What do your mains say about you? In any game

What do your mains say about you? In any game.

Usually not much, but sometimes they show your temperament. Mains focused on super aggressive playstyles usually are picked by people that like to be bold in general.

I need long range. That's the one constant. I don't usually play the "zoner" but I need range on my normals.

Do you main WFT in smash 4, too, OP? I would say she's my main.

idk what it says about me

>Lucio and Dva in overwatch
>WFT and Cloud in smash 4

rate and hate

Don't like WFT, otherwise, great picks.

>Melee - Marth
>SFV - Guile (for the time being)
>Xrd - Elphelt

I like to be the dominant one in the bedroom because I have an inferiority complex.

Human Female Warlock



Burn and Infect

Melee: falco
Project meme: captain Falcón
SFV: cammy

Been trying to get into more fighting games but i guess my brain can't adapt when switching between games. Also haven't touched SFV since they added Alex




kill yourself

Brewmaster im an alcoholic

It shows I am a jerk for picking Shulk.

>Puts on Shield at 100%ish
>Get 150% + (Where rage maxes out)
>Kill the other player that only had 60%.

They never see it coming.

>Wii Fit Trainer

this is your home

>Implying infect is cancerous

Literally trying to win the game with the most old-fashioned of strategies.

Only difference is that I only need to count to 10

>I like to take the easy way out cuz I can't git gud

Healers are most likely over the age of 20.

Jimmy is the only recent character to Payday 2 that has an ounce of character. Too bad everyone that played him was absolute shit; but not to worry because Sydney thankfully came out so shitters have migrated to her now.

>I love cocks
>Give them to me
>Big tanky COCKS


Pretty sure this all equates to me being a faggot.

For a lot of games, I tend to prefer mobility over other traits. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule for me, but I generally go down that route.

Since others are doing it, I'll give you my mains for some of the games I play.

>Street Fighter V

Tracer, Lucio

>Under Night In Birth
Gordeau, Eltnum

>Smash 4
Mega Man, Ryu (exceptions to the rule I mentioned)

>Project M
Zero Suit Samus, Roy

>Mario Kart

Azreal, Noel

>Guilty Gear (any version)
Millia Rage

>Team Fortress 2
Scout, Soldier

> Reaper - Overwatch
> LOL - VI
> BB - Noel Vermilion
> P4A - Chie Satonaka

>triborg smoke variation

>god, wish he'd stop staring at my ass


That I am no good at the games I play but I keep playing because I want to actually be really good at a game instead of just average.

That i'm a retard that picks low tiers unknowingly and sticks to them

Dota dont have mains. My main in lol is mordekaiser so im a special boy. I play alot ofvwraith clinks and sniper in dota. Hard hitting right clickers and if i support i go treant or wisp. Yes i know hes called io shut the fuck up.

Melee Falco reveals that I am a an edgy psychopath.


good taste

Same guy so i better say my fighting vidya to. Aganos in ki i got to rank 700 with pnly him so i will know say hes the most underrated fighting man ever. Mkx is kano cammando because get put of my way parry boys also because sweet fake ausy accent. Guilty gear potpkmin because im still a special boy. Blaze blue irpn tager nevause grapple boys. SFV birdie necause alpha 2 child hood and GRAPPLE BOYS. So ye fuk wit meh

Bot lane mains are shit. Eat dick unless sniper engi or demo

>implying i dont main mid/support master race

I use Jacket in Hotline Miami, and have used him since he was an available character. Before him, I used Wolf
It feels weird to not have the voice recording soundclips play

>lol (haven't played in years but w.e)

Meant to say Payday 2

Chubby chasers or HAES chicks main her because of her character (That said, she is pretty adorable). Outright sadists main her because of her abilities.

I pick one character with my dick and one who I find fun. I do this for every game.

Bot lane mains carry games
Also engi is shit literally a babysitter

I like to rush in and keep up the pressure.

what if my main is a custom created character?

Mah niggnog!


Fuck off guy.

I'm a bit of a mixed bag.
I normally like rushdown type things, but not ones where it feels like just barely scraping out a win.

My favorite deck in MtG is Mono-Green stompy but I hate RDW with a passion.

judge me

I want to be a girl

I like bubbles






Anything going for me besides waifufaggotry?

Peach and Pacman in Smash.

Karin and Ken in Alpha 3 and Sf5.

Nina and Hwoarang in Tekken.

Darius and Sion
Captain Falcon and Gannon

Roast me

>likes bubbles
>doesn't main Caesar

I like justice and blue color, I guess? Anything else going for me?
In SFV I play Bison.


Lux, Nami

Mercy, Lucio

I like playing safe, offensive supports.

There's two main options for me:

Option A:
>Fast and mobile
>Damage and surprise
>Sneaky and slippery
>Examples: Pyro, Lunara, Weaver, Genji

Option B
>Long range
>Big fucking gun
>Huge damage
>Don't really have all that many examples of this type of character I can think of. Sgt. Hammer, maybe Bastion? Chromie seems to fit.

You also have a thing for tasteful room decor?

How can i main him if he's not in the game.

Are you me?

That I like brown girls, short haired girls, tomboys, and psychotic bitches. Also I'm a faggot.

The most obvious thing that sticks out is that I only lke objectively good characters with top-tier designs.







>What do your mains say about you?
You tell me, love

I wish I was a space marine, or at least playing a game with one
