The Walking Dead

Just replayed both seasons.
First season almost brought me to tears AGAIN.

Do we all like these games or no?
And are we excited for season 3?
I am.

On the real, you shouldn't feel the need to spoiler your own opinions. People hide behind 'we' a lot and it does them no good.

>You can lean on me if you have to

your choices don't matter

They did in Season 2

> games

Why do to feel the need to use "we"?

It's the thing to do.

Season one nearly made me shed a tear, season two made me think on that final decision for a good few minutes, only to back pedal and have Kenny kill the glass eater. As for season 3, I'll wait to see what they dish out.

Sure they do.
Have you played the games more than once?

All I know about this game is from SFM videos

Do people actually cry over games? lol

>he doesn't cry when presented with an emotional scene


Do you mean to say you cry at every emotional scene you see?

Do you remember how we teach autist girl how to shoot and be responsible and she saved mr.niceguy from being shot?
Do you remember how you constantly pissed niggermom and make her baby deadborn?
Or how can you side with Carver and betray all you company for 400 days crew?
Or make short-haired bitch admitted she basically killed her sister she run away pissed to suddenly return and knock down fucking nerd?
Exactly, you don't.

Wait AJ can be stillborn? Seriously? Shit I gotta replay this.

Now that's a big word there user

Of course not.
The ending of Season 1 is a special situation.

>he doesn't remember the five or six different possible endings to season 2

Season 1 was alright.
Season 2 sucked and did nothing for me.

I feel like TWD died with Lee. Lee and Clem had the best relationship ever and I don't think it'll be matched. The game gradually brought on horrors - First the traffic incident, then the zombies, suddenly you find out you're eating one of your buddies, other people sabatoging you...

TWD season 2 was all the same except it really didn't have anything that stuck out. The only part that made me feel anything really was the flashback to Lee telling his sweetpea not to worry.

tl;dr: S1 = masterpiece, S2 = below average


Gotta agree with you on that. That ending was touching.

None of the choices matter. In Tales from the Borderlands it's even worse.

I once had to call DHS for a child who's father put out cigarettes on her arms.

She was five.

So no, I don't get choked up over this shit.

I felt ripped off by the length and I didn't even pay for it.

That dad literally did nothing wrong. It builds courage and prevents kids from smoking

I can agree about the flashback part.
What made it so fucking sad was that it was the last time Clem would ever see Lee and it was so fucking casual.
You just wanted her to say something that acknowledged everything, but you knew she couldn't.

This reminds me I need to replay season 2. I replayed season 1 (and 400 days) about 4 months ago.

>Do we all like these games or no?

We like the first season because it tells a really interesting and emotional story with believable characters and situations with a shitton of drama and tragedy. It's one hell of a ride really

We don't like first and second seasons because, on the contrary of what was stated by telltale, the choices you make affect only cosmetics. There is one main storyline and you can't do shit about it, only shuffle between supporting characters and filler episodes, that has no effect in the long run whatsoever.

We hate second season because the story is a complete fuckup of illogical actions, retarded adults, annoying and plain bad characters and even less changes from your choices. It's shit

I'm kinda hype for 3rd season, but don't honestly expect much after 2nd

>400 days
400 wasted minutes, know what I'm saying?

What to remember in these threads.

>Your choices don't matter
Your choices greatly affect how the story unfolds for you personally.

>Your choices don't matter in the end
A far more correct statement. You are railroaded towards specific events.

Currently, your choices matter in the end of Season 2, where you can get massively different endings based exclusively on your final Kenny/Jane decision. This is because that is when the story ended, and there was no guarantee of season 3. Now that there's going to be a Season 3, those choices are almost certainly going to made to have not mattered at all.

Pretty cool TV show, but this is Sup Forums

No, i'm just fucking with you, this game has zero meaningfull choices.

Which you can choose with one button and one dialog after.

>I once had to call DHS for a child who's father put out cigarettes on her arms.
On /pol you can see webm with chinese kid roadkilled with five cars.
This officially make a WDS2 a great game or what?

> There is one main storyline and you can't do shit about it
It kinda reminds me of Greek tragedies.
What happens will happen, no matter what you do.

Ben always falls to his death.
Duck always gets bitten.
Mark always get eaten.
Lee always dies.

The choices you make inbetween simply make those outcomes happen through different means.

The path a man takes to prevent his future is invariably the one that leads to it.

Uncharted gets a thread and is said to not be a game. Walking Dead, which has no gameplay, gets a thread an people discuss it. But, walking dead is multiplatform fo it gets a pass. Hypocrites

>But boat, boat never changes

cringe thread?

Telltale actually said that they won't wrap the storylines all up in one episode like they did at the beginning of Season 2.

Apparently our final choice will have a greater impact than any previous ones.

For me, Clementine is currently alone with AJ.

>A third person shooter is the same thing as a point and click adventure game

We're not discussing CoD

In tale you can at least once skip some cutscenes like with Athena's girlfriend, spare characters without them being killed minutes later or make some allies for last fight.

>Lee: That boat is fucked, Kenny
>Kenny: What the fuck do you know about boats?
>Kenny: This boat is fucked

>I have no reading compression

I admit to having no reading compression

That's the great Sup Forums hypocrisy. Hard objective truth that this place has shit taste in videogames. Hundreds if not thousands of 300+ replies have been created on for this series. Yet you apparently can't call it a fucking VN. Apparently it's much more of a videogame than linear shooters.

>Don't talk about things I don't like

>Clementine is currently alone with AJ
And how exactly she feed him? With cola cans?

I'll take things that didn't happen for 300 Bob!

They lasted 9 days between when she left Jane, so I guess she figured some way.

>Apparently it's much more of a videogame than linear shooters.
Shooters have a cutscenes and gameplay.
WD have only a cuscenes, because QTE is not a gameplay but complex "PLAY" button.

I want to know why at no point there is the option to be a realist and abandon the baby

Season three is still going to be filled to the brim with kenny hate boning.

So it's magic then.

>He left Crazy Kenny alive

They still had that bag of supplies Mike dropped.
Maybe she went back to the car and got it.

Kenny is right. RIGHT!

>Being brought to tears by a video game

Just how fucking gay are you faggot?

It's really up in the air.
On one hand he's a broken man who's clearly not stable.
On the other hand, Jane is a bitch.

They're going to shit on him even if he died. Everything wrong with be blamed on him one way or another.

Hell, he'll come back as a super zombie you can't killed probably.

>yfw when you aren't comfortable with your inner femininity

It's not that.
Season 1 is Paternal Instinct: The Game
I found myself making decisions based on what I thought was best for Clementine.
I didn't let Kenny cut off my arm because I figured, even though it's a death sentence for me, I probably would have an easier time saving her with both arms.

The ending broke my heart for the simple reason of it all felt so real.

TWD is not a video game, it's a visual novel.

People are brought to tears by novels all the time, although you probably haven't read anything they didn't force you to read in school, have you?

>bag of supplies
You can't feed a newborn baby with conserved beans, he needs a fucking milk.

>Paternal Instinct: The Game
i wonder how girls that play the game feel
season 1 really is made for that alpha male feeling of fucking anyone who poses a threat up

>he's a broken man who's clearly not stable.
Like any normal person in zombie filled world, with two families lost.

Why would you ever make the decision to definitely die as opposed to stay alive to protect her even longer?

Sure, you're down an arm and might die anyway, but nobody is gonna look out for her like you will. You gonna trust Kenny to that shit?

What a poor excuse for a parent you are

Clementine seems pretty normal.

In season one I felt emotionally drained from each episode, I'm wasn't a newcomer to "lol everyone dies" but God damn some of those deaths were written so well.

Two was like some SJW play nice brigade full of unlikable, unbelievable cunts. Your choices didn't matter and I honestly kept playing to see how much worse the writing would get rather than seeing through Clem's story.

Pic related. Everything the first season was so intense and there's absolutely nothing like it in 2. I doubt it will be in 3 either.

You done fucked up then, senpai.

Kenny is life.

I think they pretend they are Clem and Lee is some king of side character.

Because she already growned in this world.

Because I know a thing or two about poisonous bites.
It had been at least an hour or two since the bite occurred, and no immediate action was taken.
Lee had already passed out once due to the effects of the bite, so it had clearly already moved past his arm and into his main circulatory system, which means it was in his brain.

Death was a certainty either way, and losing an arm wasn't going to change a thing.

Also no, I told her to find Omid and Christa.
I guess that doesn't turn out so well in the end but whatever.

>Season 1
>They don't

>Season 2
>They didn't

>Season 3

Leave it to Walking Plebs to be this dense

This is the case with EVERY telltale game that claims that choice matters.

>What would I want him to do for me
makes sense

you'd still think a little girl would be all fucked up

I honestly thought the first season was amazing, but boy did the second season disappoint me.

I was even hyped for playing as Clem, but she's never allowed to form any connection with anyone in the way that Lee was able to build a bond with her.

what the fuck was lee thinking letting her sit there
one little bump or something and she falls out

I assumed, but I didn't want to say for sure since I gave up on Telltale games after TWD 1 and 2. I don't plan on buying Season 3, and I certainly don't plan on playing any of their other "games"

To be fair, I realize what a daunting and arguably impossible task it is to create a video game where ones choices do matter and can end up resulting in huge branching points. If the medium doesn't support such a game, however, then either don't attempt to make a game like that, or at least be honest about what your game is. Trying to act like you can significantly impact the story in these games when you really can't is just deceiving your customer

The Meat Locker scene's a great example of what season one did that season two couldn't.

A painful morally grey decision of siding between two well developed characters, and a choice that legitimately affects how you interact with them both from there on out.

Yeah, the results were ultimately linear, but the character's relationships and emotional response still shifted in a way that put season 2's choices to shame.

>Never allowed to form an connection
I think that was the intent.
It was supposed to show Clem that she can only rely on herself and that there won't always be someone there to be there for her.

TWD and the other Telltale games are riffs on Point & Clicks both made worse by the lack of puzzles and their simplicity and made better by the extra effort put into plot and characterization, not using batshit logic puzzles to artificially raise the difficulty and extend playing time as well as burying the player with tens of different items and adopting player influence taken from choose your adventure books (with obvious limitations). The overall result is arguably a slightly better game.

Uncharted is a TPS both made worse by hollow set-pieces and qtes, insulting difficulty, restrictive play areas and constant interruption for the sake of a plot that's completely irrelevant and made better by... praise from people who don't particularly know or care about gameplay.
The overall result is obviously a worse game.

>2016 Anno Domini
>People still using the "Uncharted is not a game" meme
>People still falling for the "Uncharted is not a game" meme

The hardest puzzle of season 1 was getting the train moving

>be 11
>you have to do everything for the group because they're really retarded
Pic related
Season 2 was so terrible

As far as I can remember that detective work with Duck was about the more elaborate. Still pretty fucking easy. I mean, at some point somebody's gonna ask "do we really need this?" and most people who play it are gonna go "not really". Season 2 already took a significant step towards it. Oh well.

>clementine will come with me
>why don't you do it, clementine
>i think you should do it, clementine
>what do you think, clementine
>clementine, it's your fault

>Locked door
Good thing we have a child to send in to open it. I'm sure there's no walkers in there at all.

Season 2 crew was the worst.

There was a recent thread about games with branching. Almost all of the games that have good branching story only offers major choices at clear branch points. Some have you just choose, some actually allow you to do actions to make it seem that you are actually in control.

It's not a cumulative choice driven story like how telltale claims theirs suppose to be, but at least it usually works and gives you actual different scenarios instead just slight variations that offer no meaningful change to the story or gameplay.

Not that there's anything wrong with just minor changes, it's fine as long as you fucking lie to the players. Wolf:TNO had a small branch that would change the world and gameplay mechanics in a minor way, but that's fine becuase choices isn't the point of the game (although you are given the freedom most of the on how to play the game).

Of course, there are games that try to make the small choices matter. Bioware, for instance, tries, and sometimes it works. Dragon age choices, while doesn't branch the story too much, do have impact that changes things enough to make new playthroughs different and sometimes even worth replaying (or reloading an old save at least)

>I have no fucking idea how to stop this wind turbine
>You take over, 11 year old girl

They see Lee as a parental figure instead of the rapist he actually was.

And at least the womyn I know get really teary when it comes to dad figures in media. Dunno.

KEK I forgot about that
Honestly, one of the worst things about season 2 for me is the fact that the game is constantly gagging on Kenny's dick.

Which would be fine if they were able to develop beyond that and give me a reason to still care about the new characters.

Every member of the new group that I started to feel interested in was abruptly killed off and forgotten about before they had a chance to really shine.

What? Or you remembering wrong, or are you Sup Forumsing?

From the point they decided to make the kid the player character, you knew it was going to be pants on head retarded.
>NEW QUEST: Draw a picture with your new crayons like a normal 11 year old
but no it had to be:
>NEW QUEST: Save this bunch of incompetent adults from themselves

>a rapist
The fuck are you on about? He killed the guy his wife was cucking him with, thats why he was on his way to jail.

It could have been handled a little better.
Clementine could have been running shit behind the scenes in a subversive way.
They didn't have to be a bunch of fucking mongs and base their life decisions on the opinions of a little girl.

Not defending the game or anything, but if I had to guess why they did that, it's probably to emulate what Clementine is going through and has to learn.

Don't get too attached to anyone, cause it'll only end up in one of you leaving or dying.

In fact, that's kinda the whole theme of season 2.
Almost every death had an emotional tie with another character, just not Clementine.

>Don't get too attached to anyone, cause it'll only end up in one of you leaving or dying.
You're right
What do you think is the theme for season one

I'd say it's
>Don't be afraid.

>Clementine could have been running shit behind the scenes in a subversive way.
What, that's ridiculous. How the hell is a girl who was like 6 when the world went to shit going to have the necessary social and influential acumen to run shit behind the scenes? Unless what you mean by behind the scenes is washing pots and pans and doing menial labor while the adults actually fucking act like it and not like a bunch of morons.