I just finished Resident Evil 4 and it became one of my favorite games. The only one I can play next is Resident Evil 6. I remember people hated it so much that it was considered the coffin for Capcom. Is it as bad as people made it out to be? Is it worth buying for 20 dollars?
I just finished Resident Evil 4 and it became one of my favorite games. The only one I can play next is Resident Evil 6...
>giraffe blowjob
It's shit. Pirate it if you want to mess around with Mercenaries since it's kind of fun, but the campaign is absolute drivel. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Its a great TPS game, but people hate it cause it moved away from survival horror
>The only one I can play next is Resident Evil 6
>Is it worth buying for 20 dollars?
You havnt bought the game yet, but its the only game you can play? plz explain
Also its a steaming pile of shit, but if you really love resident evil then $20 might be worth it. Especially if your gonna co op it.
RE5 is great. Just play that.
I ha purchased it a few weeks ago and i gotta say, it is absolute shit. do not waste your money, buy RE 4 or play an entirely different series.
Resident Evil 6 has a lot of annoying design choices, but it's fucking crazy and a really fun action game. Expect a ridiculous shooter and you'll have fun. I personally love the melee system and movement mechanics, up there with Vanquish as far as stylish shooters go.
It's the only one I can play next in the series because I don't have a good enough PC, and I would have to wait 6 months for RE5 to come out on PS4 and XOne. Yes, I am a casual.
Resident Evil Remake and RE:zero are also on ps4. I'd recommend those a million times over RE6. But maybe you dont like the classic Res evil gameplay
Oh, I did not know that the original was on PS4. I think I'll go with that instead.
Dude, I bought it for $3.75 at a thrift store and I still fucking had buyers remorse.
And I'm a Resident Evil fanboy
Depends, do you think multiplayer and gun kata would improve RE4? If yes then go for it. If not, either play the older games or the Revelations games; might not like either as much as RE4 but it'd be better than paying $20 for RE6.
4, 5 and 6 weren't bad, they were just bad RE games.
i rate them all a 3 out of 5.
Its great. If you enjoy it, play Zero as well afterwards. They have the same basic gameplay
Absolutely shit game. Worst story and characters of any game coupled with atrocious game design that combines the worst of action games.
>Its a great TPS game
It's unpolished as fuck and unbalenced as fuck.
>See zombie on ground
>shoot it
>the zombie has no physics at all. doesn't move. Assume it's just scenery
>Walk past it
>interact with door
>The zombie now gets up and you are now allowed to attack it
>Camera is up your character's asshole
>Karatechop your way to the end of the game
great for co-op and if you wanna style on zombies
giraffe blowjob is a better title than resident evil for it though
Not OP but I recently played RE5 and I got tired of mowing down waves of enemies halfway through the game. I wanted to do literally anything else but kill things by the time I got out of the caves. Is that a good indicator that I should never touch RE6? I've thought about if if I saw it for less than dirt cheap but after playing 5 I don't even know anymore.
Really fun if you have a friend to play with and screw around. Mercenaries is also REALLY fun. If you don't have a friend to play with, I wouldn't recommend it unless you really like RE or third person shooters. I mean, the game is solid but it can get boring at times. I'd say 20 bucks may be a little bit too much. I'd say it's worth 15 or maybe even 10. See if you can get it at G2A.
RE5 is a good game and you didnt like it. Definitely stay away from RE6 you madman
If you can get it used for cheaper do it
It has some fun parts like kicking zombies in the face but it also comes with a lot of baggage
>super tight levels
>shooting doesn't feel satisfying
>some really dumb mission objectives
>ulgy user interface
>a lot of QTEs
It's not absolute unplayable dog shit like people would have you believe. But it's a serious drop off from 4 and 5 in terms of polish and design. It feels like amateur hour in a lot of ways
pants on head mode retarded for a RE but actually a fun game if you play it with a friend
I played it with my best bud and the only fun thing about RE6 is laughing about how shit it is.
RE6 amps the zombie count up to 11 and gives you enough guns to make The Punisher blush
>RE5 is a good game
Play Dead Space 1 and 2 instead.
Not him but it is. It takes a solid foundation in 4 and just adds some co op and ups the difficulty a bit by limiting how much you can hold and having more enemies run around.
>RE5 is a good game
yeeeSSS ;)
Did you enjoy RE4?
Also this Don't take it seriously and play it as crazy as you can. Oh, did I mention mercenaries mode is really fun? Because it fucking is.
It can't even be described how retarded RE6 is. In one moment you are Indiana Jones with tons of quicktime shit and cinematic events to get out of some cave. Just the next segment you are in a plane, probably buisness class and the virus breaks out in the plane. Suddenly buisness people on the plane are heavily fucking armed and start shooting you out of nowhere.
Me too. I think it had its moments but most of the fun we had was at the expense of the game.
The game mechanics were good, but they weren't really suited for a game with the ambiance and background of RE, they could have done a different game and get praised but they had to run the RE name through the mud even though it was already dirtied enough
It's pretty great, in my opinion. Just over the top but well-produced fun. Definitely play co op though. Its mechanics are great but I feel the level design and general game design throughout the campaigns is a bit lacking. The campaigns probably aren't nearly as fun without a friend. The mechanics shine most easily in mercenaries, which is at its best.
I really didn't like it.
I went into it expecting action RE4 and was massively disappointed. The game has gigantic flaws that make the basic gameplay unenjoyable. Every gun feels like a popgun, somehow nothing is as satisfying as it is in RE4 despite basically using the same animations. Enemies are massive bullet sponges and the game throws ludicrous amounts of ammo at you, to the point where you are maxing out your inventory constantly. This completely eliminates any feeling of bullets being valuable and even the illusion of resource management. Since guns are so ineffective, you rely a lot more on melee attacks, but they don't feel as good as RE4 or RE5 partly because they're now limited by a stamina system, and partly because more of them are single-target. Enemy design is atrocious. The human-like enemies don't feel aggressive enough and way too many of them have guns. Melee enemies are trivialized by a stupidly broken counter system. The monsters don't look interesting or particularly creepy, and the worst thing about every enemy in the game is that they make this ridiculously out of place chainsaw noise when they die. Every level in the game is an undisguised ugly corridor, hounded by incredibly annoying setpieces in the form of some QTE or chase sequence or shitty vehicle segment or turret sequence that you don't want to do. The camera is also constantly getting in your way. It reminds me of a game that doesn't support widescreen properly so it cuts off verticals egments of the screen. Unlike RE4 where you could see all of Leon as you were running around, they stuck the camera way too high and too close. You can never see anything on the ground around you. Also the inventory is the worst system they have ever created. It is annoying and slow to navigate, you constantly have to manage things because the game throws so much ammo at you, the herb pill system is nonsense because of a soft limit you always have to circumvent, and I've hit post limit.
>gives you enough guns to make The Punisher blush
Huh? Pistol, shotty, magnum, and a rifle is par for the course, and it takes half the campaign to collect the full arsenal.
>Just over the top
The problem is that the game is absolutely crazy in terms of what is happening and the characters take the entire story seriously on top of it.
I wouldn't consider that a problem, I'd consider that a staple of RE. Just, you know, turned up to ridiculous heights. At least, I found that aspect very entertaining.
That doesn't even make sense. RE 1 is not over the top at all. RE2 and 3 are still relatively normal in terms of what is happening, especially compared to RE6. RE4 doesn't take itself seriously at all with all the b-movie humor for the b-movie story. RE5 is where it starts to get retarded but even RE5 is not half as over the top as RE6.
RE6 absolutely takes the cake as the intro alone contains more action than any call of duty game. The characters are completely serious which makes the game completely retarded.
I think he ment that the game gives you a tonne of ammo, no conservation/rationing required.
>The characters are completely serious which makes the game completely retarded.
see i don't get that. that's why it's enjoyable.
>The characters are completely serious which makes the game completely retarded.
i went full retarded with my friend while we were on the chopper section of the Leon campaign
It's hilarious but it's also annoying as fuck when you get cliche character arcs with for example helena and her sister where she does the classic zombie flick act of protecting her monster sister the whole time although she actively tries to kill her and Leon.
Like killing the same bullet sponge boss 8 times? RE6 is for you.
Otherwise Revelations.
While mechanics are intriguing, the encounter design struggles to apply them. None of the bosses can even begin to handle backwards jump and ground roll, or even just sprinting in nemesis' arenas case. New spin on regenerators? Utterly incapable of pursuing or hitting anyone but the derpy AI, even in packs.
i got it for 5 dollars and returned it the next day and i wanted to like it.
That was really satisfying. Not only you don't get any bullet feedback but also it's long as fuck and fucker doesn't even die except after some cutscene bullshit kills him. 10/10 bossfight.
> cause it moved away from survival horror
That already happened with 4, though.
I fucking hate the enemy design in 6 and everything after 6. Indefinable abomniations everywhere that look like flesh shaped into some random shit, much like the boss that turns into a t-rex and a fly. It was fucking retarded to say the least.
>sitting here looking up RE6 vids on Youtube
>find some gas-emitting fucker that the player pretty much unloads their entire arsenal on to the point where even I was wondering if he was just playing wrong
No, it really was that much of a bullet sponge. Christ, this game looks abysmal.
the movement mechanics are so clunky compared to Vanquish. The fact you compare the two is just baffling.
Anyways, there is fun to be had with the over the top action set pieces, but honestly if youre playing a game for that, Uncharted has it beat. Vanquish too. Hell, RE6 doesnt really have all that spectacular of action compared to so many other games. its just very tedious if you play by yourself, but I doubt youll find playing with another person that significantly better. the fucking worst is if you play Chris's campaign, god was that a shit show. almost every second you get shot and fall on the ground, its super bullshit
Im not sure they even are bullet sponges. A lot of times the game just makes enemies/bosses invincible until X amount of time goes by OR "trigger the next cutscene to continue"
Essentially tricking you into thinking your fighting a boss, and wasting ammo (and it doesnt even matter because ammo is so copious)
How are you able to play 4 on xbox one or ps4
yeah, you wont like RE6 either.
its weird, because I really do enjoy RE4, and that game never felt that tedious or boring. I guess it helped that you always got gold to get new weapons and upgrades, while 5 and 6 stick wih the shooting and so little else. i dunno, theres a more elaborate explanation, but god damn 4 was fun and 5 and 6 are just mediocre
It was my favorite Resident Evil game. Revelations 1 came in second place since I am actually scared of sharks and being on boats.
It's because RE6 has tons of "kill this amount of enemies to survive or till the next even triggers". In RE4 you decide the pacing of the game pretty much completely.
The gold + new weapons + upgrades from RE4 are all in RE5 as well. I never understand why people can shit on RE5 but suck RE4 dick all day. Theyre almost the same game, the only difference is Africa and Sheva.
>mfw I like RE1-6
>mfw I want RE2 Remake to be true to the original and RE7 to keep TPS style but tone it back to RE4 level
>mfw RE0 and CV are boring
And a clear emphasis on multiplayer.
Because RE4 has god tier pacing and game design coupled with memorable levels and characters. I can understand why someone would think they are pretty much the same game though if they're unable to look beyond mechanics.
>aw shit it's the chainsaw guy
>run laps around him with the new movement
>the one 'struggle qte' attack in the game that doesn't hurt you from the get go
>well that was disappointing
>he continues to embarrass himself for the rest of the chapter
>MFW I love RE1-6
>MFW I want RE2 Remake to be more of a sequel to REmake and less of a REmake of 2, and want RE7 to build on all the crazy action of RE6, but fix some of the annoying stuff.
>MFW RE0 and CV are great
>MFW Revelations is a boring compromise.
Look at this fucking design. It's just fucking random flesh bits hanging from a human shape.
Thats what I meant when I said Sheva. The game is fine in single player too though. Everyones a stupid whiny baby
>if they're unable to look beyond mechanics
I will fight you friend. RE5 is great, what is wrong with its pacing? The levels and characters are good too. Some of the best characters in fact, wesker is amazing in RE5
I assume you dont like the game because coop
>Theyre almost the same game
No they aren't dude, they're both third person shooters and that's about it
>I assume you dont like the game because coop
But I like RE5. It's just not even half as good as RE4.
Only Leon and Ada have fun campaigns, and you have to play through the terrible Chris and Jake campaigns to unlock Ada campaign. Mercenaries is cool, and it's the most fun mode to fight J'avo in.
It's not great, but at least it isn't Zero.
Leon's campaign is quite good and Ada's is okay IIRC but the other two are complete garbage. I still have PTSD from that shitty Chris campaign.
Only campaign worth a shit is Jake's first half. Ada has the worst campaign with her stealth shit and Leon is fucking retarded as fuck.
both 3rd person shooters
basically same controls
same camera
same weapons
same pseudo-survival ammo collecting/rationing
same enemies
same type puzzles
same type bosses
same weapon upgrade system
same quick time events
Theyre completely different tho yeah
Leon = survival shooter ish. Had the most ammo end game
Chris = pewpew muh guns
Jake = oh shit run away the game
Ada = sneakysneaky not repetitive as shit
You could always karatechop your way through the campaign.
I loved how RE5 had weapon upgrades
I loved how RE5 had a fun an comfy co-op
I loved how Wesker wanted complete global masturbation
TLDR just get RE5
The stealth is fun though, and Jakes' campaign is 100% gimmicks. Also Leon's campaign is near flawless outside of the slow start
Also I couldn't do RE6 solo campaign that shit was literally cancer.
The stealth is garbage as is Ada's whole campaign, as is the whole game. Leon is completely flawed except for literally nothing.
I can see where hexs coming from though. If tou get caught you're most likely dead because of how many enemies swarm you and your lack of a good gun early if you trip an alarm.
Nah, the chris campaign is "let my teammates do all the work, except for when I'm alone or me and piers are alone, or I'm in danger, otherwise I'll run out of ammo in no time and be stuck trying to kill everything with a knife"
Playing the chris campaign on no hope is the most unfun thing you could ever possibly do in a videogame.
I don't get why people hated 6.The combat mechanics were improved to be one of the best.
The story is all over the place, granted, but so it's 4 and 5, and 4 is like the second coming of Jesus.
I seriously don't get the hate, and I'm a classic RE fag, so I don't love 6. I just don't think it's as bad as people claim it is.
>Playing the chris campaign on no hope is the most unfun thing you could ever possibly do in a videogame.
I thought it was alright outside of the helicopter.
>The ONLY good thing about Resident Evil 6
Oh yeah I forgot that you couldn't just headshot+melee the J'avo because the other fucks would blow you away with guns. It didn't help that they always MUTATED INTO STUPID SHIT.
The atmosphere was guns and bullets but in reality it was no ammo pls help
Yeah whatever.
Isn't that how a stealth game is supposed to work? Also there's more action later on, and the crossbow is one of the best guns in the game. I can understand if you just aren't fond of stealth with actual consequences though.
I still don't get what was up with Ada and not-Ada.
Also what fucking kind of cellphones did they have? I swear Chris and Piers had a WW2 grenade and Ada had a cube.
For me personally, it's the shitty vehicle sequences, especially the car chase. A futile of randoms I played with didn't know that you needed to hit the gas to accelerate more since the car automatically moves forward. It took one person about 20 failures to start fiddling with the controller.
The most effective way to fight basic j'avo in the chris campaign is to just shoot them in the arms to force the mutation you want, then counter them.
Don't worry, it's retarded anyway.
>INSANELY linear. No exploration allowed. EVER.
>Survival completely ditched, ammo is NEVER a problem.
>Characters auto-run. Instead of walking by default and holding a button to run. Doesnt even feel like your playing Res evil. (I honestly think it would be greatly improved if you walked by default)
>No more weapon upgrading or puzzles
>retarded button mashing melee system, you dont even need guns lol.
Thats why.
Yeah I agree with you on that statement. I actually liked the Ada campaign. It tied up loose ends to the story and didn't feel like the same thing on repeat tbut I can see how 6 hours of stealth could get annoying.
I was so happy when I found out the crossbow could 2 shot the guys that could split in 2.
>90% of enemies have guns or other ranged bullshit
>Getting shot/hit by these enemies knock you down on your ass
>Camera is up your character's asshole
You know you can adjust FOV, right? Set it to 15.
>A futile of randoms I played with didn't know that you needed to hit the gas to accelerate
That's so retarded, yet believable.
>a lot of QTEs
Set Auto-Action Button to ON.
Simmons likes Real Ada and offers job
Real Ada says ok
Simmons becomes obsessive
Ada peaces out
Simmons uses Clara as test subject for cacoon evolution (happy birthday Ada Wong)
Clara (Not-Ada) thinks she's real Ada but memory of Clara resurface and she wants to kill Simmons because revenge
Peaces out and creates Neo-Umbrella, ect.
Tldrtldr it's retarded don't bothet
Pretty much sums it up.Shits not even Resident Evil anymore. I also know I'll catch flak for this,but Revelations part one was the closest to the return of classic RE.
I loved it and its raid mode.have great replay value with its exploration possibilities.
Now when Revelations 2 came out,ohhh god it was like RE6 all over again. How could Capcom be so fucking dense,the raid mode was shit as well.
I never got how Chris in 6 went so emo? Chris has gone through so much shit and even some of his friends die, but in 6 his squad dies and then he's all emo.
That was terrible character development that made no sense.