
Want went wrong?

All this proves is that games journalism is a joke

>trying to become fps dota

Double kek

They tries releasing a similar game with big marketing and release at same time

present from /vg/

Both games are shit, but the most popular shit always sells regardless of any other factors.


>no marketing from 2K or Gearbox
>moba shit
>xbox hueg HUD
>massive fun models

So user, what are the user reviews of Overwatch and Battleborn? It's not like you are a shill or anything, right? :^)

Because Overwatch has trannies and feminism shit in it. Why do you think there's so much of these fucking posts all over the board? Journalists are shilling this game like fuck.

The user """""""""reviews""""""""" coincidentally consist of accounts that have only reviewed both Battleborn and Overwatch. Amazingly, they give Battleborn a 10 and Overwatch a 1.

What a huge fucking surprise.

>96% by 7 critics
>70% by 47 critics
Therefore it will be around 69% with the next 40 critics

Blizzard had a quadrillion dollars campaign behind their shit. They could literally sell anything at this point and their brainless fanbase would buy it regardless. And no I'm not defending Bborne. Both games are equally bad.

Show the screenshot
You know the one


Rightio, how about you try completing an endgame WoW raid? Most people with a sub 120 IQ would fail near immediately.

Or perhaps try winning a game of Heroes of the Storm without being carried? It's one of the hardest MOBAs out there due to the small map size meaning you always have to be alert.

Or try coming up with a strategy to counter high tier Hearthstone decks.

You'll fail, because you're an idiot.

Your """""""""post""""""""" coincidentally consists of faggotry that has only ever been exceeded by both Battleborn and Overwatch.


It tried and failed to compete with Overwatch.

Why? Because it's true? People always complain about shilling, but you can literally pull up the accounts that have "reviewed" Overwatch and tell they are Battleborn players that don't even own the game.

For what it's worth, I knew about Overwatch for months leading up to its launch and I had no idea Battleborn even existed until the week it came out.

gearbox is a shit studio and randy pitchford is a shitlord. what more do you need explained? they've never produced a decent game, just reddit tier shit only neckbeards enjoy.


Blue Shift and Company of Heroes

>It's already 33% off on Amazon
>It's only been out for almost a month

Even Warhammer could barely stand up to Overwatch.

Battleborn was dead out of the gate.

one of them is not made by blizzrd
both shit