Looking for single player games with a focus on story telling and intense themes. Just played heavy rain (need more like it) and I would put it in my top three of all time. I have a PC an XBOX one and a PlayStation 3
Looking for single player games with a focus on story telling and intense themes...
Well David Cage's previous game, Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy Isn't half bad.
>with a focus on story telling
than why did you play Heavy Rain then
Ty for the response!
>played heavy rain.
>was told a story
>game is entirely focused on story
Explain your comment
He's trolling. Sup Forums is a bitter place. Get out of here while you still enjoy gaming.
I don't plan on being here long. I am from /r9k/ but I figured here was a good place for my question
Sup Forums doesnt actually talk about games they talk about everything pertaining to games not the game itself.
Sounds rather cancerous
>intense themes
hey jace
how's junior high treating you bro
Asura's Wrath, if shonen storytelling's your kind of thing
Vlad The impaler
Beyond Two Souls, if you haven't already.
It's not as intense I guess, as serial killer mysteries, but you should play it anyway.
When it comes to modern stuff:
David Cage's games (Fahrenheit, Beyond Two Souls)
Until Dawn
Deadly Premonition
Telltale games (from Walking Dead S1 onwards)
Life is Strange
Blues and Bullets
Older story-games are fairly good too, if you appreciate their 'charm'. FMV games can be decent, but they usually suffer from corny voice acting. Try Phantasmagoria if you're feeling like it. If you're into Japanese games, there's Snatcher and Policenauts. I've heard there's also going to be remake of the Silver Case coming out in english in a few months.
Other than that, try some classic adventure games if you don't mind puzzles, though these tend to be a bit more lighthearted. My personal favorites are Full Throttle and Grim Fandango.
Well if you had a PS4 you could go with Until Dawn which is very narrative driven.
For PS3 you have Beyond Two Souls which is also David Cage.
Fahrenheit on PC also David Cage.
Omikron the Nomad Souls for PC which I think is on GOG which was David Cage's first game and has David Bowie as a main character.
Blues and Bullets is ok if you like NOIR and the Untouchables.
>focus on story telling
Read a book for fucks sake. Video games are not about story telling.
But they can be.
Fucking kill yourself. Videogames are one of the most immersive mediums for telling a story. Just because your dumbass probably watched the maddox video on why games shouldn't have story and you would rather blow things away with rockets then experience a fully realized virtual world doesn't mean that everyone else feels that way.
>Video games are not about story telling
Except all the games listed in this thread, along with entire genres of adventure games and RPGs. Not to mention the emergent stories in games like The Sims, Crusader Kings 2 or even fucking Mount & Blade.
If you want a real story driven game, get the banner saga.
Banner Saga's combat is fucking horrible since it punishes you for killing people.
You have to get them to under 3 hp and then stop kicking their ass.
Shame about the gameplay.
How do people come to the conclusion that David Cage games have good stories? Indigo prophecy is a great story for about 30 minutes then it just goes nowhere but down, heavy rain is pretty decent the first time through up until the reveal of the killer which then just ruins the entire game, and beyond two souls is just a cluster fuck because cage wanted to be different and present the story in a very retarded order
I'm sorry, that user is dumb. What he meant to say is that, Heavy Rain has a shitty story, shitty gameplay and you've shit taste for liking it.
For your question, I'll rec you Bastion.
This is Sup Forums. He's a troll, I'm a troll, we are all trolls. Flee before we destroy your love of story focused games! Also, Beyond Two Souls is alright and Fahrenheit is pretty good too.
This board is toxic as fuck lol
LA Noire if you want a good detective story/crime drama
Then shouldn't you fuck back off to your little safe haven?
Did people really have trouble following Beyond Two Souls? It's not like it being in order would have changed much, most of the events are just separate things happening that slowly clue you in on the world and things.
Do you like weeb games? Umineko is breddy gud
Considering that I am a huge weaboo I will check it out
As in, Bastion the casual top-down shooter? Did that even have a story? I vaguely remember some cookie-cutter "ancient evil" dreck that felt like it'd been slapped on at the last minute.
Play the PS3 version, it has better sprites, voices and cgs. Kara no Shoujo is another good one, you'll probably enjoy KnS since you enjoyed Heavy Rain. It's pretty fucked up
I will, it's much preferable, DESU this board is almost as bad as Sup Forums as far as elitism goes
>Kara No Shoujo
He wants to play a game and have fun, he doesn't want to be driven to suicide.
Who said anything about having trouble following it? Its a pathetically simple story it's just presented in a way clearly trying to emulate movies like pulp fiction and such but just fails miserably at it
Don't get this game if you aren't incredible patient and interested in all the tedious parts of investigating crimes.
Don't let the door hit you
>story telling and intense themes
I got you senpai.
There is combat though. It's a really shitty old DnD system. But if you can get past that, it's a great game.
>I'm from /r9k/
>This board is toxic as fuck lol
Go back to your hugbox and watch a movie
Why does it fail.
>ridiculing someone for not wanting to be a part of a community based on ridiculing
He's from /r9k/ trust me he's accustomed to all forms of ridicule
>posts a picture telling another person to kill themself
Your logic is pretty fucked user.
David Cage's """"""""""games""""""""""" are terrible even if you consider only their stories. They're badly presented and retarded in the first place anyway.
If you judge them as videogames, Cage and any of his fans legitimately deserve to be hanged.
If you prefer there to be at least some amount of gameplay and don't dislike weaboo stuff I'd heavily suggest Dangan Ronpa series. The games are basically separated between point'n'click segments and timed court room puzzle mini-games, where most of the time you have to come up with right evidence that refutes other characters' contradictions in their testimonies.
If you want something more slow paced I'd suggest NDS' Ace Attorney series (also point'n'click and court room, but without timed segments) or the even better Ghost Trick (same devs as Ace Attorney) which is a timed object manipulation puzzle game with heavy focus on story and twists. If you don't have a NDS that's okay because it's extremely easy to emulate on PC. 999 and Virtue's Last Reward are also really nice.
I really wish they'd release a remake completely reworking the linear second half with forced combat encounters. Or better yet just plain out better combat system.
Knights of the Old Republic 1&2 are pretty good.
I've played both atleast 4 times each :D you have great taste user
This, I sure do love the ai robot grandma that comes out of nowhere in indigo prophecy 10/10 story telling!
>They're badly presented and retarded
These aren't very compelling arguments.
>in the first place
You don't have a second place or anything else.
You can leave now David
Yeah, if you ignore the threads about games, maybe it would seem that way.
If you don't feel like elaborating, just say so.
I wasn't the original person you replied to but why don't you tell us what's so great about the games? I'd love to hear it
I think they're well presented and not retarded.
See? You're no better than the other guy
Retarded tone shifts
Like what?
Story constantly goes from her being a runaway for reasons we aren't allowed to know, to her being a child to her being a secret agent and then all around again, and every time story tries to go somewhere it cuts for next chapter
Resident Evil
Watch a movie?
Well, you do find out why she's run away. I'm pretty sure everything mostly gets explained even if it's not right in the same chapter.
I never really felt the chapters went unresolved. Any one in particular that you felt was going somewhere and is missing something?
Why is it bad for the story to change like that?
What the fuck are you on about? Bastion has nothing like that at all, isn't top down and isn't a shooter.
Not him but I can remember a handful of times where it's building up to something epic or something emotional and then it just cuts to something completely different in tone, or how about how we are presented scenes in which we are supposed to feel emotion towards Jodie but we have absolutely no context to why she is in this situation so the emotions go nowhere
Yeah most of the shit gets explained but while you don't know that, you can't really immerse in the story, it's just "please feel bad for the girl" with no context
>absolutely no context to why she is in this situation so the emotions go nowhere
Is the context really important? Are you talking about Homeless? I'm really struggling to think of any chapters like this. Where and about what are we expected to care for no reason?