>solo queing in OW
Just fuck my shit up, why are randoms so fucking terrible?
>solo queing in OW
Just fuck my shit up, why are randoms so fucking terrible?
Because the game is terrible? Now fuck off.
nah game is good, but two snipers who cant aim when you're on the attack is a guaranteed lose no matter how good you are
"Hey guys, I know we should be blocking the point, but let's ALL OF US INCLUDING THE TANK TRY TO FLANK THEM AT THE LAST CORNER OF HOLLYWOOD DEFENSE"
Meanwhile I'm Lucio, alone and afraid sitting in front of the car hoping they won't notice me because HOLY SHIT, DEAD TEAM
"lol why did we get no heals"
Fuck junkrat.
>solo queuing
>complaining about randoms
>implying you're not just one of those randoms
cucks getting cucked by blizzcucks LUL
there are people on Sup Forums right now who bought Overwatch knowing that they would have no friends to play it with
I bought OverWatch because my friend got it. I like him so we play when we can.
I do have friends, none are awake right now though
>Play a damn good support
>Play a damn good offense
>Suck a tank, suck at defense
>Make jokes, be personable
>People add me
>Now have competent squad
>Never have to tank again
Life is good.
>He calls random people on the internet "friends"
its a fucking blizzard game, are you expecting the people who play it to be even remotely competent
>Implying I haven't done the same thing years ago in TF2
>implying we haven't all met up and sucked one another off
Stay lonely.
I have had some damn good games in solo queue and plenty of fucking awful players. If my team is shit I just pick Winston and roleplay as Obama.
>sniper being an absolute shitstain whole game
>enemy pharah just lazily floating around, jackass can't land a hit on her
>home stretch for the payload, enemy team is kicking out ass
>sniper switches to junkrat last minute, wipes enemy team with his wheel
>we lose anyway
>he gets play of the game
i played the game the first time yesterday and i'm the only one who bought it cause my friends are all telling me it looks fucking gay (it really looks gay can't blame 'em) and i had a ton of fun. i like playing mercy, because i like when i have a tank on constant heals and if Reinhardt meets another Reinhardt i give him the dmg boost and watch him go. I got a lot of recommendations already, but unfortunately no POTG yet, even though i rezzed 3 people at the payload at once.
he didn't m8, reread the post
>why are randoms so fucking terrible?
Because OW is a casual game meant for a casual audience.
>play the beta with some friends
>like it but don't want to play it without friends because randoms are shit
>"are you guys getting this?"
>"yeah definitely"
>I preorder it
>start playing it on the day
>"did you guys buy it?"
>one says he's getting it next month
>the other said he's not sure
its because randoms dont communicate at all. at least in counter strike randoms will use their mics for better or worse. Just play with your friends. its alot better.
There's one thing consistent among all those games of Overwatch you're playing, user.
I dunno buddy. I'm having fun regardless. Same for all of my friends. Thats the great thing about Overwatch is you can have fun even if your team isnt doing so hot. Thats why I prefer it over other shooters and games like League of Legends.
I have played as Mercy the vast majority of times.
Every fucking game im the only dude willing to play support and ive learned its pretty damn necessary if you want to win.
Now im completely fine playing this role but when there isnt a tank or at least a functioning tank AND team that stick together and play properly. Its really frustrating. If youre going to play Tracer please FLANK. If youre going to play sniper please kill the fucking moron hovering over the battleground.
Anyone in EU want to party up and beat some shitters?
I dont mind playing support or tank if needed. Provided we actually play the roles properly.
I was just bitching about exactly this in a different thread, exact same fucking boat.
Randoms are the most fun
>Hollywood game
>2 people go mei
>I decide to go mei
>Entire team is now entirely composed of Mei's
We almost clutched it out. earlier game we all went bastion
What do the votes at the end of a match even mean? Do they do anything? Are they just meaningless numbers that increase until it suddenly flashes and the player who got the most claps his hands together until he forgets about it in the next 5 seconds and goes slackjawed waiting to press his ultimate button again?
Thats because the other team isnt hot.
If the other team has a tank and healer you will get fucked. Its not enjoyable at all. 6 dudes all on full health shitting on the objective will pick you all off individually with ease.
I'd mercy for you but your EU, I'd just hold you back.
yea I think you pretty much nailed it on the head friend.
Good to know im not alone. I have no problem playing this role. But when im given grief in game it really pisses me off.
>"Hey guys any chance we could get a tank? Im happy to play healer and keep you alive all game"
>Why dont you do it?
>im healer...
>Play the beta with friends
>Nobody wants to buy the game
>After release I realize that even though TF2 is better than Overwatch, I don't want to play TF2 any more because I've played hundreds of hours of it already
>Overwatch is the only not-entirely-shit multiplayer shooter I haven't already played to death
>Gonna have to play it with randoms since all my pals rightly skipped on the game
$40 won't ruin me, but even so I might try to resist. Might pick up that Humble monthly and give Rocket League a try.
I feel like i win more games in solo queue, i like playing with my housemates but i feel like i do better as a lucio in pubs.
>Two snipers
>Enemy Pharah is floating high on the map and constantly firing at the two main entrances
>Two snipers never deal with it
>Lose the game and Pharah finishes with a ridiculous amount of kills and damage
>Check the snipers career profiles
>14 hours total
>13.5 hours as Hanzo
>10% win rate
>30 kills in entire career
Why pick this class?
Wanna play with me sometimes qt?
>buy casual normie shooter
>surprised when people are shit and don't know what teamplay is
Same. Solo I pull off all this amazing shit like knocking all of the enemy team off the map with winston's ultimate. In a full team woth friends I am a walking potato
At least there's no brazil shitters.
Sure, though I only play in the morning
Of all the broken shit in this game, I still think Widowmaker's ult is the most broken.
If you peek a corner you get killed
If you know they have it you end up contributing nothing and are forced behind a wall waiting for it to end
Even if you fake a peek she can fire a fully charged shot again almost instantly
And that's not even taking into consideration the fact that it gives the rest of her team perfect sight, so flanking her is that much harder. Hiding behind a wall is just asking for one of her other teammates to easily push with the sight advantage
Doesn't help that Widow just gets the most ridiculous fucking sight lines on most maps, does 150 damage on an instant fully charged body shot, and can jump/grapple around like a spaz if someone manages to get the jump on her
Widow is broken at any skill level
is here anyone with a winrate thats higher than around 50%?
Kills are not the objective of the game.
Widowmaker is very contextual. If you have a team that is focused on the objective then she shouldnt be that much of a problem.
Its also the snipers job to deal with her, provided you have your own Hanzo or Widowmaker its not a problem. Best bet is for Tracer or Reaper to flank and deal with it.
62 won out of 116 here
So close
Yet so far away
>Is a rando
>complaining about randos
Have you considered that you're just as terrible?
GMT mornings? Fine by me.
>having to queue for a game
>can't just browse servers and join the game you want
Is this really Overwatch? This game won't be lasting long.
continue to rationalize your shit purchase
Sever based FPS is dead. The current generation of gaymers grew up with shitty matchmaking and autistic non-communication.
whoever gets the highest vote gets a rare drop I'm pretty sure.
I bought BB too. It's all due to having a job.
I won $40 from a 50/50 charity a couple weeks ago, and had fun with the beta.
I still bought the $60 edition because fuck you.
You don't understand, every game has to be COMPETITIVE so you don't get to pick your rules, your map or your enemies.
It's my only gripe with the game, I hate MOBAs for creating this assmad community, I would like to pick a server with a shitload of players and just relax doing whatever like in TF2.
They don't even get exp boost.
Literally nothing
>82 wins out of 135 games all solo queue
>on xbox