reenact our Mafia boss fantasies. The people bitching about Battlefield 1 are just whining fags though. Niggers can huddle up in a trench and run to enemy trenches too. Sitting around doing nothing for 90% of the day and then running in and out of someone else's home are their specialties.

The overall plot is still the same. Along with a couple of plot points.

Who is that orgasm phantasm?

>who the was saying anything about that?
The second person I quoted.

>Your first GTA wasn't GTA
Except it was. Why do you care so much about where other people started?

>Im 29
Pretty bad that you still have crappy babby meme opinions then.

>Everyone knows only kids call each other kids as an insult
Ok babby.

When somebody mentions Scarface, a normal, non-autistic individual thinks of the Al P. version. You're just being a pedantic asshole for no reason.

SA wasn't preachy, the characters just happened to be black. No one gave a shit until they started doing it solely to stick it to white men

>on Sup Forums
>thinks he isn't autistic

you insult kids everywhere, you fucking toddler

>purposefully missing the point

not even him but he specifically went out of his way to say "THE ORIGINAL".

Not my fault you thought you knew something you clearly didnt. I didnt know the AP was a remake but I also didnt post pretending to know something I didnt

>My opinions are objective
>Im always right
>everyone else is wrong
>even on subjective issues like personal preference

>Im not underage

you cant even make this shit up

Britanny Love, I think

Who says I was talking about the original? I was mentioning the version that most people have seen and that is the most well known. Like it or not, the Al P version is the one that will go down in pop-culture history.

>Like it or not, the Al P version is the one that will go down in pop-culture history.

When did anyone claim otherwise? Why are you getting so butthurt about this?

Also a tip for anyone who is gonna say "a black person in mafia 3? how stupid"
The reason the protagonist is black is because he is in the black mafia, which is killed/hurt by the Italian mafia. Throughout the game you will be destroying the Italian mafia.
Just thought I let you in on some knowledge since I fucking love this franchise and know way too much about it.

>I dont even read posts then act superior only knowing half the conversation

Oh so youre a female then? Should have just said so. [apoiler] post tits?[/spoiler]

>compare Vice City to Scarface
>"oh he must be talking about the 1930s gangster movie, not the movie that's actually similar to Vice City"
>better spaz out and pretend to be an idiot this entire thread

I was actually wondering that, thanks for the explanation

>compare item a to object b
>person asks did you mean B 1980 or the original
>shitposting femal enters and reads one word "scarface" and proceeds to shitpost thinking she knows wtf is going on
>everyone in the thread is just staring like "is she retarded"

what will she do next?
Find out in the next episode of shiposting on veee...veee...veeeee

>call VC "Scarface with a white guy"
>point out Scarface originally had a white guy
>"Pacino wasn't white"
>"That wasn't the original"

>Will there ever be a video-game with a non-white character or female protagonist that won't be criticized for "SJW propaganda" in the never-ending saga of the SJW-Redpill Activist wars?

Probably not. SJWs really screwed the pooch and caused irreversible damage to race relations.

Ironically, just letting bygones by bygones was a lot better than stuffing "tolerance" down everyone's throat.