>do you like awesome things that are awesome
>make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night
new mighty no. 9 trailer taking cringe marketing to the stratosphere
>do you like awesome things that are awesome
>make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night
new mighty no. 9 trailer taking cringe marketing to the stratosphere
Pffff. The game honestly doesn't look that bad, but considering how hyped it was and how long it's been it's easy to understand how underwhelmingly average it is. It's no Mega Man.
I can relate to this, seems like me and the narrator have a wicked sense of humor.
I'm loving every second of this Mighty No. 9 trainwreck.
>Post yfw you didn't back it
I'm probably the 1% of the population who like it.
The narrator was probably half-joking with most of his lines but people are too mad after all the delays to take some jokes.
>tfw i didn't back this pile of turd
of course he's joking
thing is it's not funny, it's stupid as shit
the trailer hypes basic gameplay functions as if they were bad ass features or something
just sad
I have no investment in this game, but I still thought it was a bad trailer. It's like the marketing department forgot the golden rule and decided to tell, not show.
And the narrator trying to pass off basic gameplay as the sickest shit was cringey.
This image really makes me sad. Fuck.
How many times are people gonna get scammed before they stop using kikestarter?
So how do you fuck up this game on a technical level? Indie devs shit the garbage out all the time no problem. Did the jap hire interns and waste money on booze?
Probably never?
Especially when there are still successful campaigns.
>Risk of rain
>Hyper light drifter (granted the game is meh)
>Exploding kitten (not video game though)
It's not like every KS project is a failure.
The thing is you should only back games half-way done.
MN9 was an exceptional case though because who would have thought Inafune could be such a cunt.
it looks like a mobile runner game
>those explosions
like a friggin moon man
the new Shantae looks incredible and I'm glad I backed it.
I just wanted another megaman game
Inafune was at the helm for the majority of the MM franchise -- barring 1, 2, and 3, where he was still responsible for a good deal. So while he isn't the sole father/creator, MM is still his baby in a lot of ways.
I also don't see him claiming to be the co-creator. People call him that.
Inafune was character designer on 1, 2, and 3. He was a planner and "object designer" for 4 through 7. He was producer for 8 through 10 and Bass. Not sure of the specifics for object designer, but he's said his responsibilities grew during his time at Capcom. I doubt it was a demotion from character designer.
All of those are major roles in making a video game.
>people are too mad after all the delays to take some jokes
It's basically this. The jokes in that trailer would be okay if we still were in april 2015 when the game was supposed to be out. But after the delays, comcept treating backers like shit, and Inafune wanting to fund more things before MN9 even came out, this trailer just comes as a slap on the face.
Also remember that the game was delayed because MN9 has to wait for a Chinese console to come out.
Oh shit!
>The game honestly doesn't look that bad,
I thought that too but then I remembered it had like a four million dollar budget.
>cry like an anime fan on prom night
I just masturbated a bit more than usual
how the fucking hell is that sonic twitter so based?
I swear it is single-handedly improving my opinion on sonic, and I've only ever played the first two stages of Rush
I know I'm falling for what the guy is being paid to do
>but people are too mad after all the delays to take some jokes.
Or the jokes were just shit.
I backed both so I'm a bit annoyed at losing some money but at least I got a good game coming too.
Well, I guess it got me to watch the commercial.