What's her name Sup Forums?

What's her name Sup Forums?

literally every game series after the third, bar none


San Andreas and vice city were great


4 was okay 5 was a piece of shit

But the ratchet and clank games are still good.

The answer is Halo Reach. What a fucking shittshow the series has been since that pile of vomit.

Battlefield 3

Persona is good after the third game


also Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2




2 and 3 are really the only games in the series I can give a solid recommendation.
The future series is ok at best, mediocre at worst, and don't even get me started on that new spinoff bullshit or the reboot.

I never played Deadlocked btw


The game was great, but thanks to it every RE that followed was a shitty action TPS with a survival horror coat of paint.


Good solid game, just a bad RE. And every new RE since 4 sucks more and more

Hitman Blood Money is king and it's the fourth of a series.

mass effect 2 ruined mass effect

Lost Planet 3.

They turned an awesome dungeon keeper style game into a bejewled clone. But you'd buy it and be able to play as much as you want. Then they took the original game off the store and made it free to play with tons of microtransaction.

Proof that Sup Forums is a literal hivemind.

Gauntlet Seven Sorrows

Sigh... the previous game was gold...

Give a trigger warning before you mention Other M you kike

That first guy was saying that RE4 didn't ruin the series retard

What is Mirror's Edge 2

What's Spore?

Payday 2
God of War Ascension
Assassin's Creed 3, Liberation, and Unity
Fallout 4
Galactic Civilizations 3
Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth
Batman: Arkham Origins and Arkham Knight
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots(here and there)
Metal Gear Solid V (also here and there but more)
Halo 4
Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days(I loved it but it was admittedly a hot mess)
Borderlands 3+
Crysis 2
Just cause 3
Doomâ„¢ (It's all just word of mouth viral marketing, how is that not completely fucking obvious?)
Splinter Cell: Double Agent, Conviction, Blacklist


F.E.A.R. 3.

Two was slipping but three was complete FUCK.

I tried to like it, but it fell too short.

bingo bango

Downhill from here.

I think the second one already killed it.

The second game's gameplay was actually an improvement over the firsts though, and that's all I really give a shit about.
