Literally how are you supposed to play this solo? Every team I get is filled with absolute idiots or 3 people trying to play the same character.
Literally how are you supposed to play this solo...
Other urls found in this thread:
yes the solo matchmaking can be frustrating..
my hope lies on playing more and finding less retards on higher ranks
Just don't try to make an overwatch party consisting of people from this autistic board
>one guy only played mercy and kept spouting random japanese words
>the other guy was an insufferable faggot who wouldn't shut the fuck up and kept talking every fucking second
>third guy was quiet but a god-like sniper with widowmaker
>third guy reveals that he's black
>2nd guy (insufferable faggot) keeps calling him a nigger and doesn't listen to his heads up/instructions
>black guy leaves
>insufferable faggot goes back to CSGO
>now it's just me and some autistic weaboo
Solo is best.
You're not supposed to play it solo.
I always thought complaints like this were so dumb when applied to MOBAs too. I don't even particularly like MOBAs, but its obvious that you won't have fun in a TEAM fame playing with random people.
Imagine if you could play team sports with random people from across the world.
>man Soccer is so shit. I keep getting paired up with 12 year olds from the other side of the planet and we can't communicate because we don't speak the same language
If you're going to play a team game make sure you have a team to play with.
kill yourself normie scum
>Play with group
>Play solo
>Random pubs are less retarded than my trash friends
I play solo by multiboxing as an entire team desu
I've won 95% of my games by multiboxing. Other people only hold me back.
As solo you basically are forced to deal with enemy heroes constantly. You can't play what you want, you need to counter what they have. McCree all day just because fuck Tracers and Genjis
Talk to your teammates. Seriously, everyone won't have friends on all the time. If so many people are complaining that teammates don't work together when they play solo, then there has to be a large number of solo players who want to work with their team. Just reach out to people. Use the fucking voice chat you scrub.
I know this could be easily bypassed, but there should honestly be a rule that everyone speak or type something at least once a round.
Fuck off, even non normies can get friends on the internet, or even at least compatriots who are half decent
Could you tell me what is multiboxing please? I've never seen that word before
Stop trying to play normie games if you have no friends, loser.
It's pretty much designed to be played with your friends (Or at least e-friends), senpai.
neo Sup Forums ladies and gentlemen
>buy mic
>too embarrassed to ever use it
Same but then you realize you're getting 20% less exp when playing solo. Thanks Blizzard.
That sucks because the last 5 matches had me paired with people that protected me as the support and actually worked around my abilties and worked with them.
>genji ult and discords insta gib everyone
Things might be better in competitive mode when it's patched in. They won't though.
This game lacks your usual Steam infrastructure desu. Guilds/groups/comments/etc.
I hope they add in a separate solo queue ladder but I highly doubt it.
Sometimes I forget that hardcore Sup Forumsfags are indeed real and not just memes.
>have mic my roommate left in my room
>get really drunk and start cussing out my random pub teammates for no reason
>team goes on a winning streak
i play on PS4 btw
On an unrelated note, how do sniper mains from tf2 translate in this game? I'm assuming that you you have to actually click on heads with widowmaker and not just bodyshot like in COD or shit
>playing with people from Sup Forums
I know that feel.
It's pretty much the same as tf2, charge and all. Headshots instakill most classes, bodyshots instakill only tracer.
If it makes you feel better, the other team has the same issue you're having so it evens out.
Zenyatta dies to bodyshots too.
>had one really good discussion with a guy on multiplayer in a thread
>guy says, fuck it, you me 1 v 1 right now
>we both have a blast for like 4 hours, guy is really fucking good and I learn a shit ton of moves from him and he learns a shit ton from me
>never want to do it again though because too shy
It's easy mode. Charge is much faster, no unscoping, periodical wallhack. Sidearm is okay and you don't have to switch to it.
Also she has a Spiderman hook and a mine.
Zenyatta too.
Google it, yo
I stopped caring until ranked play.
If i see 2 of the same hero then i will always choose the 3rd to show people it's retarded.
I just always choose a hero that can act independently. Reaper can heal himself, bastion, 76, etc.
>falling for the Overwatch hype
Everyone knows that a PvP only TF2 clone with PvP only is a dead on arrival game (and how you can spend 60 $ is beyond me).
The only reason the game is worth more than garbage is, if you have friends to play with.
But there are better games to play with them than Overblunder.
I don't get, why they didn't made Overwatch more like a WoW game fighting system. FPS are too hard for the biggest part of the consumers. And don't forget the aim bot cheater.
>tfw have about 7 friends that also got the game so always have people to group up with, we never have a group smaller than 3
The game is so much fun with friends that you're communicating with via voice chat, it's fucking frustrating solo though
>I'm assuming that you you have to actually click on heads with widowmaker and not just bodyshot like in COD or shit
You assume wrong, bodyshots will murder any of the Offence and Support Heroes and most of the Defence ones. It's like the TF2 sniper in that you have to charge up your shots, but unlike the TF2 sniper in that your shots charge incredibly fast and your gun is semi-auto.
So you pop them with a quick charged bodyshot, and then if they're not dead hit them with an uncharged one less than a second later that finishes them. You basically only need to headshot Bastion and the Tanks.
If someone tries to ambush you your mine goes off and hurts them, and alerts you, and you turn around and spray and pray them to death because your sniper rifle takes about a second to turn into an assault rifle that's actually pretty good. Or you just spiderman your way outta there, because you can do that too.
Widowmaker in the hands of someone who was a good TF2 sniper is an unstoppable nightmare. Fortunately there were never that many good TF2 snipers, so most of the people who play her are total shitters and never kill anyone. But for TF2 sniper mains it's basically like they took the TF2 sniper(who was never himself a bad class) and went "Okay, we're going to turn the fire rate and charge rate on your gun way up, make your SMG better and automatically used whenever you're unscoped, give you a grappling hook, and some landmines. Oh and have some wallhacks too, they'll be our little secret."
am i the only one that enjoys solo queue? it'f fun to see a team of randomes pull their shit together and win
what did e mean by this
cuck cuck cuck
roflmao lies
h o t m e m e s
gentleman :---)
le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwn’d ftw le bacon narwhale xP
*unsheathes katana*
wellllllllll m’goodsir, I think u thought u had me beat, but wacht this !!!!
*charges up energy*
*goes super sainant*
*raises paw*
xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD
le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwn’d ftw le bacon narwhale xP
le epin troll i coax youed int o al e ruxze xD D D tfw no gf xD ayy lmao! :p
upboated good sir i tip my fedora to you, fine gentlemen le real men have class xD real human bean!!1 dae cake is a lie lel
epic fail!!!!! ;p for YOU!! :DDD XD we r :)
epic simply epic :^) i tip my hat to u sir
*tips fedora*
lol cool 1 bro i almost piss mystlelf in lafter xD
gud joke man
my sides r in space :)
>le maymay arrow
is this a le new epic meme? screen kapped for dat sweet karma xD. FUS ROH DAH!!!!!1 i used to be a christmas but then i took an arrow 2 da knee :^(
BAZINGA BAZINGA ZIMBABWE. top kek, toppest of keks. le rick from pawn stars? hahahaha le mayonaise
fucking epic ass meme
i love that fucking meme so much man
wait let me just *gets crack pipe out* smoke some of that good 420 shit :)
*rips a bong* AH YES
I hope this is pasta.
I play mercy or Lucio so I don't have to actually aim or try. Be helpful without being good.
It is. He's been spamming in every thread.
Lucio is pretty fun but I don't understand how anyone can play Mercy. She's so fucking boring. Only fun thing to do with her is fly around.
I like her because if you spam pistol from range, you can bother long range peeps. If they hit you and don't kill you then you hide, recover and do it again. Self healing is good for running distraction when you need too.
>finding less retards on higher ranks
All you faggots that screamed for ranked mode will get what you deserve.
Another fucked game community, and a worse and more toxic experience than normal pubs.
godspeed faggot~kun
Also a playerbase split in two.
Half the people playing one and half playig the other, but you can only queue for one and naturally both are getting longer wait times.
>third guy was quiet but a god-like sniper with widowmaker
seems legit