Favorite AVGN episodes?
Favorite AVGN episodes?
the one here he bets angry at the games
the new ghostbusters movie review is his best work yet
holy shid dats da bes one :D
>flaccid 12 inches
>people unironically believe this
Bugs Bunnys Birthday Blowout
Shitting on Bugs Bunny's face was hilarious.
the one where he talks about his scat fetish
he's 10 inches hard
The Hong Kong 97 one
the one where he learns to fly
Die Hard, maybe because it was my first episode.
why would he be hard while holding a ps4?
Toxic Crusaders because I just love to cringe
>Hey nerd I got some dust in my asshole xD
I cried at this scene.
>mfw James is literally the first person to ever get "uncucked"
How the fuck did he do it
Also in my opinion, a lot of the newer AVGN's are kindof ass
Whenever he laughed at that one stupid thing that happened in Hong Kong 97 instead of being the nerd and getting really pissed off is sortof where I realized AVGN is more James than the Nerd now
I don't know, maybe that's just me
the castlevania ones and the NES accessories one
I think his child was birthed with some pretty heavy permanent health issues couple years ago or something. I think he started to become more mellow around that time. Makes it harder to be properly pissed at vidya when you're faced with some real shit.
I think he's managing really well with that in mind.
Crazy Castle is the best. I love the back and forth between the Nerd and Bugs.
Tiger Games was pretty good.
CD-i trilogy is pretty great too
Just looked it up on Wiki again:
"In November 2013, April posted an update on James's Cinemassacre website that their daughter is continually seeking medical treatment due to unnamed complications. On April 13, 2016, Rolfe revealed what happened while announcing an auction of various Cinemassacre memorabilia to benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children. During birth, Darcy suffered nerve damage in one of her arms and required many months of physical therapy to recover full use of her arm. Rolfe expressed gratitude to Shriners for all they did for his family during that time."
Had in way more dramatic in mind, but good for him.
Board james
Silver Surfer
Superman 64
the one with Fred Fucks
The 'fuck you faggot' episode most def
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
Wizard of Oz
Silver Surfer
Dragon's Lair
Mario/Zelda CD-i games
Super Pitfall
Silver surfer.
Aw shit. I have all the feels for them.
What I really appreciate about James is that he's such a down to Earth person. He doesn't really care if people like his work or not, he just has this passion for low budget movies, and he tries to make his owns. Even if the outcome is shit (I mean shit-shit and not good-shit), from a movie making standpoint, they are ok, and you know that he has put all his heart in it. He does not want to be a voice or anything like that. He just want to make movies. Not Oscar winning ones, but fun shitty ones which have their own place in existence.
To stay on topic, I like the episodes when he's not full-angry-nerd, but where he rather shares his own childhood experience, like the Castlevania ones, or where he becomes this video game history archivist, like in the Sword Quest episode.
I liked Board James until I learned the full rules, I liked it better with all the unclear reality stuff
Dont remember that one
>JUST tier hair
Who watched this shit? School shooters? Jesus cringe
The R.O.B. episode is hands down the best.
wew i might have the same thing
while birth, the nurse pulled me out my mom , so hard that she severed the nerves on my right arm, been handicapped ever since
Zelda 2, because he subverted everyone's expectations by not drinking from the "Zelda 2 is BAD GAME" Koolaid.
Top 3
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
Mario/Zelda CD-i games
Worst 3
Toxic Crusaders
Nintendo World Championships
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle
>can't use your right arm
>still have video games as a hobby
I can't even imagine. That's kind of amazing in a way, to me?
Sword Quest
Ghostbusters NES
Little Red Hood
Atari Jaguar
All of them are super comfy
Wait..who's this? Fred Fuchs?
Oh my god it's Fred Fucks
>tfw Fred Fucks was the final boss of the game
>realizing the source of all shitty games was LJN