Come home

>Come home
>see this
Wat do?



I see no tits no face, so it must be a guy

Call the police

It's not gay right?




>tfw just had a horrible smelly fart
>currently looking at this """ girl"""" and associating the smell with him

no thanks, op. he probably smells like shit.

Bash the faggot's face in.

fucking kek

you can always tell it's a dude by the thighs. they always have skinny boy thighs. ive never seen a tranny with thick lady thighs

Careful, OP might kill himself.

let the wind take you op
and enjoy your bann

Post video games


P-Pls no bully!! ;_;

you haven't watched enough tranny porn. its rare but their are trannies with nice thighs no homo

go post about it on Sup Forums man
save yourself while you still have a change,maybe.

post dick

shoulders as well

does it matter?

tfw i'm in love with a trans girl

you realize that he is still a man right?

men smell bad, cant get a boner without the sweet scent of a woman

How about you post your contact info?

so is this a guy or girl?
either way post titz

Hey wait a minute...I've never seen a girl with an adams apple that big before. That's interesting.

I tell him to enjoy his ban :-)

Usher them out the house, because I can't be doing with anyone trespassing.
I have that exact skirt, too.

Bash the faggot's face in.
With my penis

Don't be shy user, I just want you're contact info so that I can tell you how cute you look.

post steam id

but If I post my steam, people will b-bully me!

>open bathroom
>see this

wat do?

Post your steam id already, faggot, so I can falseflag as you in other threads.

That's probably the worst face censoring I have ever seen.

block bullies , keep chill anons
now id


not cool


How do you get great poops like this?

S-sorry ;_; I wont p-post it



show us your boipussy faggot

I don't know where that ">guy" came from what the fuck

Tell me which country you are from so I can hopelessy fantasize what it's like to come over and be with you

Pls ;_;

How do you guys reconcile with manly forearms, hands and feet?

The cock doesn't bother me so much, but that stuff does.

dam it ok give it here

[email protected]


>open image
>first thing I see is that huge neck that dwarfs his torso
Go eat some burgers, faggot.

shitting is fuckin weird

Ahn~ My hips are reporting on their own!

damn beautiful logs

email [email protected]

I'll be nice, I promise

Make sure they have a dick

not the trap-chan but you know that's just creepy, right?

>white *********************************people********************************

Can't wait until you faggots are extinct.

user, let's talk more privately
my dick demands more from you
[email protected]

>After eating chings dog these tiny gooks push out monster shits



>we're supposed to be getting more janitors
>board moderation has been at an all time low lately

Shoot the fucking queer. My State has no duty to retreat in the home. I can waste the fucker and get off scot free. Better yet, their family can't sue me for damages if a criminal trial is dismissed in my State.

Then I go play some Total Warhammer or Stellaris.

I like cute

Makes me wonder why I haven't seen otherwise yet. Asian traps can pass pretty well.

Who in their right mind would volunteer to be a janitor on Sup Forums? I've got autism and even I'm not that spastic.

C-Canada ;_;
Uuuhh ;_;

you can block anyone later

This desu
Mental illness if one ignores the fridge neck.

I have no idea. like just imagine the kind d of person who fucking applies to be a janitor on Sup Forums. who fucking does that

I can already tell you're a fucking masochist, aren't you?

fo' free

>who fucking does that
Powerless betas that want any ounce of power so they don't feel so weak and useless. It's why so many jannies are cockheads.

C'mon I'm a nice guy. I've had a trans gf before so I know what to say.

Can we turn this thread into an intervention and try to save some of your souls instead?

Post pantyshots


What a qt, now quit being a tease

and post more

"what do you do in your spare time user?"
"Oh I'm a moderator on the video games message board on Sup Forums. I mainly sit in front of the computer all evening looking for posts to delete."

Where in Canada?
pls be in Montreal

breed that boypussy

Fuck it.

>brown skin
Oh, that explains everything. You must be one of those aboriginal niggers who literally shit on the streets and blast your shitskin music at full volume during the entire day.

I hope that government welfare can pay for all your hormones, or else you're gonna be fucked for life once you stop taking them.

I don't think anyone in this thread is in any position to judge anyone.

Not that different from shitposting tbqh.

You need balance in everything, so if there are chaotic autists, there must be control freak autists to keep the former at bay.

found the autistic neckbeard who applied

hmu qt [email protected]

How'd you like shaving your legs? Fuckin sucks doesnit

>3DFP traps
Nah I'll stick to the superior 2D traps

>go to friend's house
>he tells you to wait outside his room
>"Ok, you can come in now!"
>see this

What do?