What's wrong user? All I did was kill a few demons, I'm not that scary

>What's wrong user? All I did was kill a few demons, I'm not that scary
>Besides, you've killed hundreds of dragons and zombies before, I read your Irish blog or whatever
>Now what do you want to do for our date?

Other urls found in this thread:


Jokes on you, strong women (not the sjw meme kind) are my fetish.

>you will never date doomgirl

>tfw no tall, muscle gf to carry and protect you but is shy and squishy in private and insits you take the lead in sex leading to awkard shenanigans and laughs

Let's get fucking blitzed and steal a train.

>doesn't have a helmet


>Doom Girl.

You mean Crash?

>cyberdemon as tall as the baron
Who drew this shit

>you will never be ntr'd by doom girl as she becomes a drooling cum dump for demon cock

>Holding two weapons
It's like they've never looked at the original cover

what the fuck is wrong with you?

I'd like this image a hell of a lot more if Doom Girl actually had the look of a Space Marine instead of a Star Bucks clerk.

Cybie is disappointingly small in the new game.

You know it's what all the waifu fags really want

if another doom game gets announced and the MC is a woman, what would be your reaction Sup Forums?

Yeah but he still towers over the Baron

Will it be fun?

is it's still the same rip and tear marine, i'm fine with it


As long as they don't try and pretend she's a replacement for doom guy, it really don't care.

Theres literally no way they can't make it come off as pandering.

Fucking thank you. I have no idea why it's so rare to see a female action character with actual muscle mass. Do these creators not understand the principle of suspension of disbelief?

The official stance since the 90's has been that the Doom Marine is supposed to be you, so if the player happens to be female then technically the Doom Marine was already female.

pandering is the new hot shit these days user, it's possible

>The official stance since the 90's has been that the Doom Marine is supposed to be you
>Doomguy's face is in the bottom, showing that its a man

>The official stance since the 90's has been that the Doom Marine is supposed to be you
>Original games had a face displayed with many expressions
>New game has DOOM Guy have a distinguishable personality through his actions and behavior
Ok guy.

>you will never __be doomgril in that situation


The Doom Marine =/= The Doom Slayer

>new pinkys look great
>new barons look great
>new mancubus looks great
>new lost souls look great
>new cyberdemon looks like shit
Why, id? Why?

You know Sup Forums would retroactively hate literally everything to do with the Doom franchise all the way back to the original games if that happened. Anything that ever defies their worldview is expunged from the hivemind's list of approved topics.

To be fair the cyberdemon in this one is a zombie so a alive one would look different I guess

>The Doom Marine =/= The Doom Slayer

>The Doom Marine =/= The Doom Slayer
But thats factually incorrect. Where have you been since May 13th?

I'm sure the backlash about "SJW pandering" would be a thing, but it won't stop the fap material that is to come.

This, post more.

The only reason I can think of is But in truth they probably just spaghetti'ed his design.

I only just started playing the game today. All I had to go on was a recommendation from a friend, which included his comment that the reboot used a new protagonist.

as long as it isn't pandering and they don't go "HEY LOOK ITS A STRONG WOMYN" and the female Doom marine is her own character I won't care.

Then your friend has no clue what hes on about. DOOM 2016 is an indirect sequel thats also a reboot. As for DOOM Guy and DOOM Slayer being the same person I'll let you play the game and find out about all that yourself.

Wouldn't this be cultural appropriation of male culture?

Doom girl getting her arm ripped off.


>OP makes lewd-bait post about a genderswapped protagonist
>Sup Forums decides instead to talk about more politics

Fuck this, I'm going to aco

fuck off

How else would we be able to tell she's a gamer gul? XD

by looking at the hips, tits and ass you little memester


A girl should never cover their beautiful face with a clunky scary helmet, user.

>plot twist reveals she's crash,
>since she's doomguy's mentor, she's a rip an tearing bastard just like his disciple
>the whole game is her catching up to him, jumping to dimensions and shit
>final level is her and doomguy kicking what's left of hell's ass and dick