also the us soundtrack is shit

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I have never played a sonic game in my life and I am nearly 30.

It's not hard, it's just hard to go fast. Which is why casually Sonic games are kinda shitty, if you go too fast you're gonna run into shit all the time and going slow is boring.

Fuck playing Sonic, I hope that when I reach 30 I'm not posting on Sup Forums.

CD is unplayable garbage, an experiment gone wrong. Do yourself a favor and play something else, anything else.

Don't play them like a casual, then?

This is for the big boys OP, are you saying you dont have what it takes to swim with the sharks? No joke youre a joke

yeah i'm sure you're gonna dramatically change one day

Do you mean that Sonic Team actually experimented in making a good game, right? This game is glorious. The music is amazing, the level design is the most interesting in the game, robotnik looks the best, etc.

i-i'm going to change, starting...t-tomorrow...heheh

Don't worry, it's still fun here, except a whole lot more people hate your opinions.

Are the whiners who are crying about Sonic CD being the worst Sonic game, still sore about not ever getting the Sega CD or something? I almost feel bad for ragging on my schoolmates for not having the superior SNES.

>we are slowly evolving past the classic sonic is good meme

Thank God. I've been waiting since 2003 for this

>it's still fun here

Depends on your definition of fun I suppose.

What's actually happening is we're abandoning reality and embracing the "Sonic was never good" meme.

Trust me, all it takes for him to realize how shitty this place is, is that one thread that makes him crack and leave for good
Thats why I stopped going to 8ch at least

He'll be back the next day.

imo SMW is harder than sonic CD, I did enjoy both though

chan culture was never good, goyim

>Taxman Sonic 1 & 2 remasters STILL not available anywhere besides phones

>the us soundtrack is shit
Mah nigga, JP all the way

I got them on my phone because I'm a normalfag
They're decent. The special stages were a lot harder in 2 due to the increased FPS, but the Hidden Palace Zone was fun


okay, I usually strayed away from sonic games because of its fanbase and the edgy characters like knuckles and shadow

what are some must-play sonic games?

Sonic 2 sold like 8 million copies, play that and decide for yourself if you want to keep going.


Here you can listen to the guy who made the soundtrack

what have u played?

actually forget it. you stopped playing games because u saw someone else doing it too. and think knuckles and shadow are edgy. apparently cheerful wahoos and playdoh worlds from mario made for toddlers is the only thing that isnt edgy.

just kill yourself. youre more autistic than the fans you claim to hate.

Sonic 1 is okay
Sonic 2 is good
Sonic 3 and Knuckles is honestly one of the best games of the 90s
Sonic Advance games are great
Sonic Rush games are great as well
Sonic Colors is fun
Generations is on the same level as 3nK
And every other game is shit, especially Sonic 4

whoo, u must really enjoy the taste of your pee because it sounds to me that you live in bizarro-land to not have thought that seeing a rastafarian echidna pass off as a "cool new rhythm for those that love sonicâ„¢ but have a single mom dating black dudes" and shad0w "d00k nukem" hedgehog, didn't really speak to me growing up with sonic

mario had all sorts of cool things in its platforms, not just the lame tilesets like every Sonic level

is this pasta?
this is pasta, right?

what's wrong with cheerful wahoos? not 3d@rk5u, kiddo?

one background of any given sonic game with a 2d perspective has more effort put into than the entirety of a mario game.

single moms and niggers?
duke nukem?

youre only proving youre autistic if this is how you perceived those characters. anything that talks or has a personality or a bit of backstory or anything is edgy. you just need a nice generic no personality no name like mario to jump into because it suits you the most. youre the only autistic one here pal, hate to break it to you.


one background of a sonic game is enough to induce a seizure, you mean? that could possibly explain why you're foaming from the mouth over sonic this hard. it's obvious that you have brain damage, so let me make it clear to you that games like Mario aren't plastering random bullshit on a level's background so much as it's trying to tell a theme driven story, you moron.

there you go.
way to prove my theory correct and just out yourself for the mouthbreather you are. there's no substance to these characters besides the superficial layer that they wear, a fucking rastafarian echidna and a gun toting hedgehog? what machiavellian characters!

Mario is tabula rasa.
Mario can be anyone.

This is why Sonic fans are all cucks.

from 30 year old autismos to cucks from Sup Forums I knew this thread would deliver on so many levels

fucking sonic threads


Fuck that life-ruining piece of shit.

How could you possibly care what this hack's done after Problem Sleuth? Get your life together, you faggot.

I've never read the comic and have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

>Get your life together
That shitty comic took my friend from me, it's not MY life that needs together. That shit, Tumblr, and landwhale pussy.

The mere fact that you friends like that, makes me feel glad that I don't have any friends.

How does it feel to be as pathetic by association?

Get your life together.

It's literally just a webcomic lmao
get your fucking head screwed on straight you cuck lmfao
cucked by a webcomic oh my god

Homecucks belong on >>>/reddit

This board is for heterosexual males

Problem Sleuth isn't Homestuck, faggot.

8ch has no culture. It's entirely "we're not Sup Forums". You would have returned anyway.

then there's the fact that jim took over 8ch and doxed every board owner

it's been a self-sabotaging project since the beginning, preying on the insecurities of a mentally incapable handicap, whose claim to fame was arguing against Brianna Wu

chan culture is dead

Both Mario & Sonic Fans are Retarded

I'm sorry your parents were too poor to not get you an video games growing up, Pajeet.

Typical triggered faggot as usual

You're the one saying that you didn't grow up playing either game, so I'm going to assume that you're a poor third-worlder or 12.

>didn't grow up playing either game
I played both and own Mario & Sonic Games but I simply hate there fansbase.