Summarize this game in one sentence
Summarize this game in one sentence
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Underwater sex and daddy issues
I used to read word up magazine
It's shit
Death awaits you!
How to ruin a perfectly fine story with bad voice acting
Oedipus Complex: The Game
You will learn to whom the story belongs.
The characters make me want to kill myself.
It was all a dream
I thought the logo was a wizard/mage.
Those damn Al bhed and machina.
The first Final Fantasy with voice acting comes in strong with gorgeous graphics and tons of content and a blazing battle system, but is held back by a poorly written and paced storyline and too many gimmick bosses.
Basically this. Everybody gives Tidus shit, but Yuna has some of the worst delivered lines in video game history.
It's fun.
Ambien dreams
Came here to post this.
Extremely disappointed that it isn't the first post.
It was a game I had absolutely no interest in playing for various reasons.
Just buy the soundtrack.
I'm just here to fuck qt summoners and slap my dad's shit.
the first game i actually fell asleep while playing
one of my favorite games
Better dead than Al Bhed.
Blitzball was a mistake.
>tfw using that patch on PC HD remaster that switches VA to jap while leaving subs eng
Seriously, guys, this game is 200% more comfy with JP voice. Partly because you can pretend the lines are being delivered well, but at least equally because everyone's voices are infinitely less grating. Except Tidus, but I think he's supposed to be mildly irritating on purpose.
if the eyes are spiral the solution is final
>tfw I've never even played this with english dubs
Dubs are shit in every game ever also anime
wakka dislikes the al bhed psyches
Dream man falls in love while saving the world.
Machina Mends must be cleansed
"If they live in the sands, nuke their lands"
Heroes quest to destroy a powerful monster that plagues the beautiful, but sinister, world of Spira.
Great but would be better if it used Materia system instead of the wheel of linearity
Turn based rpg with corporeal ghosts
>wheel of linearity
What? You can go literally anywhere on the board. You can fill the entire thing up if you wanna be turbo autistic.
Best Nu-Metal final boss fight song 2001
Great game that was the swan song for the Final Fantasy series.
*turbo-austismo is the correct medial terminology
>Dubs are shit in every game ever also anime
Cromartie High School has one of the best English dubs ever.
its all a dream
You only think that because you saw it in English first and probably when you were 12
I actually own the DVDs and have watched it in English and Japanese.
Also, I last saw it about 3 years ago when I was 27.
Wear goggles in water, it's time for a slaughter
Blitzball is the only downside
Japan isn't some fucking godly country that never fucks up, sometimes they have shitty games, shitty anime, shitty voices... certain games and anime are significantly better in english.
>you only liked it because you were young
Nice argument, kid
ieyui nobomeno renmiri yojuyogo hasatekanae kutamae
It was all worth it just for this moment of Zanmato-ing the fuck out of Penance's ass
Lulu's Lulus are a miracle of the universe.
You only liked it because you couldn't understand the Japanese version
lulu a shit
she wears a dress made out of fucking belts
Nice bullshit.
you should've left the bait there compadre, you're trying too hard
It had that weirdly arousing jiggle on PS2 because it was just a single blob, it only got separated into proper Lulus on the remaster
Ez-peezee love abandonment amazing. Sentence you say? NO U!
>not wearing tons of belts in your clothing
It's like you want to be an npc irl
You shut your whore mouth. The dress design is weird, but she's still the best female in that game
>implying you understand Japanese
Blitzball gets stupidly easy once you hit like level 15 and replace all your aurochs, though. Only a downside for people who hate losing that first game you're supposed to lose.
How FF went from their best game ever (FF9) to complete shit RPGs.
It's possible to win that first game. A bit hard but possible.
>Blitzball gets stupidly easy once you cheese your first goal with Jecht Shot and hide behind your goalie for the rest of the match
inb4 that guy with the picture claiming it's furbait
>supposed to lose
>supposed to
I'll save everyone by destroying the world
>that first game you're supposed to lose
>he doesn't know
compared to rikku and yuna? not setting the bar too high. She has no personality, little story relevance, she's weak as shit after the halfway point, the only thing she has are cowtits, and you grow out of liking cowtits once you hit about 16
Japanese voice actors are terrible at their jobs
>people spend time learning how yo cheese instead of getting learnt in git'n gud
wonda why they call ya bitch
>Still trying this hard
You started strong but it's pathetic now. Pack it up, user.
>Replacing Bro-tier Letty
Listen I mean, sure, there's better options, but he was the heart and soul of the franchise, Wakka be damned.
You're supposed to lose that first game? I Jecht Shotted my way to an insurmountable lead in the first half, so by the time Wakka comes back all I had to do was play keep away until the clock ran out.
english dub has shitty yuna and tidus, but holy shit jap rikku is really bad too. also some of tidus' delivery is really bad in japanese.
but then wakka's JP VA is amazing so it's all okay in the end.
>spend time learning how yo cheese
nigga it took me 5 minutes
>git gud
>on blitzball
for what purpose? the opponents' stats are rigged as fuck. if they can cheat against me, fuck'em I'll be playing by the same standards
You can't assume someones supposed age based on their sexual interests. Rikku is neat though, I like her personality and combat usefulness
i want to be a blitzball when i grow up
Doesn't make your point any less shit, kid.
Man, that's what I said. How did you all interpret it that I didn't know? I beat it back when it first came out because I used a guide. I'm just saying most people that hate blitzball were probably just pissy the first game was so brutal, since so much in FF is retardedly easy, especially everything else up to that point in FFX.
Sorry for not being more clear.
You know I'm right. You can't understand Japanese so you can't tell the night and day difference in voice acting quality
It killed a franchise for many people.
Losers of a war perverts the winners culture until the ghosts of the losers have had enough and sends a ghost to stop them.
By the end of your journey you will be super pissed off.
Melodramatic shit.
The last Final Fantasy with a decent battle system
Tidus' story, but Yuna ends up being the focus for 90% of the game and her story is pointless in the end.
if by kill you mean it was the peak of FF and everything since has been shite, then yes
Fun to play, but has worst minigames and Blitzball isnt that great.
Linear corridors are actually a giant spiral, also Moby Dick is your father and you can kill it with a volley-ball.
>Spirits Within & Sakaguchi leaving
Paranoid as fuck
Delusional hater
>Enix merger
Well-versed in the ways of business
The man whose hope dies immediately
Perceptive mastermind
Underage b&
Damn nigga, you was one slow muthafucka
McFucking kill yourself