So now that Legacy servers are basically confirmed, let's have a Vanilla WoW discussion.
What race/class/spec will you be maining? What's your favorite zone/city? Why is Stratholme/Naxxramas the best dungeon/raid?
So now that Legacy servers are basically confirmed, let's have a Vanilla WoW discussion.
What race/class/spec will you be maining? What's your favorite zone/city? Why is Stratholme/Naxxramas the best dungeon/raid?
Other urls found in this thread:
- Have to buy Legion in order to play legacy servers
- Have to pay the subscription fee to play legacy servers
Kern's throwing you guys under a bus.
I don't want to pay for WoW.
>basically confirmed
Don't see an issue here.
You expect blizzard to cut into their expansion sales AND do it for free?
Best blizzard could do is license servers out. unless they want to do a progression server
Blizzard just said that they would hold some meetings about the Vanilla servers to get people to shut up about them.
Now that the internet has moved on and forgotten about it they'll just say that it's still not possible to do.
I don't give a shit, they killed my Nost character and they can go fuck themselves with their new Blizzard jobs or whatever the fuck they gave them to do it.
Pretty much this.
>Blizzard hears about people wanting vanilla servers
>Blizzard "holds" talks about creating them they never say anything else after that
>releases Overwatch so people pay attention to that instead
Bravo Blizzard, bravo
The outcome of the meetings will be announced. Plenty of Nostalrius players are keeping an eye on the situation. If the announcement isn't favorable, you can expect the same amount of anger to come back.
Blizzard wouldn't schedule meetings with an old Vanilla WoW dev and private server devs if they weren't genuinely interested in finding a way to make legacy servers work.
>you can expect the same amount of anger to come back.
wow is fucking nothing
How this will go down so Blizzard still keeps people on main servers
>no visual/engine improvements like view distance or updated models/particles
>nothing past Vanilla WoW
>character slot limitations
>no additions to help combat Vanilla-problems like ninja looting or special treatment for whiny fuckers like streamers who don't want to be stream sniped
>- Have to pay the subscription fee to play legacy servers
You are beyond retarded if you thought this wouldn't be a requirement.
However if they force me to buy Legion then they can fuck off.
That or they keep it so far on the back burner, that it keeps people hopeful while they give an update every 6 or so months while never doing a thing.
>they nerfed the lvling experience yesterday because it was too fast
They are not going to release vanilla servers.
>If the announcement isn't favorable, you can expect the same amount of anger to come back.
Absolute bullshit. Nothing will happen. 99% of people gave up when they saw the petition did nothing.
Besides, from how the forums are being treated post-shutdown (literally EVERYTHING gets deleted now by Pottu & co.) it's obvious that Nost either was Blizzard or is Blizzard now, it's fucking eerie.
It's doubtful that it'll have the same fuel behind it as when the Nost servers were initially shut down. A lot of the people will have become distracted with Overwatch, and the others who were just part of the bandwagon have probably found some new cause to get up in arms about.
Or it'll be like this user said
No Mr user, I expect them to die
>99% of people gave up when they saw the petition did nothing.
Oh you mean that petition that triggered Blizzard's response on the topic? The petition that got them to schedule these meetings? Yeah that petition sure didn't do anything.
>Besides, from how the forums are being treated post-shutdown (literally EVERYTHING gets deleted now by Pottu & co.) it's obvious that Nost either was Blizzard or is Blizzard now, it's fucking eerie.
I wasn't aware of this. Examples?
>first of meetings
Meetings don't mean shit until something comes of them.
I'm sure that will happen soon
>you can expect the same amount of anger to come back
Oh nooo?
Have you ever experienced any kind of a popular riot? Like, anything, from people overthrowing a government, to complaining about the electricity prices or some shit?
It literally ends up like this every single time, The Man just sows a bit of confusion to let the cause be coopted by some faction that isn't going to do shit, promises that things will be considered, and now everyone who complains further gets shut down by the very same people that were complaining in the first place with "but they told us they looked into it, don't be ungrateful, just wait..."
The masses are retarded and easy to control. As is showing us right now...
They're going to buy the source code, copyright it, and prevent legacy servers from happening.
I'm... a major shareholder... and we'll just leave it at that.
Will never get why people have rose tinted glasses about Vanilla WoW.
Raids outside of Naxx were a joke mainly consisting of a few competent people leading a bunch of retards to complete content. Class balance was also clowny as shit and PvP was a joke (although it still is). Guess there some sense of "community" where the community is a bunch of people stuck in the past like a fucking episode of the Twilight Zone.
>all the nost devs walk in
>sorry Mr. Kern, you're not allowed in the building after you were so viciously fired last time, we'll hold the meeting without you
>ok guys, here's whats going to happen
>you will publish these following statements we have already provided on all social media.
>you are not allowed to deviate, if you do not trust yourselves to publish this we can do it for you by commandeering your twitter, facebook, and blogs
>you will then refuse to answer any questions from your followers, saying you are "tired"
>any failure to follow these steps will result in heavy lawsuits
>we will also not be responsible for what our sister company Activision or their hired thugs will do to you and your property.
>this is even if you comply, sorry about that, but you can be assured it will be worse otherwise
>meeting adjourned
>you will be escorted out the door, from there i suggest you all find some sort of safety and a way back to your country
The meetings happened because Blizzard wanted to placate the masses of screaming retards so that they wouldn't do something stupid like start cancelling their Overwatch pre-orders.
Now that it's out they can hold the meetings, basically say 'we're not making vanilla servers' and then the media will be too busy talking about Overwatch to care.
>muh cummunity
>everyone is forced to interact with me
That's pretty much why.
I mean since you're WoW players you're obviously SUPER unintelligent, but this should be in a "general".
I can help you to the board too though.
I don't think the demand for legacy servers is similar enough to political strife for that comparison to work. is me and nothing about that post suggests that I'm retarded or easy to control. I'm eagerly awaiting the response, I have faith it will be a positive outcome, if it's not I'll go back to what I was doing when Nost shut down.
So you didn't enjoy vanilla wow.
You just enjoyed playing it for free.
Why wouldn't it be similar? All popular demand is the same, the psychology of the masses is the same, it's like having an AI script and feeding it different inputs, it will always be the same reaction for the same input.
A positive outcome would be the same thing every other private server always did - just switch the host and let people continue playing. Everything else is bullshit compromise in service of some other goal for some other people, not the Nost playerbase.
I think that's the attitude that a lot of Nost players had
its the reverse, fucking moron
if a social and political uprising dealing with actual opression and fucking strife can be placated with a few empty promises
some fucking nerds complaining about free outdated wow subscriptions can get shut up with the promise of a "meeting"
>I believe Blizzard will employ paramilitary and mass subversion tactics to trick the masses into not wanting a video game instead of just making the video game, and subsequently millions of dollars.
>implying anyone is willing to pay for vanilla
yeah thats why nost was just rolling in money and not about to fucking default on their server payments
>how someone would deal with a child throwing a tantrum is now a 'paramilitary mass subversion tactic'
I'm assuming it wouldn't be very difficult to implement I refuse to believe they don't have the data somewhere and doing this wouldn't split their sub numbers.
Wake up and read a book dude.
I don't think the route Blizzard is taking is how children's tantrums are typically dealt with. If it is as you say it is, there was a PR team behind their decisions.
And wanting to have the legal option to pay for a service that's no longer available is hardly a childish tantrum.
I find it funny people still think legacy servers will happen. Blizzard has said no. They will make sure to protect their IP.
Pristine is the best you'll get and there's already been hotfixes going on and posted that are adjusting the leveling exp.
They are setting up to have nost admis shill for pristine. They aren't even trying to hide it.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit
This. Fuck Blizzard. They ruined something awesome because they're greedy faggot Jews. Nost wasn't hurting WoW at all in the grand scheme of things, fuck them. If I have to pay for legacy I'll just go play final fantasy, Blizzard is retarded.
It was an oversimplification of things but I still don't believe that Blizzard is going to change their mind after this meeting. It's just a way for them to show that Blizzard is "listening to their fans" but they'll just say that it's ultimately not possible for them to do for whatever reason.
>40% damage reduction for agi/str users
Blizzard really hates fun.
>Vanilla was shit nobody will play on your shitty private server fuck off
>People are only playing it because it's free!
>haha Blizzard shut your server down stay mad nostcucks!
>Blizzard is just t-trying to trick you! They're never doing legacy servers!
>meeting happens, legacy servers are announced
>haha they're charging you money to play Vanilla! Blizzard wins again nostcucks!
>Vanilla servers will be around for a month and then everyone will realize how much it sucked and quit!
>it only has a m-million people playing on it nostcucks! that's n-nothing compared to retail's 5.5 million in 2014!
>s-so what it surpassed retail's popularity?! it's cheaper and you're all j-just nostalgia faggots!
>why is retail dead?! all that time I spent on my female blood elf waifu, all wasted! all the money I spent on mounts and pets from the cash store has been for nothing!!
this is how things will go down
I am looking forward to aoe grinding 10 mobs in front of questing players.
>this is how things will go down
>haha they're charging you money to play Vanilla! Blizzard wins again nostcucks!
Yes ofc.
enjoy it but since you know you can get it free why pay 15 a month to greedy guts blizzard
Retail is already not doing so hot, even considering previous late expansion slumps, and Blizzard would make money if they went that route.
So really they would win, and only shitposters would be upset.
>Blizzard really hates fun.
Considering how they announced PvP gear acquirement in Legion is going to work, I feel like "hate" is putting it lightly.
in front of rogues/paladins.
Wait, they actually think people will pay for legacy servers?
Jokes on you Blizzard.
>they actually think people will pay for legacy servers?
People are literally saying they will pay for legacy servers.
>Legacy servers basically confirmed
>implying blizzard would ever admit everything they have done since Vanilla was a mistake
If the announce Legacy server I will be demanding Blizzard return the every penny I have spent on 90-100 character boosts and every expansion. I am not going to play a game that the developers believe isn't worth playing.
Fuck currencies, you're getting random PvP loot.
>people won't pay $0.50 per day to play on the already proven product that is Vanilla World of Warcraft, a game that has tens of thousands of hours of gameplay
Releasing legacy servers wouldn't mean they're admitting retail is a shit game. The two are entirely different games for entirely differently audiences. And if you unironically spent money on character boosts, you're a colossal fag who deserves to get cucked out of his money.
>most people was glad about the no gear in pvp
>nope gear is back and is random :P
Blizzard is so out of touch with their fanbase I mean between this and the talent respec fiasco.
>filters out south Americans and poorfags
I am all for this.
>filters out south Americans
lol ok
i can't wait for it to go tits up
People will literally say anything.
How many signatures do you think that petition would have gotten if you had to pay $15 to sign?
Post yfw you realize WoW would be just as good as it was in the TBC/Vanilla days if Titan had been allowed to court the casual MMO audience and WoW been free to keep the hardcore raiders.
but it does lol
Everyone is still scaled to a stat preset in PvP. They adding PvP gear regardless. It makes no sense.
the game is filled with south americans you stupid fuck.
It doesn't on retail WoW. Every piece of content that has random matchmaking is plagued with BR monkeys shitting the entire game up. They really should separate NA and SA.
Willing to do that if it means official legacy servers
>you can only change talents in the capital city/class hall unless you use a super expensive consumable
They just don't know what to do.
Not when I played faggot. Kill yourself.
Then that must be new. When I played there were 0 South Americans.
>Not when I played faggot
Sure thing faggot.
>Then that must be new
No retard is not new.
>i want vanilla
>I dont actually want vanilla
>I really want them to rebuild the game from scratch with all these improvements
BRs started being a real plague on the game somewhere around Cata/MoP.
>i-its not new!
do you have a source or something? did I say how long ago I played? Or are you just going to keep being a fucking retard?
The talent change they want to do makes sense. You shouldn't be able to change your talents with zero cost at any point in time outside of combat. It should require some thought and investment when you decide which talents you want to take. Everyone who plays WoW currently is just retarded and hates the idea of any challenge or negative consequences for their shitty actions so they're all bitching and screaming about it.
How does one ironically spend money on a character boost you colossal fag magnet?
Blizzard releasing Legacy Servers will take time away from developing content for the actual retail game and that is the equivalent of them telling their audience that they would rather people play the old WoW than to release a full and polished expansion. And before you think about arguing that Legacy servers won't take away from expansion development let me remind you that this is the same company that robbed us of a raid tier for Garrisons and Twitter integration.
>do you have a source or something?
Yes retard >did I say how long ago I played?
I don't give a fuck faggot.
>a Sup Forums post is your source
>you don't give a fuck all of a sudden
wow so cool and edgy. I bet you get all the reddit golds huh?
I want vanilla. If you hear some of the popular streamers though they want to be catered to and get the improvements made over the years.
I hate people who want TBC though, fuck resilience and flying mounts
I feel like wow as in its prime when BC was out, but that being said I don't know how much enjoyment people are going to actually get by playing legacy. It will be fun for what, a month at most?
I feel like a lot of people are just chasing nostalgia, I specifically remember everyone being so excited for wotlk because bc became stale rather quickly. The same thing happened from bc to vanilla, the expansions died off after wotlk though, cata was shit and so was everything that followed. I just don't see the appeal honestly.
wow you're so retarded.I bet you get all the reddit upvotes huh? xd
>It should require some thought and investment when you decide which talents you want to take.
Is not like you're forced to do it every boss fight. Oh wait you are.
>Blizzard releasing Legacy Servers will take time away from developing content for the actual retail game
Legacy servers will generate Blizzard a profit aka more money than they would have otherwise had. The surplus in revenue will allow them to hire MORE staff for their dev team. In turn, the quality of Blizzard Entertainment™ and Blizzard Entertainment™ games only stand to benefit from legacy servers.
>that is the equivalent of them telling their audience that they would rather people play the old WoW than to release a full and polished expansion.
No it's not. It's an entirely different game for an entirely different audience. It's no different than them releasing Overwatch. They're not telling their audience to fuck off of WoW and play Overwatch instead, they're just two different games take it or leave it.
>And before you think about arguing that Legacy servers won't take away from expansion development let me remind you that this is the same company that robbed us of a raid tier for Garrisons and Twitter integration.
Things costing a raid tier is just a meme. The real reason nothing at Blizzard gets done is because there are ~10 intern foreigners working on the game full time for a bowl of rice a day.
WotLK became fairly stale fairly quickly too. Took them from November to June to finally come out with new content (which was literally the best content to ever come out).
However, if Nostalrius can stay as dominant as it has been, then so can legacy servers.
You see how this door is getting destroyed? That's going to be the same force as my fist to your face. *glares at you*
yeah walk away pussy.
Fuck off. Like your forced to do anything in your shitty LFR. Retard.
Even in Mythic you're not forced to pick the optimal talent 100% of the time, but if for some reason you were, you should stop crying like a little faggot and get the thing that lets you change talents instead of crying about something maybe presenting a modicum of difficulty to poor little you.
People like you are the reason the game is shit at the moment.
did you just rp on fucking Sup Forums?
>that has tens of thousands of hours of gameplay
>that those people already played
If they do it all again they just have autism.
what are you going to do about it faggot? *Looks at you under my hat*
The problem I see with Blizzard doing vanilla is they're not going to give us vanilla.
We're gonna get Vanilla+ with dual spec and more battlegrounds and spec balance and things that might seem like improvements but at what point do they become too far?
>you're not forced to have the best talents
>who cares about your performance
You're literally a lfr kid.
Seriously you're retarded as fuck.
No argument there desu. Luckily there are plenty of autismos for Blizzard to profit off of.
This is hilarious. Do more.
>I care about my performance in LFR/Normal Blizzard!
>Therefore changing talents for every trash pull is 100% mandatory!
>Instead of having to invest thought and plan which talents I'll need for the upcoming encounters, I'll cry like a bitch instead!
^ literally you right now bud
>Nost wasn't hurting WoW at all in the grand scheme of things,
But it was violating the EULA
>I'm just going to call him a lfr raider xd
I feel sorry for you kid.