Why is everyone shitting on the DOOM multiplayer? Really the only fault I can give it is the lack of dedicated servers...

Why is everyone shitting on the DOOM multiplayer? Really the only fault I can give it is the lack of dedicated servers, it's pretty damn fun.

Yea, I LOVE Bethsda® and I think their new title Doom® is the BOMB. The single player is great and innovative and the multiplayer is just solid and enjoyable.

Definitely best game of the year!

Its slightly faster Halo with worse maps.

I mean I like it for what it is, but that's what it is.

Fuck off faggot

Naw dood, just showing my love for Doom®, the most innovative shooter I've ever played.

>lack of dedicated servers
good enough reason to shit on it. match making MP is shit and will always be shit

It's good for a few quick rounds but it gets old quick and plays nothing like classic Doom deathmatch.

What are the odds that they'll add dedicated servers to PC version?

Is it still ironic shilling if the only company you shill for is Zenimax?

>Only fault
Nigga try and defend the hack modules, I want to see that.

Super mediocre.

Feels like a console multiplayer more than anything.

I love Dishonored, can't wait for the sequel!

E3 is coming up, better load up on gamer gear!


25 cents has been added to your account thank you

This is my least favorite meme®

What's wrong with em? Admitedly I've not even looked at em, I'm level 9 and not fucked around with em at all.

I particularly enjoy this meme.
My kek

So why is multiplayer so shit when the single player is so well liked? Are the loadouts really that big of a deal? I

Two guns and a nade.
It's fine.

What's with all the fuzz, the way I see it is that it's pretty hell damn fucking darn pretty damn pretty good.

>play it on steam

>every single game mode except team deathmatch is completely dead except during peak times

really really fucking wish they added a proper fucking server browser instead of just locking us all to our download region or whatever the fuck all these other shitty games do so i could atleast see my ping and maybe play with west coast people or some fucking shit

It's every bland modern multiplayer game imaginable with a few very shallow gimmicks to make it standout. What's even worse is it banks itself on the snapmap functionality yet snapmap is so limited hardly anyone wants to even tinker with it.

In single player you can have several weapons and weapon mods as well as air strafing.

Multiplayer is limited to 2 weapons and they're loadouts rather than collection weapons on the map.

Because it's almost the polar opposite of what made people love the singleplayer mode.

It's alive here on Ps4 :^)

Sure does feel good to own the best multiplat machine of this generation!

Please cuck me

I've found it bearably mediocre on consoles.
It's just straight up boring on PC.

I really like the armour customisation. That's about where my fun ends. I know "fast paced" is meant to be better since Quake etc in the past is praised for it, but if I'm honest, it's just different, not better.

It's genuinely quite annoying how I need to be aiming head height and being ready to fire ALL THE TIME for a full 10 minutes if I want to win, no time spent on reloading, finding cover etc.

But I rented it for ps4 from redbox the day it came out and couldn't make myself play longer than 30 minutes due to constant stutter and screen tare

Why does everything have to be shit

>I know "fast paced" is meant to be better since Quake etc in the past is praised for it, but if I'm honest, it's just different, not better.

The issue is that it tries to have a faster movement speed and no need to aim down sights yet at the same time the multiplayer modes and usage of weapon loadouts encourage slower paced gameplay. It's a total clusterfuck that falls flat on its face when it comes to both styles of play.

>better on consoles

>with shitty graphics and controls

Holy hell, I prefer a controller usually but even I'm not this deluded

>mfw doom 4 on ultra with keyboard and mouse and $440 headphones and $300 amp

and people say there are no shills on Sup Forums

I'm playing the story mode and it's pretty fun. Haven't tried multiplayer yet. What's wrong with it? Too much like CoD for Sup Forums?

The multiplayer was literally outsourced to people who did multiplayer for CoD.

But it isn't DOOM multiplayer.

Does anyone have experience with snapmap?
How do I make the game end when all demons are dead?

And how would I make the game end in defeat when all players are killed? I set it so that there's no respawns. So would it auto end if all humans die?
Also anyone wanna test my map with me? I'm worried it's a tad hard. I'm on PC.

It's not bad, it's just not any different than other modern shooters.

It's just Quake 3 Arena with CoD loadouts

well I'm glad you agree that Bethesda has made the greatest Doom game of all time.

Download UT4 and realize why doom 4 multiplayer is lame

I don't play f2p shit sorry


>its a demon rune episode

>neo/v/ This AAA shooter isn't as bad as you all say it is!
I am totally surprised by this outcome. What a twist.

dude it's Rainbow 6 Siege all over again

You are really clever.

>its a your character is always 1 second behind and you get shot through walls episode
>its a chainsawer teleports onto you from 50 meters episode
>its a 3 pink faggots cringely dancing post-game screen episode

They did halo multi didnt they?

They did CoD Ghosts and Master Chef Collection.


holy shit it is

Only way I know how is to use Player Proxy - On Killed - End In Victory - End Game.

I use that because you technically can't win my map but you can change it to end in defeat. Only problem is that if any player dies, it's over, that's why I have revives enabled.

It isn't too well documented yet.



get out

>get out
get out

Yeah mine's a 2-4 player survival with no revives, so I can't do that.
Code is MQ2MVSFF if anyone wants to try it, but it absolutely requires at least 2 people.

Damn, xboxfag myself, hope you get to test it.

Its a pretty accurate impression of a shill though

It's not Doomy

Also it's kind of boring

I'm mostly just annoyed there's a three round burst and single shot rifle in the game. Like, make it more like fucking Halo why don't you.

When you ironically shill on the internet, you know your life is shitty.

I like it, but temporary power ups being in pre-defined places is starting to fuck up matches.
Suddenly you have a reventant, a guy with a BFG, a guy with Quad damage and you have already lost.
Also, it's annoying as fuck having to look up everything you unlocked after every match to get rid of the yellow exclamation marks.