Seeing as how the demand for girls playing video games in the buff is obvious (look at the most popular twitch streamers), why aren't there any women who make this their job? I'm talking about women who hypothetically go on a site like chaturbate to play games either naked, masturbating, or while having sex. Why doesn't this exist?
Seeing as how the demand for girls playing video games in the buff is obvious (look at the most popular twitch...
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What a shit thread.
Go die
Women were a mistake.
I assume they just do porn or skip the games all together and striptease or something
Because once actual nudity is involved, video games are no longer a draw
No, I'm really curious. This isn't some horny fantasy, the thought just popped into my head. Is this not the logical conclusion of people's demands? Could it be that... the video games are not the focus of the stream?
If 2D girls didnt exist Id have killed myself long ago
is that a boy
>Could it be that... the video games are not the focus of the stream?
No fucking shit. People want tits, it's just that the women use a video game as an excuse for getting half nude on camera. "Oh, no, I'm not a cam-whore, I'm a legitimate streamer. Now excuse me while I take my top off."
It does exist you fucking idiot i know at least 4 girls while playing lol/halo and getting naked and cumming for tips.
chaturbate com/comakat/ < she was doing that exactly year ago, i dont remember other whores since i only found her hot
They wouldn't get as much viewers
I'd bet money on yes
one of hers chaturbate stream
god cant make mistakes, so the logic outcome of this rational thinking its, that god doesn't exist.
Or that the bible lied and women are an act of the devil.
Cause the community of idiots who dont like a girl will make her life a living hell.. instead of not paying attention to her cause they dont like her.
I'm looking at you Sup Forums.
That's a dude, right?
PAINFULLY obvious answer: prostitution is illegal, that's why.
>Making her life a living hell
>By giving her attention instead of ignoring her
link to vids?
This is why the Lilith theory exists.
See PlayObey
If you dont like her. Then the attention isnt good.
Not for the people who don't like her, you mean. For her, the attention is good.
Better not be underage 'cause I'm fapping
so she would like the negative attention?
Any attention is ok for women user. Why do you think girls love assholes?
Please explain or link me something I can read.
Genuinely curious
Are you retarded? Of course they like negative attention. Heck I like negative attention, I'd love for a man to fuck me rough without any mercy and only doing it out of spite and hate
>Seeing as how the demand for girls playing video games in the buff is obvious (look at the most popular twitch streamers),
No, it's not, all the most popular twitch streamers are guys. Girl streamers satisfy the niche of thirsty guy gamers.
wat a gay
You can just check out wikipedia if you want.
Bascially the short of it is that Adam originally had a wife called Lilith who God created at the same time as Adam. When it came time for sex Adam wanted to be on top but Lilith said that she had just as much of a right to it since they were created equally. Neither would relent so Lilith decided to quit him and left. There's another story that goes on to say that afterwards she became a mother of thousands of demons.
The story works because in the Genesis story the part about God creating man and woman is said in both chapters 1 and 2, but the way it's written becomes rather disjointed if you take both cases to refer to Eve. It also means that because Eve was made out of Adam's rib that she can't refuse to let him be the top compared to Lilith being made out of clay like Adam.
what, like camwhores? that's been around for a while
Thanks user.
If you were a girl, why WOULDN'T you bounce on a dildo or vibrator while playing video games?
If I could hands free while playing video games I would. Also you'd get free money for being a girl as well.
Wow, that's fucking retarded.
Not any more retarded than anything else in the bible
It's been going on for quite some time already.
Go hit up some other anonymous imageboards, especially ones that have boards dedicated to camwhores.