Are you still playing, user?

Are you still playing, user?

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Game died when the level cap went above 75.

All private servers have

What game?

It's a shell of what it used to be. Not the ultimate neet game anymore. It's essentially a single player game, ff12 with lower production values but a hell of a lot more content.

>party of all NPCs
No, this ain't the XI played

I am. I like being able to solo casually. I've built 3 relics and the Empy shield by myself. It's fun getting things I've always wanted

Never played it and videos are usually shitty quality. Does this play like ff12? Somone explain the gameplay to me.

Game didn't die, it just adapted to survive.

Do I miss the game pre-level cap jump? Yeah. But now I can actually play the game and not suffer from not knowing anyone who plays anymore. The NPCs are there to help people for that very reason. Levelling by books are the exact same.

All of the posts complaining about XI not being the same as it used to be need to acknowledge that MMOs need to adapt to survive.

At least XI is still similar to what we had 10 years ago in some form, with the older content still holding relevance. WoW went the complete opposite direction thanks to vertical progression. Nobody can experience the old WoW because of the drastic changes that came and their making older content completely irrelevant. Anyone picking it up now only knows it as the garrison manager.

I want to play it, but at the same time, I sort of want to wait for the, albeit probably gutted, mobile version.

I'm worried about how pay to win it'll be.

FFXI is so much better these days.

Anyone claiming otherwise probably had FFXI as their first mmo.

Is this some shitty MonHun knockoff?
That's a White Fatalis.

No, ive beaten all the story content a couple of months ago, and since there will be no more story content made for this game, i can finally say im done with it forever.

Was a hell of a ride though

No it's Falkor

I don't know anything about FFXI, how does the steam version work?

>come back during this login campaign
>want to finish the story content
>get trusts
>literally haul ass through WoTG
>finishing up RoV now

In all honesty, its VERY similar but replace the gambit system with a macro system. NPC's do everything on their own and they usually will out-DoT/DPS you and can very easily help you through any content you're doing all the way up to 99+

Im waiting for the mobile version :)

No, the change happened so slowly that you forgot what golden age XI was. It was progressively worse since Whitegate was the main hub

>mobile version.
There is no 'mobile version'. There is a new game in the same setting.

>steam version
FF11 predates Steam. Being distributed on Steam doesn't mean there's a special Steam version; it just downloads the normal version. The game is still tied into the PlayOnline rubbish.

Playonline reminds me of that really shitty software att forced you to use back in dial up days.

I mean aol.

Everywhere keeps saying "Reboot" but I don't think that means an entirely new game.

I was still playing until about a month ago when I got back into WoW. Got my loldrg to 80, af gear, and finished Chains of Promathia. All solo. Trust.

Finally quit in December after playing since NA PS2 launch. I come back for each free week, though. Maybe the devs will manage to cook up some interesting and original content and I can justify resubbing.

I will admit I regularly get the itch to solo stuff, because I feel that modern soloing (true solo - no trusts) is far funner than it was at 75. Quite exhilarating to gear up and finally beat VD battlefields and such. The combat and gearswapping is like nothing else I've played.

Finally did my first Limit Break finally, so I'm done playing for now. Kind of want to resub and try to get to max level, but I should be doing more constructive things in life. Fun game, though it's not what I remember playing a long time ago.

Look at that screenshot right there. m8. All new gameplay = all new game.

You don't comepletly change the way a game plays and then say it's just a port.

Audolin fixed it up a bit. The old 75 content is still obsolete unless you're a solo player but the current stuff has the same horizontal progression as the old game.

I quit when they raised the 75 cap, honestly I plan to resub soon because this game is still better than any of the modern MMO trash these days with quest markers and dungeon finders. A lot of the stuff that used to be hard is solo-able now, but there is still new hard stuff which needs proper teamwork.

Worth playing if I just want a FF12-like experience? I don't mind being solo with npcs.

Yeah, it's still a fun game. If you're interested, you might want to ask questions in the Final Fantasy General on /vg/ since that's where FFXI players regularly hang out on this site. Also, try to get on Asura if you want to join the /vg/ linkshell (guild/chat) so that people can help you out ingame. Either someone here will be able to help you out or in the FF general if you ask for an invite. Also, be prepared to read up a lot of info on wikis and websites for quests and how equipment and skills work.

You can have NPCs be your party with the "trust" system.

I really wish DQX was playable in English. It's supposed to be a lot like FFXI

Literally logged in right now on a private server, about to pop Nidhogg.

Best private server to play FFXI on?

>thinking they know anything of PlayOnline's heresy

Even the poster was shit.

That was such bullshit.
Some of the codes didn't even work in my country

So how do I into FFXI private servers?

What if I just want to explore the world and stuff maybe do the story myself and not really bother with monthly fees and stuff.

That reminds me of how shitty that guide is and how it made you put the guide down and look up shit online. If I'm already doing that I might as well just fucking go to GameFAQs you retards.

The XI guide was so shitty it made beast masters essentially a leper for years until people had to dispel the myths that guide book ingrained in people.

Good luck
Most private servers are absolute rubbish that crash from players just using certain skills
I'm also pretty sure 99% of the quests don't work

Favorite game from my childhood. I stopped playing when Abyssea was hitting. Still get incredibly nostalgic, maybe I should go back.

Fuck it then.

I remember playing on one Sup Forums was talking about a few years ago back, probably one of the first maybe, I dunno. I remembering it being a bit of a bitch to set up properly and I played it for like a day and was kinda enjoying it, the main quest was pretty fun.

The server had like a full auction house so I could basically load myself up with the best gear for my level and just play the quests and there was like 2 other guys from Sup Forums with me playing the quests for the first time.

It was buggy at times and I think I stopped because one of the main quests was broken and I ended up never coming back because I figured it would be a bitch getting a party together to do main quests again since everyone else on the server seemed preoccupied with level and just killing rare mobs.

I kinda wish MMOs had a single player explorer mode where I could just play it solo and get the story because I like the world and setting of FFXI but I'm not really into MMOs or grinding my life away and watching shit on youtube just isn't the same as playing it yourself.

Reboot and ffxi won't even use the same servers. Reboot will only have content up to CoP

Still subbed but I don't really play much because other games

>ffxi community
>you hear of a misunderstanding between two parties

The game was great, but the community was a constant reddit-tier witch hunt. Not only that, the GMs were useless and partial to Japanese players.

Great game but a shitty community.

Wait I take that back, BLM was ruined when ToAU came out.

I'm glad that SE is dropping it. I hope it fucking rots and it's diehard fans kill themselves.

Yes, I'm mad and still salty about it years later, fuck that community.

>I acted like a jackass and nobody liked me

The WoW filter worked well

Don't get into arguments with autists or just stay away from them and you won't have them on your ass. I had no problem with the shit you described in the 8 years I played. The only time anyone got "blacklisted" was when they MPK'd HNMs or high demand NMs like Charybdis, botted, or would do nothing but shit talk everyone in Lower Jeuno or Whitegate.
t. Bismarck fag who had to deal with Johnb's incessant shouting and Killuminati's little crew of script kiddies

Nice assumption, bro, but I started playing the game back in 2003 and I was a max level BLM and I regularly participated in end-game events like HNM camps and Dynamis runs. I bore witness to all that shit that I posted previously and WoW was a breath of fresh air when it came out in 2005.

I kept my head down for the most part, but I enjoyed Killuminati's antics. SoE was fucking terrible with managing the game.