The Evil Within

Would you recommend this to anyone?

No. It's ok, not as bad as people make it sound, but I'd not recommend it.

I bought it for a friendo and family shared with 2 others So I dID recommend it to 3 people

RE4 is still better game, but tew is pretty good when you get into it. Would rec. didnt know what it was trying to be

starts out pure horror then becomes RE4? very confusing. lost all will to play

could have been great, but japs are talented at fucking up potential.

I'd recommend it to RE4 and David Lynch fans (Assuming they like videogames, of course) if they see a copy for 30 bucks. No more than that, tho

Pulls off the B-horror movie atmosphere incredibly well.
Uses the premise to at least throw some interesting shit at the player.
Could have been a tighter game if they didn't feel the need to borrow gameplay elements from Last of Us.
Better Survival Horror game than Alien Isolation.

Alright thanks for the insight guys.
I'm going to borrow the game from a friend.
I better enjoy it, I can't seem to get into games these days, I think it's the depression...

Nah, it's just that games suck now

>sneaking around for 2 hours knocking out patrols
>run over a trap
>instant death
>need to start all over again

Game is just tedious and frustrating.
Tries to be RE4, sucks.
Tries to be horror, sucks.
Tries to be deep and introspective, fails.
Tries to be a mind trip, fails.

Yes its a better game than anything Capcom has Shit out since 2004.

Fight me motha fucka I'll prove you wrong. Its not perfect, but your a retard if you think its bad.

Okay I'm on ps4, would you guys recommend outlast and it's DLC??
I saw Silent Hill 2 on ps4...

Yes, Outlast is terrific. If you like spooky on PS4 then Bloodborne may do the trick. Is is pretty damn unsettling.

Okay so I'm going to get Alien:Isolation, The Evil Within, SOMA, and Outlast: Bundle of Terror. (On sale on PSN for $18 :))
Should be in for a good time r-right?

I'd recommend it to anyone who wants their video game to be an actual fucking video game. The story, characters, and visual design might all have their setbacks but in a time where realism is dominating the AAA space it's damn refreshing to see a style of gameplay this finely tuned with so few fucks to give. It jumps from place to place with reckless abandon, never stops throwing new ideas and challenges at the player, and has a difficulty that teeters on unfair but never actually is, it's just pretty damn stiff. I dunno, I love how video gamey this game is, it's great.

yes, i had a blast on hard mode
its not really spooky, but it is creepy with an interesting nightmarescape setting
combat is fantastic, though not as tight as you'd expect from mikami game.
its definitely worth a play for any re4 fan or mikami fan.

No, I loathed this trash.

A huge dissapoint.

Its shit. It all relay on the history. Being half psyco so all actually happen in the mind of the protagonist. This makes useless all the horror, and the history itself its shit and has no end. Dunno if they add it with DLC.

Ok now you guys make me not even wanna try it anymore.
fuck it i won't.

I'd recommend it to casuals who want a cinematic experience.

I'm not kidding or shitposting.

OP here. Can one of you guys buy me either silent hill 2, SOMA, or Outlast bundle of terror please?
Being NEET is suffering

So you didnt like silent hill either?

I liked the dream world transitions. If it kept its genre instead of becoming a pure shooter halfway through, I would have liked it more.
>get to the mannequin factory
>mannequins are my biggest fear
>mannequins arent used at all


While not perfect, I enjoyed this game. It was kind of like finding a gallon of pond water in the desert, while not ideal, it was immensely satisfying seeing as there are no alternatives. I challenge anyone to name a decent survival horror game since RE4. This is has been the only survival horror game of the last decade, and I'll happily take what I can get.

I felt like outlast was a waste of money. Pretty shallow, simple gameplay that became ridiculously repetitive to the point of exhaustion.

fuck i just realized there is damn dlc so now i dont even have the full game in a way.
do i bother with dlc? because i doub its worth the money

thanks for the warning, i will heed it

Definitely give it a try, this board is full of circlejerking autists with ridiculous standards. The game is solid and well worth it if you like survival horror.

Fatal Frame 3, 4, and 5
Haunting Ground
Silent Hill 0rigins if you ignore the story
Dementium 1 & 2
Amnesia The Dark Descent
Alien Isolation

This is different. There is no consistency or bridge to reality

It's ok, I went in expecting Shinji Mikami and I got Shinji Mikami. Also the plot is pretty unique IMO, good concept.

Fatal frame > a game where the combat revolves around a Japanese girl taking pictures lol

Haunting ground > a ps2 game from fucking 2005 (not a bad game though)

Silent hill origins and dementia > Nintendo DS and PlayStation portable. Who fuck uses that shit.

Amnesia > Good game, but a slightly different genre as a first person, non fighting, puzzle focused game

Alien > Probably the one legit example from your list. I thought this seemed a little bland though, didn't really do it for me as a survival horror, but wasn't bad.

wait silent hill 2 on ps4 what the fuck really? holy shirt you trolin?

Not for everyone. Me and my friend enjoyed it enough (I liked it more than he did), but for the most part it has way too many flaws.