>post the last time you died
Got frenzied and hugged to death by Brain Trust in Nightmare Frontier in Bloodborne.
>post the last time you died
Got frenzied and hugged to death by Brain Trust in Nightmare Frontier in Bloodborne.
I got infected on Halo Online
Stepped on a IED in ArmA 2
I died to Bastion
>Reinheart ult
>Well it's okay I'll just--
died to the weird crawling wizard hat guys with swords in DaS3
I was alt tabbed in Ark and froze to death I think.
accidentally a swarm of spectres in DOOM 64
Shot by terrorists. Rainbow Six Vegas
I rolled past an edge in salt and sanctuary and died.
Those are thralls not mages. They are slaves and the hat is the way to show that. theres a giant handcuff like thing at the bottom of the mask.
Bitch ass rom killed me
Widowmaker bodyshot me like 4 times before I went down after capping point A in London as Junkrat.
I got fucked up by the Colombians in that Grand Theft Aero mission.
AA cannon loaded with flak rounds lit me up while my squad was trying to maneuver on it
This piece of unholy shit
I accidentally wandered too close to the ballista firestorm at the prologue in The Witcher II.
Tried to parry Pontiff Sulyvan and fucked it up.
Super battledroid, I didnt take him down.
Combat sucks so you died happy.
Is it possible to have ptsd from hearing something too much?
When a fucking 100 energy Zarya ultimated my whole team when we were leaving the spawn
>We've got DROIDS!
Got fucked by two player's gundams in the bounty hunter arena.
IG field couldn't handle the gun fire
I was playing the new Doom on the PS4
I kept dying. I feel like I was suffocating when holding a controller and playing on a tv. Give me a mouse and keyboard so my movement and aiming isn't gimped.
Went solo against Silver Rathalos and Golden Rathian quest with a -15 fire armor set
condemned: I got hit with a 2x4
p good game imho senpai nsmh
also captcha wat
>-15 fire armor set
>silver los and gold ian
You deserved it.
Pecked to death by a Scavenger in Gothic.
I fell in Skyrim. I guess that's what I get for turning my speed up to 500%.
I forgot do they have banter in Bf1?
splatted by E-Liter
Just now in pic related. Doing the Saiyan Warriors PQ and I got bodied by Vegito, Gotenks, and Broly.
Beerus showed up to save my ass when I reached half health and promptly stood there and groomed his faggot cat face while I got juggled to death.
>got fucked by a pair of cheeki breeki cunts in agroprom
mowed down by bastion
Got shot in the face by a crossbow while Manning the walls of my castle and chair of my kingdom, Praven.