Battleborn's next hero: "Pendles is a cold-blooded killer. No, literally...

Battleborn's next hero: "Pendles is a cold-blooded killer. No, literally. This anthropomorphized reptile will ssssneak up on you, poison you, perforate you with dual kamas then – poof – disappear without leaving a trace."

>unsheathes katana
>teleports behind u
>nothing personnel, kid

It even looks shit. I feel sorry for Gearbox.

What's a battleborn?

>sssssnake character
>ssspeak like thisssss

At least it's creative. 10 times more creative than any hero in OW.
Shame Battleborn is shit in everything else though.

Looks pretty badass to me, much more interesting than Reaper that's for sure.

>Pendles is a cold-blooded killer. No, literally. This anthropomorphized reptile will ssssneak up on you, poison you, perforate you with dual kamas then – poof – disappear without leaving a trace
Nice parody OP this is even more cringeworthy than usual Gearbox writing
>google it
I hope this company burns.

>human with snake head

So it's a snake, but it has three extra appendages and uses its tail for a left arm? It's a left-tailed snake?

oh man check out his rad high top vans

This is literally worse than Anthony Burch writing. How the fuck is that even possible?

The character looks great. I know that Blizzard is pissed and wants to shut down every Battleborn thread on Sup Forums, but Battleborn is my favourite MOBA like FPS.

If Blizzard had said this is the new Overwatch character Sup Forums would be hyped for months.

>has a custom designed hoodie, gloves and nigger shoes
>wears bones and wields a bone tied to a skull because ???

>Those hipster legs
I kinda like the desgn overall.
Any info on skills?

I actually really like that his one hand is just a snake's tail

That's a long snake.

El blanco is godlike

Well yeah because it wouldn't look like shit and would have a charming lifestyle

Skills are only decribed like OP said.
Pendles will be coming in the next couple months as the 27th Battleborn

I would have preferred more character like Alani, but meh, better than nothing I guess.

He fights with poisons apparently. The bones hold poison?

Battleborn has a couple of character designs I like but the writing and gameplay is fucking awful

for you