I know that Sup Forums is happy about James standing his ground, but how does Sup Forums feel about AVGN Standing his Ground, and not giving a fuck!
>yfw you live in the time of Venom James: An Uncucked Hero
I know that Sup Forums is happy about James standing his ground, but how does Sup Forums feel about AVGN Standing his Ground, and not giving a fuck!
>yfw you live in the time of Venom James: An Uncucked Hero
never heard of this, what happened
Why does your life revolve around whining about a tiny minority on the internet?
who give a fuck
Op what the fuck are you talking about
>saving thumbnails
>Notch suddenly becoming a SJW murderer
>He's loaded so he's untouchable from the classic blackmail route
>he's created one of the most sold videogame of all time, ensuring that his words carries more weight than almost anyone else in the industry
>Moviebob actually said something reasonable
Did the diabetes make him re-evaluate his life or something?
It's telling that gamegaters will forgive anyone for anything they use to hate them for, so long as they say they hate women.
You'd have thought gates would have held him as a messiah from day one BECAUSE Sup Forums started the whole cucked thing.
he didn't say he hated women...
troll harder autist
>literally nothing but jews criticizing him
AVGN triggered SJWs for not wanting to give money to that shitty Ghostbusters reboot.
PewDiePie is fucking with them aswell.
>e-celeb thread
He decided not to watch the new Ghostbusters movie.
You can't make this shit up, He pretty much said
>If you don't like it, Don't watch it
Maybe he finally realized that sjws are literally a front for organized crime.
What the fuck does the IRA have to do with this
Did McGee ever find his sister?
He can do all stuff, joke about teen tits, laughing about killing a child, wear girl dress.
And no one will say a word because he's rich, fabulous and have his own army.
This whole thing seems sketchy to me.
Like, if you watch James Rolf's video, he literally just says "I don't like the idea of the movie, so I'm not going to watch it."
Which really, then, just begs the question, who started this shitstorm first? Who was the first to react to this video?
And really, when you think about it, who's more likely to watch this video first, SJWs, or the throng of already angry males that belong to his fanbase?
Fuck off.
can Sup Forums keep its shit contained? We haven't deleted the board for a reason
Why did someone put the effort into making a 10 minute video filled with nothing but screencaps of tweets and intense music?
>Which really, then, just begs the question, who started this shitstorm first? Who was the first to react to this video
the fat loser dude from king of queens, not mall cop, the other one
and that one unfunny comedian
>Which really, then, just begs the question, who started this shitstorm first? Who was the first to react to this video?
Patton Oswalt posted a link on his Twitter.
It was Patton oswald. He made a snide comment about James on Twitter, then it blew up from there.
The whole thing is ridiculous, and shows that people would react to how someone looks only and not even bother to watch the video (which was not meant for anyone other than his fans). It reads like an Onion headline: "Man does not want to watch movie - gets lynched by mob".
If the movie stinks, just don't go.
You understand that she was abducted by the jewish mafia/slave traders, right? That's literally who the sjws are.
>using sjw terminology
>implying one can be uncucked
>Angry VIDEO GAME Nerd
>""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Sup Forums""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Yeah, no.
>It's a goober babbler thread
whats the first song?
But Patton Oswalt didn't make any mention of gender politics either
This: was you, wasn't it?
What if you BLEACHED a black guy gf?
Then it's different. But I doubt James "the cuck" Rolfe can pull a black chick.
He also has a shit ton of followers too so grouping up on him doesn't work either.
Nobody hated James. He just fell victim to the meme game.
Hang on.
Let me see if I understand this.
>So James Rolfe makes a video, saying he doesn't want to see the new Ghostbusters movie.
>Patton Oswalt pokes at him about it
>A bunch of people attack Oswalt, bringing up his dead wife
And these people are supposed to be the GOOD GUYS in this situation?
>that Eric D. Snider part
Fucking died laughing
You don't need a youtube channel for your stupid shit. This is embarrassing. Fucking stop.
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums calls him a cuck for years
>doesn't want to watch a movie that everyone thinks will be shit
>he's now the defender of /pol, lord of conservatism, conqueror of SJW's, vanquisher of hillaryfans, redpill extraordinaire, fedora fanatic and loyal servant of Trump
It doesn't take much to change peoples opinion on here does it.
At least Dobson was acting somewhat decently by just saying he disagreed rather than being his usual self-inflated self-
But it's incredibly sad and pathetic when fucking Dobson of all people is the biggest voice of reason ont heir side. Is it that hard for these retards to just go "Well, a shame about that, I disagree with you". I mean fuck, we have famous "Comedians" and "Journalists" acting like entitled babies and the guy that's into inflation porn that literally draws himself as a fedora wearing bear is acting more mature about it than professionals are.
Holy fuck.
Naw, Oswalt siced the twitter police on James.
nah man, they were just "poking" patton oswalt for fun
>fedora fanatic
You understand that "fedoras" are male feminists, right?
It was all bad. Patton's followers dogpiled on him, sjw writers wrote insane clickbait articles about James being sexist, a few "professional" writers then insulted his wife. It was ugly, but Patton got off relatively easy - he wasn't getting his name dragged through the mud over literally nothing.
It kinda comes and goes really.
A neckbeard is a neckbeard whether he obsessed over women negatively or positively.
There's nothing "positive" about white knighting and beta orbiting.
they're all bad guys, but regardless, journalists only defend Patton, who insulted someone for literally .no reason, but not James, who did nothing wrong at all? Hmmm
Originally. Then it became an atheist thing and now it's a generic pejorative for anyone who disagrees with you.
It is weird to see the people who were originally labeled as "fedoras" using it so much though.
I obviously meant that some fedoras see women as positive, and other fedoras see them as a negative. Either way they are still fucking obsessed with them beyond reasoning.
One mild video later and you're eating out of his hands, what idiots.
The nerd is shit and will always be shit.
Because Patton didn't bring up James's dead loved ones.
It was too easy to meme the interracial cuck meme.
>wife pushed for more diversity
>movie ends with black getting white girl with the Nerd going "damn" approvingly
and James didn't bring up Oswalt's dead wife so what's your point?
Neither did James.
>If a person has ever played a video game in their life, it's video games to talk about said person's opinion on a MOVIE.
Neo-Sup Forums please leave. Off-topic threads are fine on occasion, but feminism and SJW shit needs to go so we can talk about chocolate milk or something.
In American society, a celebrities words hold higher merit and are taken more seriously. Call this unfair if you want, but that's a fact. Coming with this, however, is more responsibility. No one cares what a random asshole says, especially on the Internet, but they care what Patton says. Because of that, since Patton started all of this by insulting James, that gave random assholes free rein to slander him.
In all honestly, both are as bad as each other. What the trolls said was worse, but they at least have the excuse of being provoked. Patton attacked a person out of the blue, with no provocation.
>thread/twitter captures video montage
This is so funny because of how sad it is.
I agree with James though.
I had only seen a few of the AVGN episodes, so I decided to go through the playlist.
It's definitely hit-or-miss. Maybe because I don't have any nostalgia for it. I have to skip the episodes where he brings in his stupid "guest" reviewers. So far it's okay. Interesting to have in the background, at least.
Be sure to subscribe to my blog.
Notch is still Sup Forums at heart, even if he is L-A-Z-Y.
I didn't say he did.
You asked why people were defending Patton even though he attacked James, and the answer is "Because of disproportionate retaliation"
It's not really about James vs Patton.
It's about
"I am making a statement."
"I disagree with your statement"
Regardless of who said that third statement, it's just flat uncalled for.
Nobody really likes it anymore. It was never even that good, just at the time before the boatloads of let's plays and shit like that it was sort of new and exciting.
So is calling James sexist, and trying ruin his reputation and life. They were also insulting his (alive) wife.
Patton also never called off the dogs either, so it kept escalating. It was ugly and absurd all around.
>I have to skip the episodes where he brings in his stupid "guest" reviewers
those were always bad, along with any episode with too much cosplay
that was the comment I made in response to you before, just to let you know
and to retort to this statement, you say "I disagree with your statement" in reference to Patton responding to James. That would have been all well and good, but it wasn't a simple disagreement. He insulted the way James talks. So it's no longer an opinion like James presented, it's a petty person making a petty reply to someone who didn't deserve any of it.
>it's a petty person making a petty reply to someone who didn't deserve any of it.
Alright, yeah, sure, but it's still hard to take the side of the group that jumped immediately to "DEAD WIFE".
Before that part, it was one man disagreeing with another in a particularly pithy way. It was weird and stupid, but it didn't careen into crazytown yet.
It was after the DEAD WIFE card was played that the whole thing suddenly turned into a gender issue.
Please tell me there's been an update on this situation.
No. It became a gender issue when the "blogosphere" or whatever went out on a limb and started calling James a sexist pig, among other things, for simply not wanting to watch the movie, despite never bringing up the all female cast in his calm, collected, completely non-sexist video.
So just like Sup Forums then?
There's more than 2 sides. There's the side of the trolls, who think it's funny, there's Patton Oswald and the journalists side, who think James is being a horrible person by not watching a movie, and then there's Jame's side, who agree that he shouldn't be slandered as a sexist, a misogynist and a horrible person for not watching a movie.
And personally I disagree that it was a gender issue directly after the comments, it was naturally a gender issue due to inherent nature of the movie itself, that being a movie that's just a genderbend of a movie James adored.
it's fun to have an enemy
and it's just internet keks
There's NOTHING "naturally a gender issue" PERIOD.
Where is the rest of this?
I, I gotta Know man,
>it's a shill reply
I assume the person sending those messages is an irish person.
Also, they are insane.
Either that, or I'm not seeing the sentence structure in what they wrote.
Saying you don't want to see a shitty girlpower reboot of a beloved classic film is now considered misogynist even though all signs point to it being trash made to capitalize on the sjw movement
they have more of these girlmakes coming too, ocean's eleven is already planned