So I just finished replaying this after 14 years of not touching it

So I just finished replaying this after 14 years of not touching it.

I used to consider this to be the best of the series but after the whole gunpower making system, i feel it stripped the game of it's survival roots. As a long time RE fan i've come to realize the game I idolized the most in the series turned out to be the turning point of the casualization of the game. I thought i'd be happy after finishing it but I just don't know anymore. Will the series ever be saved Sup Forums?

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re2 was always the best. re3 was pretty bad

2 > 1 / 4 > CV > 3 > 0


Iuno, didn't 3 introduce quick turning and much smoother controls compared to 2? It's not like 2 was hard especially if you took the 2-3 special weapons along. Maybe 3 could have used a more fleshed out dodging system and no gunpowder at all.

hmm.....i agree with this user


Shit taste friend. CV was objectively better than 4's shitfest and 1 was DEFIANTLY better than 2.

The only thing you didnt like about RE3 was the gunpowder bullet making shit? and your problem with it was that it made it too easy?

First of all, I wouldnt exactly say ammo was not insanely limited in RE2 or RE3 to begin with. Also you dont get all that much gunpowder anyway... Also instead of using it to make handgun/shotgun rounds like it sounds like you did, you can and should have saved all your gunpowder to make magnum bullets or grenade rounds.

Its fine you big baby

RE3 is good fags

Best Survival Horror Single player
Resident Evil 2

Best Survival Horror Multilayer
Resident Evil Outbreak

Best third person shooter singleplayer
Resident Evil 4

Best third person shooter multilayer
Resident Evil 6

I think actual "survival" part got thrown out after the first game, honestly. Ever since than it was a gradual descent into more action.

I think what OP was trying to say is that they give you way too many bullets (3 B's gives like like 28 slugs) when it only takes 1 shotgun slug to kill a single zombie.

I disagree with this list. If anything the Resident Evil games should be divided into 3 seperate lists because they tackle several different game styles.

RE1, Remake, 2, 3, CV

RE4, 5, 6, Revelations1, Revelations2

RESurvivor, SurvivorCV, and Dead Aim

I actually beat it again recently, too. I think the gunpowder system balances out the fact Nemesis is almost always chasing you; you can use gunpowder to make ammo for regular enemies or you can use it to make grenades/magnum rounds so Nemesis'll be easier, but you won't have much to fight regular enemies with. Plus drops are random, I barely got any gunpowder my run.

That being said, the final Nemesis fight is fucking amazing.
>Damage him enough, he starts running away from you
>Shoot him with a fucking rail cannon

You forgot the best part of the battle:

The music was 10/10, however the best part was Jill picking up that magnum and fucking unloading it into him. Her one-liner was GOAT too.

Speaking of RE3,
>Reading the newer RE manga
>Claire asks Chris for help
>Naw but I'll send someone from the SA BSAA branch
>Think oh shit it's fucking Carlos
>It's Parker
Parker is cool but Carlos would've been cooler.

re2 is fucking shit, re3 has better story and the best villain

the bullet tool and powder were bad ideas, there should've been an actual hard mode in the game without those things

still nowhere near the joke RE4 was with enemies dropping supplies and being able to knife/roundhouse villagers

also, nemesis is the best RE monster

Damn right he is.

I too replayed RE3 just few years ago. I also watched an LP of certain RE-rookie just few months ago. All in all, I'm amazed how well RE3 still holds up, and how much variation and features you got packed into the game.

What really surprised me was that even after years of playing the game myself, there was STILL lots of things I didn't know about it. Especially while watching the LP, I kept seeing all new events, heck even a different kind of ENDING, than what I'd experienced myself!

All in all, it's feels odd to see people bash RE3, yet praise RE2 in the same sentence. The two are easily at least equal, and I'd almost dare to call RE3 more satisfying, complete package.
REmake is still the pinnacle of series, though.

It's when they started to run out of ideas for the RE formula. They didn't know where to take the game so they started packing on poorly thought out features that either trivialize the game (gunpowder) or don't matter at all (pretty much every decision besides the last one). You could probably tell this game was made on the cheap to fulfill a contract when they just reused like half the screens of the RCPD with very minor edits.
I'd still rather play it over trash like 0 and CV though.

Why? Never got the hate for Code Veronica.

>Matrix Wesker
>Alexander Ashford

not that guy, but it was kinda meh

Just be thankful that RE keeps getting sequels and is a notable company asset or else it would be forgotten and suffer a terrible fate like Dino Crisis and DMC.

>Foggy, polygonal environments that end up looking worse than the prerendered backgrounds
>Hardly any real puzzles, just key and door fetch quests
>The second half of the game is basically running through the same environments as the first half, mildly edited and with you even collecting most of the same items you collected in the first half.
>Inane fetch quests taken to the extreme, you have to go get an actual doorknob for a regular door at one point.
>Extremely generous with health and ammo, the only difficulty in the game comes from one or two bosses.
>Lots of time spent mindlessly backtracking across giant environments that are empty because with the ammo surplus there's not much stopping you from just killing every enemy you see.
>Steve Burnside

That's why I don't like it anyways.