ITT: Things that happened

ITT: Things that happened

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If he's in the NX port, I will buy it. I really miss him.

Who the fuck voted for that fat fuck anyway?

Noone; it was a cross promotion or something.
The only character who got into the game from the pool was Ryo Hazuki. All the others (OP's pic, TF2, the two Total War character, Football Manager and General Winter) were decision from SEGA itself that the Sumo guys had to include.


Are Yogscast still a thing? The last I heard of them were from that whole Kickstarter game scandal a few years back.

Recently came on a VR thing with Funhaus. I didnt't recognise anyone, all just post Minecraft series additions now.


The Sonic the Hedgehog official facebook page is just great.

>miku was never put in

still salty about it

>The last I heard of them were from that whole Kickstarter game scandal a few years back.
Which one? The failed game, or the overly expensive gaming rigs?

>reddit-tier shit memes

>Eggman Eggman

Blonic The Hegehog.
I don't get it.

>Maxresdefault(2).jpg the .jpg

>silver the edgehog

Blonic the Edgehog

>Super sanic the coldsteel

Sonk the Enchilada

>Big the Echidna
I wanted something funny.


>Chadow the Hedgeheg


Dude. I'm Sonk the Carne Asada. Wanna meet up?

>wanting Miku over Selvaria, Kazuma Kiryu, Toejam & Earl or Bayonetta

Such a lust for shitty tastes.



>no Miku
>no Bayonetta
>no Segata aside from the cameo

So close to being perfect.

>mfw I'm Knuckles The echidna



They were on a Funhaus viedo?


>Shadow the .jpg

What happened to the Yogscast?
I hate to admit it now, but I used to watch their videos all the time.

Yes. Haven't heard of them in years.


>A-G The, H-N The, O-T The, U-Z The

>Shedew the Enchilada
I can't even

Ivo The Robotnik.

Pretty neato. I do like being the villain in games.

Sanic the Hegehog



Was this the first time Link was in a non-nintendo game and was a guest? Either way it blew my mind when I was a teenager.


Sanic The Hedgeheg.

Soul Calibur

they realized the majority of their viewers were children and pandered to them, forsaking all the neckbeards that followed them in the first place.

OoT Link is best Link incarnation

Super Sanic the Echidna

Shedew Carne Asada

I'm a special snowflake without a middle name

Fuck every rosterfag on this board, you don't know terrible decisions until you've seen this.

>Curiosity – What's Inside the Cube? was an experimental video game by Peter Molyneux's studio 22Cans.

>Curiosity was a multiplayer social experiment.

>Players tapped the cubelets to dig through the surface of each layer and reveal the next layer below. The goal was to reach the center and to discover what was inside the cube.

>Peter Molyneux claimed that "what is inside the cube is life-changingly amazing by any definition"

>The winner was identified as Edinburgh resident Bryan Henderson, who was given the option to either keep the contents of the cube to himself or share it with the public.

>The contents inside of the cube included the ability to be the sole, all-powerful, digital god within 22cans' upcoming release of Godus and to reap a small portion of all of the incoming revenue that is brought in by the game.

>However, as of January 2015, Henderson has received little to no contact with 22Cans

>Henderson likely won't be able to collect any portion of the game at all.

Jesus Christ it pisses me off that it took a "dramatic" picture thinking,

>Gosh those goobergators are gonna learn.... not to mess with Brianna Wu....

>Silver the Hedgehog

Well thats just dissapointing

>Ivo the Echidna
I want to kill myself. Also that's a bad name.

Super Sonic The HogHedge

Normally a sucker for DLC in games I like but you'd better believe I stayed away from this one.

Super Sanic The Carde Asada

Where can I order it?

oh no

Sonik The Carne Asada

Lol I remember playing curiosity, what a fucking joke that it literally led to nothing

>Sanic the Eggman


it was a fun little time waster at the time, there was something zen about picking an area and tapping away to clear it out.

Shame it ended with garbage.

Had a copy a while ago, lost it. Never even played it.

Played the fuck out of broodwar on PC though.

>Gold The Edgehog

Was this from mvc3?

>Sonic the Coldsteel

nothen... slow....... kid..................


I refuse to believe that motion control is a thing that existed.

And for my reminder I submit this:
Two different stillborn projects teased simultaneously.

That barely even looks like Cole. How do you even fuck a design as simple as his up?

Street Fighter X Tekken I think.

They tried.

I remember it having hotkeys for "select all units" and "nearest worker" and you a command for building units where it would automatically queue them up from the appropriate building, which I think is sort of neat

>Sonic the Hedgehog

How was it compared with the wii remote?

Street Fighter X Tekken, actually. One of those Sony exclusives.

I still remember when this was a thing, I thought I had a chance at cracking it. Well, I'm glad I didn't. On the flipside though, the game by itself, minus Peter's shenanigans, was kind of fun. Menial, but fun.

Imagine being drunk as fuck at 4:00 am, tapping that cube, and seeing this shit

>silver the enchilada

Eu tinha esse jogo. Alguns anos atrás joguei no emulador, meu deus, que lixo.

>super sonic the.jpg

Knuckles the Coldsteel

>Silver the Hedgehog

>Maxresdefault(2).jpg the Enchilada
What's up, fellow .jpg brother.

>dual SSDs

for what purpose?

Silver the Hedgeheg

Well meme'd.

I sold my 1100t system last Christmas to make my current build, and while also being under $1000, it's better than this god-awful thing

Nope, SF X Tekken. If it was MVC3 you could at least make the case that Cole fits in with the whole superhero theme. Instead he got thrown into a crossover between two fighting games. Because why the fuck not.

For faster RPM

Fuck that, Vectorman deserved to be in that game

One for OS, other for applications. Other HDDs for media and such.

Still a waste of money to do it like that.

It worked decently, there just weren't many worthwhile games that used it.

Its a much better dildo

Remember how much money Microsoft threw behind the Kinect?
All that, fucking wasted.

Are you saying that from personal experience? Elaborate

>Haswell-E CPU
>980 instead of a 980ti
>the good 800 SSD alongside the bad one for some reason
>3TB hard drives that are the only parts missing their brand, so enjoy your WD Greens or Seagate drives
>a fucking RM series Corsair PSU, which is just a fancy CWT that ripples harder than the Joestar bloodline

>Putting a mentally disturbed man in your video game

remember when these fucks made a kickstarter for YC game?
They recieved tons of money and then they announced they won't make the game after all due to problems but they never gave the money back
and their retarded fanbase actually defended them


>tfw Coldsteel the Coldsteel