People care about a game which was literally just made as porn bait

>People care about a game which was literally just made as porn bait


you're asking that on Sup Forums

>being a faggot: the post

Ask your dick

>Being a virginal teenager: the post and also the life

you wish faggot

>Getting this defensive


>Every time a Symettra or Widow walks past me I have to get a look at that sweet can
>Mfw I get potg and it starts with 3 seconds of staring

>Porn bait

yeah man, totally here's another bump :')


spectator here, I ain't buying it. You seem rustled

game literally designed to appeal to the fag/mutant/reddit/tumblr/neomillennial/memer audiences, so of course Sup Forums likes it too

>Sup Forums & tumblr are the same

>both sites full of underaged neomilennials, literally children, high concentrations of fags, mutants, neo-hyperleftists, and all other manner of post-2007 degenerates and wretches
not so different if you ask me

>I hate fun

Because of the porn? Duh.

Typical Sup Forums memer response

It essential are these days. You've so many hyper-sensitive faggots who will bitch at the most mundane things that you can't stop thinking if he's so emotional about toys because he never got his dick wet.

He's right though. You take out the waifus of this game and what remains? fucking nothing.

>People care about people caring about a game which was literally just made as porn bait


It's fun with friends


what about le reddit space cowboy funnyman, played exclusively by alaskan skinnyfat manlet lanklet goatfucking degenerates

Typical Sup Forums memer response

Typical meme response to a good argument

I hate that fucking argument. Everything is fun with friends. Hell the most fun I ever had in video games was playing Twilight princess along with two pals. we were drunken and were voicing the characters, making them say random shit. It was fucking epic.

inb4 20 angry salty mad lad Sup Forums memer replies getting angry, salty, mad, and foreverially cucked and trolled over the use of "epic"
I can see it coming a mile away. Predictable.

>Sup Forums
>full of leftists

Full of gun-hating, fag-enabling, mutant-enabling, UCLA-brainwashed, only eat kale and only drink government water, buy into the Windows 10 and Chrome botnets, make up for lack of art skills by cheating with thousand dollar meme tablets, live in California with 37 pound canvas bag of kine bud and wear Birkenstocks, support "irony" culture and speak only in memelanguage, kill their own siblings because that is the neomilennial way of life, etc
close enough to a leftist for me to call it, to be honest

The worst part is that adults buy and play a game made for 12-year-olds.

At least TF2 was mature and not this cringeworthy

Why not play Dirty Bomb? I just got back into it, and I'm actually fairly impressed by it, especially for a free to play entry.

Its weird though, there arent any press-q-2-wins in it, but it feels mega easy. Maybe its just me. I dont think I very good, but I top scoreboards fairly often.

this, 10 of my college buddies have picked it up, and we all hop on and play like we were back i college during the early LoL days. It's nice getting back together with everyone.

I'm calling bait

Call bait all you want but it doesnt change how true what he said is. Its as casual as a team-multiplayer game can get. More casual even than Destiny's garbage pvp was.

SHITFAGGOTS are all the rage now. Get ready for the market to be flooded with this shit.

This nigga knows whats coming. It's going to blow up even further and everybody is going to make a copycat of this copycat.

I will say I enjoy Overwatch's visual style a lot, but without that or Blizzard's name attatched to it, nobody wpuld give it the time of day. Why do you think nobody cares about Battleborn? Its just another uninspired MOBA, but had it been Blizzard behind it and not Cuckbox, and had it that sexy TF2/Pixar-esque style to it, it would be plastered everywhere.

fucker, if SFM existed back when miss pacman was a thing, you would all be master baiting to yellow globes with rouge on them.

the fact that blizzard made a game in which characters aren't ugly as sin a la Stillborn doesn't make it porn bait.

It is when the biggest news about it was when blizzard "censored" a character's butt and porn searches for overwatch increased by 800% after the open beta
shows where peoples' priorities are