Reminder that if you play any of the following:

Reminder that if you play any of the following:

you need to off yourself ASAP

>giving money to Activision Blizzard in the first place

Reminder that there doesn't need to be 15+ overwatch threads on Sup Forums at any given time and you should take your shit to

Reminder that if you play any of the following:

you need to off yourself ASAP

>Denying yourself an enjoyable experience because you're a faggot

I played the beta and I started getting tired 5 hours in. Don't see how people can get so into a mediocre console shooter.

Please stay mad forever and keep posting threads like this one.

BTW I main Bastion and just sit on top of the cargo as it moves hiding behind Reinhardt's shield while I mow down your entire team.

Widowmaker/Hanzo team it is

>It's enjoyable!
>It's fun!

Words uttered by the buying remorseful within a week


k enjoy it while you can

bastion is not viable in higher level play

Replace McCree with Junkrat and it's correct.

Because it has a low skill ceiling and a giant marketing division behind it.

>he gets frustrated by bastion
>he literally cant kill a stationary target in an fps
shitter detected, feel free to die any time

Nah, Bastion remains viable even at the highest tiers of play currently. Check out some of the beta footage of competitive teamplay with Bastion. He gets picked constantly because he's just so good.

To be honest - and this has been brought up endlessly now - Blizzard needs to nerf him slightly. I've suggested reducing the rotation speed on his turret, or limiting the arc to only 90 degrees or something like that so he can't just fire in all directions with a flick of the wrist.

>mfw got a play of the game as Torb using only gun and hammer
>three kills, one assist, including a roadhog kill using hammer
>try to save it using recording software
>booting up software causes game to crash



I thoroughly enjoy playing those characters. I will continue to do so and my dick will only get harder knowing you got mad about it, bitch. :^)

haha xd yeah its really easy to hit that stationary target who gibs anyone in .05s haha yeah user ur right :))

The only one I play on that list is roadhog, and the only one on that list worth complaining about is mcree.

>being a salty fuck
you prob main bastion ay faggot


I main him. :^)

>Bastion is overpowered!!
>Just get good
>W-w-well he's garbage when played against p-pros!


>limiting the arc to only 90 degrees or something like that so he can't just fire in all directions with a flick of the wrist

That's what he needs imo. The stated counter play is that big ass blue gem on his back when he goes into turret mode, but that's null when he can just turn around immediately and mow you down.

Reminder that if you play the following:

you need to off yourself ASAP

there's absolutely nothing wrong with McCree, Roadhog, Bastion or Thorbear

Mei is cancer though

Reminder that you're just replaying TF2 from 5 years ago with a new coat of paint.

Who gives a fuck who you play when you're playing generic garbage and they got your player base down to a science you fucking simpleton.

End yourself because you're just another ecological disaster taking a shit in the water source.

>jump on Sup Forums after playing all day with mates having a good time
>Sup Forums is still sulking
>desperately trying to convince people not to buy it
my sides

McReddit can be pretty cancer imo. He's got a cool design but his high noon no-skill-auto-kill attack is pretty bs.

You sure are butthurt

You can deflect his own bullets at him with genji, then slash thru him doing 100 damage (one third of his hp) and finish him off with your main attack, if you hit him in the glowing blue part in his back it does double damage.

What do you guys think of the silly amount of racism in overwatch?

>south korean who plays RTS like starcraft
>duty/honor obsessed japanese guy
>evil mexican
>tech support indian
>cowboy american
>confident beat droppin brazilian
>german knight
>mad max-esque australians (roadhog and junkrat)
>engineer swede
>idealistic anglo pilot
>strong russian with big gun
>cold hearted swiss (AKA german)

Also, everyone has Caucasian facial features.

At least wait until HIGH NOON

High noon is useless, after everyone has reached level 3 and played their first few games they will just line of sight it / counter it instantly

McCree is op because of his pocket sand and the fact that he can 1v1 anyone and win, including tanks with ease

>silly amount of racism
I don't see a problem.
Are you saying that those people don't exist in real world?

No one as stupid as you deserve to be alive
Check your survive privilege

What's wrong with torbjorn

I think you should kill yourself.


Who gives a fuck, it's generic shooter with quirky character designs.

It's the best example of how to design game and flush money out of the pockets of your fanbase. They just copied what several iterations of other FPS games did and kept what worked. They also know that people love "loot crates" and slapped those in too because they know they can milk you fucking ignorant shits.

So, no OP Lucio hate? good.

I play McCree because he's sexy

He's the most useful character.

>we wuz cowboys and knights

I find that most potg's by him involve high noon. And yeah, his pocket sand is a slightly weaker version of Reinharts hammer stun, except it doesn't take a million years to recharge.

Reminder if you play Rock, you're ruining rock-paper-scissors. Kill yoyrselvs

>sees you reflecting
>stops shooting
>you dash
>both turn around to face each other
>weak spot no longer exposed to you
>you get melted

The best Genji can do is maybe expose Bastions weak spot to the rest of your team.

>not bringing this place down 24/7 using best skin in the game

I main rock.

I know your not even here anymore, but I will continue
Bastion is also very weak against snipers due to being stationary and slow, you can get two shots in easily on him and do a lot of damage. McCree will also fuck him up, but that's a given. Another thing is if he is close around a corner has road hog when you hook him he will be forced out of turret mode and even tank mode. He also dies in a single blow of tracer's ultimate.

>Play arcade brawl
>Both teams have lucio and two mei

The overtime is 3x as long as the rest of the game. The only reliable way to kill mei is either a fancy headshot or some ult like Junkrat tire bomb. It was fun for 30min jumping around endlessly being near unable to kill anyone.

>Sup Forums complains about CoD and BF being casual 24/7
>still play overwatch, despite being just as casual
waifufags memeing again, I see
Why not just play Unreal Tournament instead?

Sup Forums is not the same person.


Today I used Molten Core immediately after respawning and killed everyone trying to cap the point. PotG was me walking to the objective with literally nothing else happening on screen.

There's something wrong with him for sure.

>higher level play

There is no high level play, it's just a scam run by hackers at the moment. Some of them were caught up in a recent tournament and Blizzard did literally nothing about it.

Hey Grandpa, Some of us don't think Pong on Static is as fun as you think

nobody likes them

>2 meis constantly ice-wall into cryo-freeze camping. almost unkillable
>lucio healing them every 3 sec, pushing away everyone and "dropping the beat"
this shit is unwinnable, forever overtime. only a multi ultimates with a perfect timing\placement can do anything against it.


I would pick someone else but my current cpu and video card makes the game too choppy for me to hit anything so Torb is the best option.

>Not using Pharah to deal with it

Justice rains from Above fool

Does not deal enough INSTANT damage.

>Talking shit bout road hog bros

Actually kill yourself


You could try to take Lucio off with that but not mei, its almost 0 delay between walls and another cryo camping.

Who /PooInLooWitch/ here?