Mighty Number 9 disaster thread
Shots fired edition
Laugh, shitpost, argue.
Mighty Number 9 disaster thread
Shots fired edition
Laugh, shitpost, argue.
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let's get this outta the way
>yfw you didn't back Mighty No 9
Can we not argue about anime in this thread?
that's what you get for not backing the best game
>leave you crying like an anime fan on prom night
uh....wouldn't anime fans be like 80% of this game's target audience
shantae is so cute when she's mad
I backed the best game though.
Shantae looks okay, i'll probably buy it when it comes out.
I'm almost glad I'm too poor to back anything!
I actually considered doing it too.
Is that cheese pizza?
Wooo let's shit up another thread and choke out any discussion!
So what's this shit about MN9 and anime fans?
I don't get why these two get compared so often when the only thing they have in common is that they're platformers
I wish I had backed Yooka Laylee or Bloodstained instead of MN9 but I don't really care about Shantae
don't be mad
get glad
tell me something I don't know already
As if stuff like that needs to be cherished and valued on an imageboard.
>cry like an anime fan on prom night
>I don't get why these two get compared so often
their kickstarters happened at the same time
The campaigns happened at the same time.
I knew being a jew would pay off someday.
They fucking roasted them
Actually pepperoni
But I don't think toppings matter
It's just that this shitpost has been made dozens, if not hundreds, of times in different MN9 threads, and 9/10 people in these threads haven't even played the fucking demo.
That fucking Sonic twitter is gold.
I want Shantae to eat me!
These threads are the hardest i've laughed on Sup Forums in months.
Seriously, that guy running the Sonic twitter needs to be commended.
>9/10 people in these threads haven't even played the fucking demo.
I don't think we need to at this point.
>Game's still not out
I want it NOW! I just want to see how bad it is. How bad it could be.
Like a trainwreck, you just can't turn away.
Are people actually offended by this? I'm finding it seriously difficult to believe to the point I feel like it's a joke everyone else is in on but me.
Who actually cared about prom. I just stayed in to play games and watch anime. Saved myself dozens of dollars not doing more of what I could do any other day for free.
It's easy to be wise after it's happened.
But I knew from the first second I saw it that MN9 was going to be a mistake and I wanted no part of it.
You sound like an anime fan on prom night, faggot.
who doesn't?
>Shantaefags playing high and mighty when their game still is not out
>he backed Mighty Num 9
wew lad
Its not just the anime joke.
The whole thing smacks of a sad attempt to be "edgy and awesome, 90s extreme dude!"
They're all smashfags/mlpfags in addition to being shantaefags, I don't know what you expect out of them.
Well obviously. It's just that joke in particular seems to get a lot of traffic. Some because it's particularly bad, but others seem to take it personally,latter being the part I find weird here.
The delays are the least of MN9's problems.
Sick burn, speaking of burn she's an ugly brown girl too.
I can't imagine it will be that bad. Like even the worst Mega Man games are still playable.
>mn9 gets over 4 million in funding
>shantae barely gets a fraction of that
mn9 damn well better come out first, and even then they're cutting it close.
I dunno, I guess people who backed this are more likely to enjoy anime, so they're basically insulting their own target audience.
>that bat
>TFW you backed MN9
>Actually thinking this will be in the final version
Just seemed like a misguided attempt to revive the Nintendo Power-era of gaming. /vr/ might actually like this.
>Hating delicious brown
that's what we said about the graphics and level design, but here we are
Not a chance, I'd bet good money that /vr/ would badmouth basically every aspect of MN9.
So people are only butthurt because of the anime comment?
As opposed to an uptight pale harpy?
>Thw even the devs themselves are bashing the trailer
MN9 will come out on EIGHT FUCKING PLATFORMS before Shantae comes out on one.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Comcept at this point is just making so many mistakes in the weirdest ways.
If you look back from the placeholder test to what we got now, it shouldn't have been logical that we regressed in such a backwards way
>MN9 will come out
lmao no it won't
that can't be real
This is the cringy-est ad I've ever seen.
Why does cheese pizza explode out of nowhere?
Fucking christ
I am an anime fan, and went to prom with a 11/10 redhead as friends, she had a boyfriend, and I probably fucked-up my one window of dating her because a lifetime of private school sabotaged my ability to talk to girls un-awkwardly as a teenager, so this is probably a worse lingering feeling than not going to prom at all, and is now just a shitpost gone awry
it fucking better for how much funding it got.
Who is this and what does he mean by the asterisks.
People are mostly butthurt about the anime comment, but what is really shitty is that we've gone what, 3 years, and we still don't know the weapon mechanics?
This would have been the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the different special weapons in action. We've known about "dashing" since even before the first beta.
What the hell was D... ina??
>using that term as an attack on him
First of all, white girls are a thing. By calling him gay you are completely ignoring the rest of the spectrum. Secondly, there is nothing wrong with being gay in 2016. Get with the times grandpa.
The CEO of IntiCreates.
Promotional video.
The Sonic twitter is better than Lost World. Here's hoping the next game is good this time.
Poor guy. There's always that ONE idealistic developer on every team trying to make a masterpiece.
He probably loved MM all his life and dreamed of a chance to make a game, but Capcom wouldn't let him. So he ended up making MN9.
It already went gold, you idiot. It's already on discs.
It's literally done, and all they have to do is ship it and release it.
Holy shit it's real
It's full circle now.
We just need Inafune to tweet and it's over
>It's literally done
then why isn't it out yet?
we actually got pirate's curse on multiple platforms in the meantime while half genie is getting the fully animated 2D treatment
I'm not saying we're great but we didn't get kicked in the dick like MN9
I knew this game would be terrible from day one. I could feel it in my gut.
Which is weird, cuz its usually full of crap!
Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. Be sure to tip your waitress.
>that censored name
That dash mechanic has continually ruined any interest I had in the game, I mean, other than the graphics, design and failed promises.
Somehow they use this dash mechanic as a main selling point for the game in a shitty Old Spice commercial.
Can't wait for Red7
>rivers, rivers everywhere